Tue, Feb 11, 9:55 PM CST

The Rebuild that Went Astray

Bryce Science Fiction posted on Jan 14, 2015
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Funny thing happens when I set out to rebuild a ship I managed to "un-save" by accident: I quickly stumbled off onto a different path and ended up with a very different ship than the previous model. Not that I dislike this one, mind you. At any rate, the model is entirely my own creation, build in Bryce 6.5 out of primitives. Most of the textures are my own, as well. The moon in the background is also using my own textures. The star field and nebula were created in Photoshop, as well all post work, etc. As usual comments and critiques are definitely welcome, I learn alot from you guys when you point out the flaws or what doesn't work, so don't feel like you're required to only say positive things.

Comments (15)



9:20PM | Wed, 14 January 2015

This is a Outstanding Model ! And the rest of the work in the render is Superb! Nice Job.



9:44PM | Wed, 14 January 2015

Different then the last one, but I like it. More balls on this one (um, that doesn't sound right). I really like that moon texture too. It has a good mix of color and terrain variability and just enough bump to make it look like a big (like Ganymede-sized) moon.



9:59PM | Wed, 14 January 2015

Very cool work on this ship! you did save it, didn't you?



10:08PM | Wed, 14 January 2015

Try as I might, I sure can't find anything to critique, but that may just be due to my continuing amazement at what you are able to do with Bryce. It seriously never ceases to amaze me, Mike - this is just another stellar (pun intended) space scene, and I love the ship! And I echo Faemike - hope you saved this one! :-D



10:29PM | Wed, 14 January 2015

Yep,this one definitely has balls alright! Excellent modelling and overall texturing...good to see that you weren't discouraged from the unfortunate "un-save"! If I have any crit to add it would be to maybe show a moon or planet cropped in a corner of the image instead of dead centre,but that is a minor crit,and more my own personal preference...great work as always!



10:55PM | Wed, 14 January 2015

Excellent modeling



11:36PM | Wed, 14 January 2015

Fantastic image and modeling. Corrie



2:14AM | Thu, 15 January 2015

Excellent work !!



3:37AM | Thu, 15 January 2015

great and wonderful ship. Excellent work



4:17AM | Thu, 15 January 2015

To me, this model is better than the previous one, well done! ;)



12:03PM | Sun, 18 January 2015

It's a fabulous ship! Great details.



1:18PM | Sun, 18 January 2015

AMAZING..... ...fantastic work....!!!


5:16PM | Sun, 18 January 2015

very nice design!



3:49PM | Tue, 10 February 2015

Another killer piece my friend,,,superb all round!



7:45PM | Sat, 21 February 2015

you did a wonderful job on makeing this

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