Fri, Feb 7, 11:50 PM CST

Catgirl Comparison

Mixed Medium Science Fiction posted on Jun 29, 2015

Contains nudity

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I mentioned in my previous gallery submission that my Poser based catgirl was based upon conventional (graphite, pen & ink, colored pencil, etc.) illustrations I drew many years ago. This composite image should give you a basis for comparison. The hand drawn version dates from 1998 shortly after I decided to give K'th a stylish jacket to counter-balance the leg-warmers she sported since I did doodled her in the late 80s. Obviously there are some differences. At the recommendation of a friend, I gave the Poser based version a belt with various pouches to carry small items given she doesn't have pockets (for obvious reasons). I also changed the color of her leg-warmers to more or less match her auburn mane. Sorry for the modest resolution. That's the largest scan I have of the drawn version at the moment and I didn't want the rendered mesh to appear more than twice the scale. I'll let you decide whether or not I captured the look of my original hand drawn concept. Credits... Aiko 3.0 Base...DAZ3D Aiko 3.0 Morphs and Maps...DAZ3D Kioki for A3...Beth Capsces Melody...Lady LittleFox Furries for Melody...Beth Capsces Fisher Cat textures...Beth Capsces Lotus for Aiko 3.0 jacket...Lourdes_Mercado S.P.V. Tactical Suit for A3 gloves...Vampir3Princess & Lesthat Shadow Dancer belt...Lourdes CyberLink Suit Deleter cable boxes...Bugzlife Wild & Messy Hair...DAZ3D Kasa for Aiko...JeNelson Cazual Legwraps for H3...Kattey

Comments (6)



9:29PM | Mon, 29 June 2015

Neat =)


5:33AM | Tue, 30 June 2015

Not the fanciest composition, but since some questions were asked after I posted my previous render, I thought this lil' piece might elaborate things a bit. Sincerely, Bill



12:10AM | Tue, 30 June 2015

Beautiful comparison, very well done work !!!


5:31AM | Tue, 30 June 2015

I continually try to find ways to improve the mesh version, making her look ever closer to my conventional drawings. Sincerely, Bill



3:51AM | Tue, 30 June 2015

Like the comparison between the earlier 2D drawing to the new 3D model.


5:26AM | Tue, 30 June 2015

Well, she isn't exactly new. I assembled the basics sometime around early 2008 when Beth Capsces released her set of morphs for Lady LittleFox's "Melody" figure. The last major update was when I applied the "Fisher Cat" textures about April 2012. Since then, it's only been a couple of minor tweaks, like making her muzzle in her "neutral" (read "expressionless") state just a smidgeon smaller. Most recent,I added a tiny bit of displacement to the "material zones" of her feet, "plumping" her toes for a better "paw-like" appearance which I couldn't achieve with the various morph dials alone (not used in this particular render). Of course, this trick wouldn't work without the leg-warmers to hide the difference in circumference between her ankles and lower legs. Sincerely, Bill



11:41AM | Tue, 30 June 2015

Nicely done.


6:13PM | Tue, 30 June 2015

Thanks, but it reveals something of a downside. Once I purchased Poser and started to get a handle upon it, I've all but stopped drawing conventionally for well over a decade. I fear my skills have atrophied. I know what you'll likely say, "Just pick up a pencil and start drawing again." Believe me, I've tried, but I've developed an artist's block the size of Mount Everest. At most I'll doodle something that repulses me that I dispose in the waste basket. Sometimes I wish I never discovered Poser. 8-( Sincerely, Bill


8:00PM | Tue, 30 June 2015

Very nice, and a great character design either way. Have you been contributing recently to White Pony's "Cross Time Cafe?"


8:38PM | Tue, 30 June 2015

I haven't contributed any artwork for the strip itself in several years, but I have "loaned" the lead character, "Mzzkiti" from my all but dead strip "Freighter Tails" to those who do submit. I just wish one particular artist would stop placing stripes upon her tail (where she should have none) and place them on her arms, legs and torso (where the artist habitually omits them). It's a wonder that person hasn't inverted Mzzkiti color scheme as well! Sincerely, Bill


12:22AM | Wed, 01 July 2015

That works! I can imagine your satisfaction. Back in the late 1980's you might never have imagined that you would one day see a 3D rendering of your drawing of her. As software gets better expect the renderings to get better in realistic details. That's something to look forward too. I like that character. Edward Fox


6:08PM | Wed, 01 July 2015

That is definitely something to consider. When I first doodled K'th (that sounds a bit lewd, doesn't it?) in March 1985, the first "practical" domestic computers (PCs & Macs) had just debuted and their graphics capabilities were, ah, limited, to say the least. The notion that privately "affordable" systems could depict anything akin to what we saw in "Tron", "The Wrath of Khan" (the Genesis simulation) or "The Last StarFighter" was considered by most to be ludicrous. Single frames took hours upon mainframes. But Moore's Law demonstrated just how fast processing technology could advance, and now, here we are. Before I die or grow senile, I'd love to see K'th adapted to some sort of real-time, interactive AI "engine". Some kind of program that can at least "fake" intelligent conversation and animate a fully rendered figure (hair "physics" would be nice since we're daydreaming) at 30 or more frames per second. Seeing what can be depicted in some of the latest games like "SkyRim", I daresay that goal (at least the graphics side) is a believably accessible goal. The "Turing" type routines, that's another matter given people have such wide values for the "uncanny valley" which disturb them. In summary, I'd like to see K'th "live". Of course, with my luck her "adaptive response routines" might lead her to grow frustrated with me and "leave" my computer to "assimilate" with a stock analysis suite running on a server in Modesto, CA. 8-P Sincerely, Bill

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