many thanks for stopping by, hope you all enjoy the weekend. a dedi for a colorado friend that lives up north of me like mikeerson..
just a quickie tonight, the photo is a shot i took years back of our famous park in colorado springs. in the background is pike peak mtn.
History of the Garden of the Gods
The human history of the Garden of the Gods commences many centuries before our present time. Stone hearths and fire rings found in the Garden dating over 3000 years ago indicate the presence of early inhabitants, According to Ute traditions, their people have always lived in this area, not having any stories of migration from elsewhere. The Utes were known to winter in the Garden of the Gods prior to removal to reservations in southwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah.
Modern history of the Garden begins in 1858 when gold was discovered along the Front Range and in South Park, northwest of Colorado Springs. Thousands of prospectors and settlers flocked to the area, including a party from Lawrence, Kansas, who camped along the stream known as Camp Creek, and carved their names on the sandstone boulder we call �Signature Rock.� In 1859, the Garden was named by two surveyors who were laying out the town of Colorado City, south of the Park. As they were riding their horses through the Garden, Malancthon Beach remarked the place would be a �capital place for a beer garden.� Rufus Cable replied, �Beer Garden! Why it is a place fit for the gods to assemble. We will call it Garden of the Gods."
The city of Colorado Springs was founded in 1871 by General William Jackson Palmer, founder of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, who built his home in Queens Canyon, just north of the Park. In 1879, General Palmer talked a fellow railroad man, Charles Elliot Perkins, into buying 240 acres of the Central Garden for a summer home. Perkins later added another 240 acres. However, he never built on the land but always kept it open to the public. It became Mr. Perkins wish to give the land to the city of Colorado Springs for a park, but he died before making these wishes know in a will. However, his 6 children honored his wishes, and on Christmas Day of 1909 the 480 acres were conveyed to the city with the provision it would always remain free to the public. Later acquisitions by the city brought the total park size to 1,367 acres.
With thousands of visitors exacting a toll on the Park's environment, attempts have been made throughout the years to preserve the beauty of its natural wonders. In the 1930�s, the Civilian Conservation Corps planted hundreds of juniper trees in the Central Garden to control erosion. In the early 1990�s, members of the general public, including hikers, bikers, climbers, equestrians, scientists, Native Americans, and historians, worked together to develop a new master plan for the Park to insure its preservation. Commercial structures, such as the Chuckwagon Pavilion and the Hidden Inn were removed. The road through Gateway Rocks was replaced by a sidewalk, the paths in the Central Garden were paved, and a new Visitors Center opened on private land east of the Park.
Today, we continue to wonder at the natural beauty of the Garden of the Gods as we share this National Natural Landmark with millions of visitors from around the world.
thanks for your comments and faves on my last..
Comments (82)
Wow Outstanding work
~Awesome~ Thanks for sharing... FABULOUS!!!
Gorgeous work!
Excellent composition, super work man. Been to Co. Springs a few times, used to go there for Football and Basketball Games at the Airforce Acadamy when they were in the WAC with UTEP, now neither UTEP or the AFA are in the Wac. Peace
Sure hope it's not as cold as it is here right now.... };-) But I know better. Nice image and bit of lore.
Excellent story and great image!
Interesting. Cool shot, too. ")
Very cool image Steve...nice work!!!
nice work! she looks great in front of the awesome background.
Steve... you gotta rename this upload to Garden of the Godess - she's hot - lol... can you believe I haven't been there since grade school? that was like 40 years ago, same with Pike's Peak and the 7 falls.... when you're broke all the time and can't even get to colorado springs - lol... no, I've had some time, I just didn't make time for it. You sound like you're familiar with it, maybe one of these times when I do get up in that area you can take me for a tour there - that'd be cool - next summer? I know, I say that a lot, but I have an excuse for this last summer - I didn't make it to the cabin, so I didn't make it to colo spgs. someday though, I have faith.
Superb work!
Very cool creation my friend, lovely work, she is marvelous!
She does look cold though. Nice work.
very cool!!! Beautiful!!!!
very nice my friend :)
My brother brought me there this year. wish i know you lived so closed. he told me years ago he used to go there to get bbq and he say it was real good too. but then they stop it and took down the building so it be more nature. but he say there be hundrens there at a time to eat the bbq
Oh, man........ I have GOT to haul my arse across Kansas, and stop by your neck of the woods, Steve! The scenery here is just spectacular, my friend! I mean, just look at that - it's absolutely breathtaking! Wow, and double-wow! And the mountains ain't bad, either! ;-D Seriously - great render, and superb job compositing her into this excellent photo! You're as talented with a camera as you are with Poser, Bro! This is excellent!
Cool image and beautiful capture!!
Very beautiful composition, nice colours.
What a great concept and beautiful setting. Great looking Model as well.
very generous man mr perkins a rare thing in todays world.
What a fantastic image and a really cool dedi also Steve
love it doll
Superb image!
She's a good publicity for the Garden of Gods ! I love the your BG !
Great work Steve :)
Wonderful work.
What an amazing image my friend!