Sat, Feb 15, 4:57 AM CST

Nice weather

Poser Portraits posted on Dec 03, 2011
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Antonia Standard with her default texture. Pre-Raphaelite hair for V2 from RDNA adapted by me for Antonia. I applied a scatter node to the hair - perhaps it's crazy but I liked the effect. Rendered in Poser Pro 2012. Dress by me in Freestuff here. Bryce background by me. Thank you to Cage for the TDMT morph transfer script, which enables Antonia to borrow V3's face morphs. Absolute genius.

Comments (11)



11:34AM | Sat, 03 December 2011

De beaux cheveux et un sourire enjoué :)



11:56AM | Sat, 03 December 2011

Thank you so much MagikUnicorn!



1:59PM | Sat, 03 December 2011

Nice render, good color harmony !



2:02PM | Sat, 03 December 2011

very nice!



12:16AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

Ines and Leije, thank you so much. Your encouragement helps me to keep at it.



12:44AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

Nice joy expression, I also think the hair rendered quiet well! Nice work ^^!



1:20AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

The teeth are too white and need to be toned down a bit. While some people have very white teeth, especially if they never had the habit of eating candy, these look like they could glow in the dark. Perhaps attach a slightly tan color node to them. dph



3:00AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

Yest David, now that you mention it, those teeth are very white. I didn't change them from the default, but I'll bear that in mind for the future.



3:50AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

Very nice character and image. Fine work.



10:02AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

Byteline and Eternalapprentice, your comments are much appreciated.



11:34AM | Sun, 04 December 2011

Very sweet looking render, I can not make some reflections because I work with DAZ 3 and Poser is a for me a 'foreign world' - Lol!

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