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Photography Architecture posted on Oct 02, 2011
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18 September 2011 - British Museum - London Stepping away from the gritty images of London I've been posting lately, here we have a light and airy view of BM, British Museum. I've studied museums from half way around the world and my favorites are always the ones with grandiose front end court yards. The New Mexico Museum of Natural History in Albuquerque is a great example of how it can work in a small place. But when it comes to being amongst the best in the world, few match the grandiose style of BMs Great Court. I love it when the curators/designers have tons of space to work with and yet they resist the temptation to cram every nook and cranny with artifacts and signs. I like it when museums leave you plenty of room to breathe. BM does that well. The galleries are rich and loaded, but if you need escape space, and you will, you can always get on the stairs and get to the Great Court. Here the play of geometric dark shadows on the clean expanse of white marble was just enchanting. The spiral sweep of the stairs played beautifully against the tight linear architectural lines. It was well populated, but not even close to being full. That is BM. It gives you that bit of space in a crowded city. Nikon Coolpix S9100, f3.5, 1/800, ISO 160 Previous London

Comments (33)



9:20AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

what an impressive shot... beautiful the way it draws you into the scene. And, the scene is very beautiful in itself. Great work.



9:36AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

wow, you have a good eye !



9:38AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Very beautiful capture the lighting is fantastic



9:46AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

awesome shot and composition Roxy Love it



9:48AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

belle photo!!



9:48AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

You really have a good eye!:-))impressive and wonderful shot!of course BM is an amazing place!thanks for sharing Roxy!!:-)))



10:03AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

What a beautiful angle to take this shot from. One wants to continue on and into the photo, walking into this spacious place. Gorgeous light and you have a beautiful way with photography!



10:04AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

"Here the play of geometric dark shadows on the clean expanse of white marble was just enchanting." You have conveyed this sense of enchantment exceptionally well. The overall scene forms a deeply engaging image.  The converging lines of the staircase draw us right into the center of the museum.  It is interesting to consider just how different our viewing experience would be were the two figures on the stairs walking towards us.  Were they reversed, our focus would be driven straight to them .. accepting these figures as your intended main subject.  As you chose it, the primary subject is the museum as we enter it; we are merely following behind these two figures and even drawn in by their undertow.  :-) It is enjoyable to look through a lens with your eyes, Roxy. With warmth, Terry



10:06AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Very nice looking shot here Roxie, love the pov and the warm glow this image has



10:08AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

I to love museums its an amazing building that many walk past each day and just ignore its beauty i love the view you have taken this from im not a photographer so excuse me if i got that wrong but i know what i mean if your still in london there is a museum at bethnal green its a childrens one its amazing in there it has dolls and there houses and many toys from yesteryear its impressive and greenwich is an amazing place to visit you can get to it through the greeniwich foot tunnel on the isle of dogs you have the catisark there too excuse my spelling have fun hugs lou x



10:34AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

A very cool museum, indeed. I hop I would visit it sometime. Great capture of it. The Choice for the POV and colors are perfect ! Bravo !



10:38AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Indeed, The BM has been redone beautifully and it has become superb. Whenever I go to London I stay at the Russell Hotel, just behind the BM , most convenient to pay a visit to the museum! Have you seen the New Tate Gallery? The space there is quite extraordinary. Thanks for your beautiful pictures and notes. Cheers Odile



10:55AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Fantastic capture!



11:20AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

what a fantastic presentation and explanation.well done.



11:32AM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Beautifully composed and toned image!



12:06PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

What a beautiful shot, and such a contrast in the mood compared to that of the last pictures.



12:11PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

excellent captured with this light/shadowplay!!



12:36PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Wonderful shot!



12:38PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Magnificent shot!!



2:03PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Another extraordinary picture Roxy, enchanting place and you capture it perfectly, incredible textures and brightness, marvelous work!



2:08PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

This is magnificent, Roxy! everything about this photo is just classic! The retaining wall just leads the eye right into the photo - an excellent leading line. The balance of light / shadow is perfect, and those wonderful shadows... This is exquisite! Hope you continue to post more photos, Roxy! You're as talented with a camera as you are with Poser, my friend!



3:12PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Wonderfully done.



6:57PM | Sun, 02 October 2011

Excellent composition and pespective. You show off the space you describe beautifully.



12:53AM | Mon, 03 October 2011

Brilliant capture Roxy, its obvious that your artist's eye works just as well with a camera as with a mouse! Nice work!



1:19AM | Mon, 03 October 2011

I recognize this place :) It is a fabulous museum and I wish I'd seen more of it when I was there...taken more pictures, too. This is a great photo, Roxy.



2:44AM | Mon, 03 October 2011

How stunning and elegant, and so wonderfully light in that way that breathing room always seems light. There are so many ways into this shot; not surprising though, you always give such interesting and fun ways into your photography, but this has so many different angles into it and plenty of wiggle room. It's hilarious, because I told myself, yesterday, that I should focus on space...exploring it and implying it...and when I picked up my camera and wandered around with Corey and Tara, Bill, and Yvonne...all of that discipline flew right out of the window and I instead. Funny how that works. I really love this shot.



6:14AM | Mon, 03 October 2011

Great capture my friend!!! Hugs:)



5:36PM | Mon, 03 October 2011

Fantastic image. I like very much the colors



10:31AM | Wed, 05 October 2011

Wonderful shot and Museum!!!



8:48AM | Thu, 06 October 2011

Excellent work.

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