Sat, Feb 8, 10:54 PM CST

"Her" - A Poem by Matthew Carroll

Writers Portraits posted on May 21, 2011
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Her arms. Her arms carry more silent strength than any other. Gently wrapped around me, she protects me. As they close around me, so am I closed off to the world. The immovable object. Walls, against which my pain, my fear, my darkness, my storm hold no power, no hope. Locked inside, I am freer than my world allows me to be. I am her willing prisoner. Her heart. Her heart carries the deepest desire to know love. Kind, gentle, patient and understanding, she inspires me. As she opens up to me, her trust and soft vulnerability pour out. An irresistible force. A raging river in the early months of spring, she pulls me in with her, and carries me away. Swept below, I am drowning slowly and sweetly. But I do not fear. I want no rescue. Her eyes. Her eyes are the window to her soul, her life, her story. Wise, mature, courageous and joyful, she reveals herself to me. As I look into them, into her, I find ever present hope, ever waiting love. Patient and stoic as a swan, she has seen her trials, and knows her beauty and worth. Drawn to her, I feel a change in myself. Her presence gives me wings of my own. Oh, that I might fly alongside her! Her smile… Dear God, her smile!!! Her smile is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! With the euphoric abandon of a child, she shares her joy with me. And I have no choice but to join in her happiness. I have no guard, no defense. Delirious, my very soul is overcome with fever. If I am sick, do not cure me. For it is the sweetest sickness I have ever known. Oh, to carry it with me, only to cause such beauty again! Her trust. Her trust is her rare, and most cherished gift to me. With unquestioning faith, in her private darkness, she runs to me. And I have no desire but to honour her gift, and welcome her to me. I accept her offering. Honoured, grateful, and intently focused, I am humble before her. If I seem detached, seek not to move me. I would not part with this intimacy for anything born of this Earth. Oh, to share this bond with her forever! Her love. Her love is both her obsession, and my dream. With unrelenting passion, she seeks the freedom of sharing her entire being with another. And it is my dream that she should have mine. To match her. To give her my everything. To stand unfiltered, unafraid, and shamelessly dance in the light and warmth of her fire. For as assured as I am that I will not be burned, I only wish to be completely consumed. Oh, how I love… her!

Comments (10)



3:13AM | Sat, 21 May 2011

My latest poem. I think I might be at a point now where I have enough material to actually warrant a small book. Though I will admit to ... being more proud of some of my works over others. Definetly my last one was one of those I was REALLY fond of. I think I might actually consider it my best yet. Going to get my works together and see about submitting them for publication. I will need a title for said publication though, and for the life of me I can't decide on one myself. I'll be asking around for suggestions. Suggestions welcomed here, and will be taken under advisement. Thanks to all of you for the kindness and support you've given my written work. It means a great deal to know what I do is appreciated :) - Matt



3:31AM | Sat, 21 May 2011

How about "Through me ... by the grace of God" seems appropriate from what I have read of your work so far Matt - what do you think?



3:58AM | Sat, 21 May 2011

What a wonderful poem superb writing !!



6:04AM | Sat, 21 May 2011

Magical-Weekend-Fairy.png This poem is just marvelous Matt, love especially these words: Her eyes are the window to her soul, her life, her story. Wise, mature, courageous and joyful, she reveals herself to me. As I look into them, into her, I find ever present hope, ever waiting love. Have a great weekend, Ute



1:50PM | Sun, 22 May 2011

Beautiful words!



8:48PM | Sun, 22 May 2011

This one flows so well, Matt. I think it could go well even to music, and is so very, very romantic!



4:47AM | Mon, 23 May 2011

wow just amazing good luck I think you will do excellent I will pray for you..



12:13PM | Mon, 23 May 2011

Matt this one is amazing =) I love it.. Why not call it " The life of me"



7:54PM | Wed, 25 May 2011

such a lucky woman whom it was directed~~ u are such a skilled writer ~Milena



5:52PM | Thu, 26 May 2011

Good luck with the publishing your book, you've got some wonderful work. As for a title wish I could help, I am sure it will come to you. All the best. She must be some woman.

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