Sat, Dec 21, 1:01 PM CST

C'mere ya big lug! Happy Birthday by the way!

Poser People posted on May 24, 2012
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Little brother couldn't stand it much longer. His parents made him attend a fancy birthday bash at the Country Club where he had to endure endless hours (it seemed to him) of people he didn't know or barely knew coming up to him and wishing him a happy birthday. The social set really did themselves proud producing some quite expensive and exotic gifts for little brother, but mainly for the social benefit they thought it earned for them in his mother's eyes. And she of course made note of each and every gift and from whom as well. Finally, the party was over. The ride out to the estate took forever. Much to little brothers surprise, the chauffer drove them in through the back entrance. They had to go through the entire length of the house to get out to the front entrance where little brother knew his big surprise from daddy was waiting. He burst through the front doors way ahead of his parents and was about to run outside when he stopped dead in his tracks. What, to his astonished eyes, was that right out front but his big brother's Corvette and who was that sitting on the hood but his big brother whom he hadn't seen in almost a year! The new red Corvette was completely forgotten for the moment as little brother rushed over to his older brother and grabbed and hugged him as hard as he could, tears of joy streaming down both boys faces. 'If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were almost glad to see me,' said big brother in his ear. 'Oh you big dummy! You know I'm only glad because I get to see your Corvette again! Don't think I'm going soft on ya now!' 'Well, perhaps I should have Dad take that fancy red Vette back to the store then?' 'You do and you're dead meat for sure!' exclaimed little brother, much to the delight of big brother, and his parents, who finally just caught up with him to catch the last of the tearful reunion. 'Oh, there is one more condition I made Dad agree to. You have to have two weeks training on how to handle this red beast before you can be allowed to drive it alone. I have a friend who is a race car driver. He has agreed to train you on how to handle this baby. I will be home for the next two weeks and we can go to his track after school and on the weekends until he is satisfied you can handle 'Big Red' here!' 'Okay. I'm all for that! In fact, I'm looking forward to it!' said little brother. Their father looked on approvingly as he heard little brother agree to the training. 'We had hoped your brother could make it to the party at the Country Club,' said his mother. 'but his flight didn't get here until just a short while ago. One of his friends picked him up at the base and I believe he only just got here before us!' 'That's right, Mom! Sorry I missed the party, (here he winked at little brother with a knowing smile), but you know how unpredictable military flights are!' Everyone gathered around the two brothers as they went down and admired little brother's new Vette. Older brother pretended to make a move like he was going to put a scratch on it and little brother almost had heart failure. They all burst into laughter at that. Little brother couldn't have imagine a better birthday gift, and the red Vette was a nice touch too! M4 characters. (Leije's Mathias character for little brother). Rendered in Poser 6. Postwork in PS7. I used StudioArtVartanian's 'SAV's Hot Men' shirt and pants set for little brother. Thank you for taking a peek! Your support is greatly appreciated!

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Comments (15)



12:33AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Delightfully Wonderful Image,



1:03AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Nicely composed scene.



1:27AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Oh, this is sweet! Great work!



2:46AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Beautiful story, and a superb image of meeting of the two brothers! The cars are splendid too!



2:48AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Interesting and fun story (I liked heart failure), and superb image with the two brothers, the splendid cars and the decor!



6:39AM | Thu, 24 May 2012




7:01AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

so suhweeeet! ;D



8:07AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Outstanding story and image Well done



9:14AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

most excellent read.fine storyline and amazing render to go with.



11:00AM | Thu, 24 May 2012

ok....where's my hug? Great work my friend!



2:56PM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Very touching scene. I would hug anybody who gave me a Corvette!



4:45PM | Thu, 24 May 2012




5:10PM | Thu, 24 May 2012

Fanatic scene and story!!!



6:40PM | Thu, 24 May 2012

outstanding picture! wonderful and touching image!! great composition



9:07PM | Sun, 27 May 2012

nice scene and story

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