Tue, Feb 18, 7:10 AM CST

My Prayer, and My Promise - a poem by Matt Carroll

Writers Cultural and Spiritual Art posted on Oct 05, 2011
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God Please let me always be the friend who listens, and honours those who come to me. The way you do, for those who ask for you. Let me use the gifts you�ve given me to share news of your love, and make a place for myself. Let my words be honest and true, always. Please let love be that quality I am most remembered for, when my time on Earth is over. The way it was for You, while You were here with us. Let me give of myself unselfishly for those I cherish. I have little money, but I am a rich man. Let the love of the people around me ever be my greatest treasure on Earth. Please allow me to love one woman with my everything, and to be a good husband and father. The way You intended love to be for us. Let me become a man she would be proud to call her husband, and the father of her children. And a child whose Father takes great joy in him. And in return, I promise� I promise to be there for my friends, as much as they, and You, will allow me the chance to be. To offer them whatever I have to give, in love and friendship. To give thanks and bring honour to you, for whatever good I bring to this world. And to not hide or shy away, in fear of what others will think. I promise to make loving others more than just my choice, but my entire way of life. To take a step back, and to constantly be asking within, �Is this the loving decision?� And I refuse to hate, or look down on one of your creations for who or what they are, Lest I become a hypocrite and a liar, and ruin what You created me to be. I promise to wait until marriage, before giving myself to a lover. To keep myself only for her. To take great joy and pride in the sacred gift of her love. To cherish her, guard her, and seek to fulfill her needs before my own selfish desires. To always remember that love is the greatest gift we can give or receive, and to act accordingly.

Comments (7)



2:41AM | Thu, 06 October 2011

No additional required. Fantastic.



3:24AM | Thu, 06 October 2011

Mickey.gif Wonderful & as Torsten already said, there is no additional required!!!



3:52AM | Thu, 06 October 2011

wonderful my Friend just love, like I said.... Keep on!!!!



4:17AM | Thu, 06 October 2011

Amazing prayer!!!



6:15AM | Fri, 07 October 2011

Beautiful words!



7:56AM | Sat, 08 October 2011

Beautiful work!



4:44PM | Sun, 25 March 2012

I love it!!!!!!!!

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