Thu, Dec 19, 11:58 AM CST

Two Pints (HAPPY BIRTHDAY Seth!!)

Poser Gothic posted on Oct 29, 2012
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a very big happy birthday wish for our friend barryjeffer aka Seth. many thanks for your friendship, inspiring work and comments. hope you have a superb birthday tomorrow, and many, many more bro. hope you enjoy this image i made for you.. thanks for stopping by for a look, and have a happy halloween. we need to say prayers for our east coast friends, guess Sandy is hitting hard, i heard more then 3 mill are without power, hope they get back up soon. some of our friends here will be affected hope they all make it alright. lol Steve MDD Endora by: Maddelirium Sexy Spooky background by: Lunchlady/Sveva Pose Me Nocturnal by: Lunchlady Rag Doll Hair by: Propschick & Goldtassel Bootleggers by: BadKittehCo my last: Zalta at the Haunted House thumb_2380456.jpg

Production Credits

Comments (88)



10:55PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Very nice!!!!!!!!!!



10:56PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

veryy sexy!!!



11:01PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Very cool image and dedication I think I know what the issue is with PS7 - it looks for a section on your HD to temporarily read/write the work and if there's not enough disc space it will try to crap out on you it can be solved you you have a second physical HD with lots of room ( aused 20gig shouldn't cost more than $5.00) which will give you plenty of room to process PS7's work



11:02PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Awesome work, great birthday dedication.



11:06PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Happy Birthday to Seth! Great dedication Steve and wicked cool artwork! My Ps7 does that too. I made a folder on my desk top and now I save the work to that from P7 and then move it to where I want to.



11:17PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Lovely contrats using violet ! Well done !



11:18PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Cool card, well done. Happy Birthday Seth.



11:20PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Rockin' cool artwork, Steve! And a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Seth! Only two pints, huh? That would be plenty enough for me! LOL! Take a look at THIS ARTICLE regarding the scratch disk problem. It does recommend defragmenting, but it may have some other info that would help.



11:22PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Thanks Steve, this is great man. I love it bud. Wow... my birthday is only 20 mins old and two gifts from two great people. Very cool indeed. Hopefully the worst of the storm is passed now and everyone will get thru it safely. I know this is a bit much to ask as I've seen the toll is already 10 dead from the shit. Thanks again Steve... this is most excellent!



11:49PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Delightfully Wonderful Image,



11:51PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Super cool image dear friend, marvelous character and pose, excellent colors, adorable B-day Gift! Hope everyone will get thru it safely! Happy B-day Seth!



11:52PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

FANTASTIC work, Sweetie!!



11:54PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

What a beautiful birthday present. I see you took her out to dinner before delivery. I wish I knew your secret for getting realistic blood. I have tried painting it on, bit it looked fake. I got Ron/s blood brushes, but found they are just a pattern, so my blood still looks the same as my painting experiments. I do not seem to be able to get that dark shiny color of blood. Care to share the secret? It maybe the ancient photo shop program I use, Adobe Photo Elements 6 limits me. It was Adobes basic photo-shop program and is way old. I am not sure what the current number is. I had a easier program to use JASIC or something like that, but it came free on an old computer I had that I lost when the computer died. It had a function they called tubes, which had a lot of nice effects. It also had a paint function where it would have a brush match exactly the color of an area you selected. I miss that too. I know we are alike in not being able to use the latest and greatest, so I think maybe you could help me out with you greater knowledge. Anyway I am always amazed with your creations. The lighting is always so good. Another thing I need to learn someday.



11:57PM | Mon, 29 October 2012

Waithing 1 o clock to send him is Birthday gift lol You are a great man to give to all your friend the best . Happy Birthday Seth All the best you whant ((5++))



12:01AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Wonderful !



12:39AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

sexy and beautiful



12:52AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Very well done, love her pose, deadly yet flirty



12:53AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

"I drink two pints before I drink two pints, and then I drink two more..." Well, that's not what the song's about but it reminded me of it. Lol. Excellent b'day card/wish for Seth and wonderful work Steve. I have thanked my lucky stars so many times that I was born in the middle of this land. We have our problems, but nothing like the coasts. Just watched a news update on the storm. Not good. Prayin' along with you that everyone gets out of this alright!



12:58AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Cool image and those boots!!



1:40AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Sensational work



2:21AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

yep seth is one of the finest around happy bday bro. up to 7 mil by now saw on cnn/sky news.hard times and its cold.



2:45AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Great birthday dedi for your friend Steve, this is fantastic..



3:12AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Fantastic image and great dedi to a great artist!



3:22AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Yes ! but 2 pints of beer...not blood !!! Very sexy vampire but I'll keep away from her, despite her beauty.



3:22AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Wonderful image & render my friend!



3:41AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Two pints of beer ? Good idea... Excellent work as usual !



3:45AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Superb image for Halloween and wonderful gift for Seth !



3:50AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

Fantastic scene, character, and render!! Very nice dedication!



3:59AM | Tue, 30 October 2012

An excellent scene and a wonderful birthday dedication. Have a happy Halloween, too!



4:10AM | Tue, 30 October 2012


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