Sat, Feb 8, 6:56 PM CST

Day dreaming 2/9.

DAZ|Studio People posted on Dec 12, 2014
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Day dreaming? My ass. They are definitely up to something. What is this for a dark noisy complot? She wouldn't tell me, but I'll find out Genna, believe it or not. You don't fool a paparazzo like me. Oooh no girls, I got work to do. "Will you do it Falon?" "If you think I can do it, I'll give it a try." "You can do it. I get the gear tomorrow." "We got still a few weeks to practice. I'm already pleased." "Ssstt, there he comes." "Hi Jason. Nice weather today, isn't it?" Damn, I don't trust them for a second. This is what it was all about. thumb_2583216.jpg Thanks for looking at my images and your appreciated comments.

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Comments (11)



2:27PM | Fri, 12 December 2014

Good posing



3:00PM | Fri, 12 December 2014

Cool !



6:41PM | Fri, 12 December 2014

The plot thickens.



7:11PM | Fri, 12 December 2014

You did very nice work! Great!



11:53PM | Fri, 12 December 2014

For some reason I want to put laser beam sensors across the room... ;) Nice one R!



3:21AM | Sat, 13 December 2014

i bet they are up to no good.



4:24AM | Sat, 13 December 2014

Now what could those two be up to, Jason might want to be careful, love their poses and expressions, outstanding work!



5:37AM | Sat, 13 December 2014

Beautiful scene !!!



9:37AM | Sat, 13 December 2014

And the plot thickens!!! Excellent work!!!



10:58AM | Sat, 13 December 2014

What are these two up to :-) Excellent



1:58AM | Sun, 14 December 2014

It's a very beautiful looking scene!

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