Mon, Feb 10, 9:25 PM CST

Sipho Ch3 Pg5

Mixed Medium Story/Sequential posted on Jul 17, 2012
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So much content I need to create to do this story! Progress is slow but everything can be used again and again. I took some time off from the story to make some dark skins and also to build my skills in that area. The Internet Cafe manager is Thabo for G2 James, a skin I painted using Genetica textures as clone from fill brushes in Photo-Paint. I have made several more skins using this technique, and they will all be used in this story and in my further work. These skins are in my free stuff. I also made the Internet Cafe in Blender and converted it into a figure for Poser. The computer desks and chairs are from Poser World. The Internet Cafe sign is also a prop I made in Blender, and I was very pleased with how well it works converting text to a 3d object in Blender. I shall be using that feature again.

Comments (8)



12:53AM | Wed, 18 July 2012

Wow, a lot of work isn't it but when it all comes together it is so fun. Very nice work.



1:22AM | Wed, 18 July 2012

Thank you so much daggerwilldo.



5:18AM | Wed, 18 July 2012

You have already achieved what I am striving to do, additionally, you have a very compelling human-interest story developing. Well done, Nanette! $30 / hr for online access... that's extortion! How can people afford it?



5:29AM | Wed, 18 July 2012

Ah Robyn, around here a "buck" is a Rand, worth considerably less than a Dollar - just over eight Rand to the Dollar. We can actually call them "bucks" with justification - the Rand bears an image of a leaping springbok. But it still is extortion considering the low average income.



6:37AM | Wed, 18 July 2012

i can always smell high creativity and devotion in your works.



11:04AM | Wed, 18 July 2012

Fantastic and very professional made!!! I admire your work. You are unbelievable talent and creative!! Hugs Ute



9:36PM | Wed, 18 July 2012

Wonderfully created and your attention to detail is superb. Marvellous that you make all these props etc. Very well done.



12:11PM | Wed, 25 July 2012

fantastic work!

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