Sun, Feb 16, 10:28 PM CST

Denver Colorado

Photography Scenic posted on Sep 23, 2012
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**Zooming will make the photo sharper. The original is not blurry as it appears here.** :( Kinda nice to upload without having to mess with CREDITS! This is just a photo, taken just last week, while driving through the mountains in Colorado. I had taken a little road trip with my mom. We swung over to the Badlands in South Dakota, then drove down to Spearfish to visit friends; had lunch at Kevin Costners restaurant in Deadwood. That was cool! Lunch was great too of course. Didn't gamble though! I hate when I put a nickle in a machine and I don't even get a gumball in return. After staying in Spearfish a few days, we drove over to Colorado, stayed with my Aunt a week in Rifle. It's a cute town, and she took us around and we spent a day in Grand Junction -- for a little 'Retail Therapy' ;) Anyway, I'm back now and It's good to BE back. Back in my own bed, and back with the fam and my 5 cats and dog. (Aka: The Zoo) My Gosh that was a lot of driving for us .. we took turns of course. Hope everyone is doing great; I was just mentioning to a friend recently how we should start uploading at RR again; it was so fun! So perhaps I will be a regular here again. We'll see. Take care now, and thanks for stopping by. ShariLyn ****************************************************** Thank you for your comments, views and favs in my previous Upload "Casper and Boris By The Window" thumb_2346299.jpg

Comments (31)



9:01PM | Sun, 23 September 2012

This is one epic looking capture Shari, it really is a beautiful setting. So glad your back, and it sounds like you had a lot of fun with your Mom.



9:12PM | Sun, 23 September 2012

very beautiful landscape . I love CO as well Utah,AZ


eekdog Online Now!

9:32PM | Sun, 23 September 2012

landscape looks super, hey your close, i live in the springs.. cool cats you have.



10:05PM | Sun, 23 September 2012

Those cats are beautiful Shari. Amazing capture. Good to see you back Shari. God Bless.



10:18PM | Sun, 23 September 2012

Very, very beautiful landscape here, amazing atmosphere, superbly done! Congratulations!



10:56PM | Sun, 23 September 2012

oh this is lovely with the fall colors too. wonderful shot



12:20AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Nice to see something from you again and to know that you are well. Your picture has wonderful colors and is a really beautiful landscape.I look forward to the next image. Godd bless you



1:13AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

It looks like a beautiful painting! Superb pic.


4:18AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

What a gorgeous landscape with wonderful colors!!



4:40AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Beautiful vista - very well captured Shari!



7:30AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

very beautiful landscape erland



8:25AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

This is one amazing landscape view, superb photoshot my friend.



9:20AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Great shot!



9:25AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

One of the reasons I have quit posting here Shaz, the display just ruins everything you post, and not a sniff of it being rectified :( I went back to the flick, great sharp images true white balance and rendered colours. Anyway gripe over with. Smashing shot!



11:17AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Hubby and I enjoyed CO.then it surprised us and snow like the dickens lol this is outstanding and yes come back now we love you uploads!



11:28AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Beautiful view... Aloha



11:30AM | Mon, 24 September 2012

What a lovely landscape scene this is! Beautiful capture!



12:14PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Sounds like a marvelous time; love a good road trip. Beautiful shot. I need to get here more too. Of course, since I got this wonderful, new, and my very own, laptop, I need my photos here. It's still empty... no photos yet!! Good to see you here :)



12:17PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

ShariLyn this is a beautiful photo, such a magnificent landscape. It seems you had a wonderful break with your Mom. I am really pleased you came back and decided that you might upload more here on Rendo, I shall look forward to your posts. Thanks for the recent faves, and yes 'After the Storm' was all freehand using my wacom intuos3 tablet and pen :o) hugs Jane xx



2:09PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Simply beautiful a fav with me:) I hope you took some pics of the badlands always wanted to see them...............from my books that I have read about them glad you had a good trip but there is no place like home Good to see you back and hope you post more often Hugs Susan~



2:57PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Beautiful shot, great work



3:43PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Fantastic landscape! Wonderful capture! :)



4:06PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

wonderful landscape and autumn colors



4:49PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

marvelous picture



5:03PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

wonderful image!



6:52PM | Mon, 24 September 2012

Great depth and lighting effects in this pic. Haven't seen you around for quite a spell. I didn't know that Kevin Costner, who has really put on weight, has a restaurant in Deadwood. BTW, I was born in South Dakota, but at the east end of the state. Glad you're back, SL, and don't be a stranger!



12:07AM | Tue, 25 September 2012

beautiful! thanks for posting!



12:10PM | Tue, 25 September 2012

Superb landscape and great story! Glad to see you back!



11:19AM | Wed, 26 September 2012

There is so much of the world I still want to see and you aren't helping me resist the urge Shari !!! :)



4:29AM | Fri, 29 March 2013

Wonderful landscape !!!

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F Numberf/6.3
ModelNIKON D90
Shutter Speed1/640
ISO Speed200
Focal Length62

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