Sun, Feb 9, 2:05 PM CST

Death of a Partner

DAZ|Studio Science Fiction posted on Jul 03, 2015
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During a routine mission in search of dilithium in a world class L. The commander T'arick is found dead. His partners started an investigation to find some clue of what happened. DAZ Studio 4.7, Cinema 4D and Photoshop CC. I hope you like it. Greetings and have a great weekend. Durante una rutinaria misión en busqueda de dilitio en un planeta clase L. El comandante T'arick es encontrado muerto. Sus compañeros inician una investigación para encontrar alguna pista sobre lo sucedido. Espero que os guste. Saludos y que tengais un gran fin de semana.

Comments (4)


eekdog Online Now!

8:55PM | Fri, 03 July 2015

really incredible scene with the characters and enviroment. most excellent and wonder what had happened to him? see no blood, hope they discover why.. best zoomed.


8:59PM | Fri, 03 July 2015

Thank you very much! Glad you like it! The answer to this mystery at the same time, in the same channel. :)



9:24PM | Fri, 03 July 2015

Stunning picture,


9:33PM | Fri, 03 July 2015

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it! ;)



11:21PM | Fri, 03 July 2015

Absolutely wonderful composition of the scene !!!


12:24PM | Sat, 04 July 2015

Thank you very much! Glad you like it! :)



8:21PM | Sat, 04 July 2015

No red snow, no bullet casings or laser burns, so I guess the cold to got him, cause it's Winter where I live and it's killing me ! LOL Nice work on this rather chilling scene. ~Cheers~


11:54AM | Sun, 05 July 2015

LOL! The weather in the place I live is like in Vulcan, make this image refresh me a little bit. Thank you very much! Glad you like it! Greetings. :)

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