Thu, Feb 6, 7:03 AM CST

The other render I salvaged

Bryce Science Fiction posted on Jan 01, 2015
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Most people (supposedly) spent new years' eve celebrating with friends and/or family. I spent it making a new spaceship model, because I'm kinda weird, I guess. Perhaps I drank too much beer that evening, or was too distracted, or something. At any rate, after spending roughly half of a day making the model (which really was stressing my poor computer by the end) and getting a pair of decent renders, I decided I wanted a big planet and moons from the same camera-angle. Here's where I got lazy. I'd been diligently saving frequently as I built the ship (learned THAT lesson quickly!) so I simply deleted the ship, dropped some spheres and textures hit render and said "Cool" then out of habit hit "save" not "save as" and thus wiped out the entire space ship and replaced it with 4 balls. Oops. But I did add the habitat-rings to my library of ship-components, so it wasn't a complete loss, just almost-complete loss! Details: Ship model was assembled in Bryce entirely from primitives, most textures are my own, although some of the flat colored-parts are a preset. The planet and its moons were rendered in a separate pass, all textures are my own. Background stars and nebula were made in Adobe Photoshop, as was all of the compositing and the border. Thanks for taking a look, hope your New Year's holiday has been nice, and may the next year be better than the last one!

Comments (19)



6:17PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Very cool work on this scene Glad that you were able to do some salvage work in space



6:36PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

That's by doing mistakes that one learns for good! ^^ Anyway, nice render, and happy new year!



7:32PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

I spent New Years eve reworking a Free Model posted by 101Doberman and suggested by Daddywolf , so Im in the 'Weird " bucket with you. I been following your work since I met you. It took me ten years to find my style. and another two to overcome the criticism and keep plugging away at it. What I have seen of your work you have the potential to create some amazing things,. Think outside the box, and don't concern yourself with input. Download Wings3d (freebie) your art will change overnight, because you have greater control over those primitives. (import / export to Bryce) Happy New Year NefariousDrO



7:32PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Another fine view of this ship model, hopefully you will be able to recreate it in the future( hey, you may even revise it into an even better model). I learned my lesson after doing this myself...any time I delete items to render a background only, I save the original file,remove the items in question, and then save as a new file. Live and learn my friend, it happens to us all at some point!


7:44PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

This is one of my favorite designs of yours. I often spend my holidays working on my art projects too. I am currently finishing up a family of 8 starships, each with a different primary function. I hope to post them soon on Renderosity.



8:08PM | Thu, 01 January 2015




8:13PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Looks so great - excellent work!



10:37PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Magnificent! Glad you were able to salvage something, Mike! Oh, if I had a dollar for every time I've done something like that...... And count me into the 'weird' club as well... I've been that way for as long as I can remember..... LOL I was doing some landscapes in Vue for my T.N.A. series....



11:45PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Great POV on this one. Corrie



2:48AM | Fri, 02 January 2015

Excellent realization !!!



5:27AM | Fri, 02 January 2015

Marvelous creation and composition. Outstanding work!!! Happy New Year for you and for yours also.



7:52AM | Fri, 02 January 2015

I spent it switching between messing in Illustrator and Photoshop, then listening to Radio Mozart, and running a few games LOL! New years is so boring to me now, the same thing every year, fireworks and people on TV shows that have been there for the last decade doing the same thing every year. Glad you didn't burn the computer, being without that is like losing an arm, well it is to me :)


4:00PM | Fri, 02 January 2015

I get the feeling a lot of us here at Renderosity are the types who'll be more likely to spend New Year's Eve working on our art than partying. Then again, for most of us working on our art IS a party (to us, anyway) And yeah, there was a brief moment where I wanted to lash at the computer, before reminding myself it was my own fault. I'd be lost without that computer, too.



10:13AM | Sat, 03 January 2015

I thought you was spending the new years night in space g fantastic render and cool work! ;o)



11:42AM | Sat, 03 January 2015

Very sad about the ship model. Still like the gas giant, though. I spent the holiday and am still spending the holiday pounding through the fourth draft of the third act of a novel. No drinking for me... (well, not much).



12:25PM | Sat, 03 January 2015

Excellent scifi scene, bravo !



3:35AM | Sun, 04 January 2015

Very cool...!!!



8:24AM | Mon, 05 January 2015

Wonderful modeling and the detail is excellent. Every-time I see a new picture of your I am more amazed at the amount of detail that you continue to add. You have developed your own unique style that I think is well thought-out and conceived. Your work is speaks for itself at for the amount of time that you are putting into your ships! Keep up the excellent work as I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Cheers, David



5:51PM | Sat, 10 January 2015

What a cool ship design! It's a shame you overwrote the file. Oh, well. The next version's always better, right!



7:23PM | Mon, 12 January 2015

Like this version--composition wise--over the previous one. Still don't like that planet texture! Heh!

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