Thu, Feb 6, 8:08 AM CST

Well, At Least I Have This!

Bryce Science Fiction posted on Dec 31, 2014
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I started out working on a new Thruster/Engine for my shop models, which somehow expanded into a big ship. Got the whole thing done (My computer did a large amount of groaning towards the end, I'm not sure of the final polygon-count, but it was huge) and got several nice renders of this beast, then proceeded to WIPE OUT the whole model I'd saved. Now if I want to do anything with this again, I'll have to rebuild the whole blasted thing. Ugh. Live and Learn? Seems more like Do and then ask "Why the heck did I just do THAT???" Model was built entirely within Bryce. Rendered from Bryce with very little modifications. Nearly all textures are my own creations. Planet and moons also rendered in Bryce (in a separate pass) also using my own textures. Starscape and nebulae as well as all compositing and the border all done in Photoshop CS3. Thanks for taking a look!

Comments (12)



11:11PM | Wed, 31 December 2014

Very impressive work on this scene sad to hear that it disappeared into some weird warp tunnel Happy New Year to you and yours



11:13PM | Wed, 31 December 2014

Cool ship and love the amount of detail you have on it, Super work



11:19PM | Wed, 31 December 2014

That is a pretty ship! Nice textures. I like the gas giant texture too.



11:39PM | Wed, 31 December 2014

That sucks,been there done least you have the renders to work with! Great looking ship!



11:56PM | Wed, 31 December 2014

Excellent model and textures. Corrie



12:01AM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Fantastic! Happy New Year!



8:48AM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Very well done !!!



1:46PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

An awesome looking ship,Mike. Full size view is a must.I hope you are having a good new year!


7:40PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Great detailing on this design!



9:10PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Ouch! All that work....... Sigh - been there, done that more times than I care to remember.... But you did get an awesome scene out of it, Mike! This is completely amazing - and I know the next one will be even better. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours!



5:28AM | Fri, 02 January 2015

Another view of fabulous creation... Wonderfully done !!!



7:21PM | Mon, 12 January 2015

Sounds like the story of my life!!! Not sure that I care for the planet's texture on this one. It's not the color, though. Something else.

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