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Death of a Partner - The Autopsy

DAZ|Studio Science Fiction posted on Jul 07, 2015
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Captain Alejandro Caballero hear the autopsy report of the Commander T'Arick , conducted by Dr. Evemil Sh'kalnes. Death caused by a massive failure of the nervous system caused by an extraordinary burst of energy. As if a kind of electromagnetic pulse would completely disconnected all his nervous system. Dr. Evemil Sh'kalnes also found a small trail of Theta radiation. Now search teams already have something to start. DAZ Studio 4.7, Cinema 4D R14, Photoshop CC. I Hope you like it. All comments and critiques are welcome. Greetings. Credits: Spock Hair by Mylochka GENERATION BEYOND Holographic Tricorder Smartprops by Georgehaze GENERATION BEYOND Commbadge and RankPin Smartprop by Georgehaze Voyager Sickbay by Jed Hirsch Star Trek Online for Valiant M4 by Dope_Fish Star Trek Online for Courageous V4 by Dope_Fish Andorian Antennae by Redfern Andorian Textures for M4 and V4 by Mylochka Vulcan Textures for V4 and M4 by Mylochka

Comments (6)



12:19AM | Wed, 08 July 2015

Pretty cool scene!


12:32AM | Wed, 08 July 2015

Thank you very much! I'm glad you like it. Greetings. :)



6:22AM | Wed, 08 July 2015

wow! truly superb sci fi and a awesome scene/render.


11:09AM | Wed, 08 July 2015

Thank you very much! Glad you like it. Greetings. :)



3:24AM | Thu, 09 July 2015

sad scene !!


12:36PM | Thu, 09 July 2015

Thank you very much for your comment. Glad you like it. Greetings.



9:01PM | Sat, 11 July 2015

Cool Star Trek scene, props and characters...and I definitely don't want what he's got ! ~Cheers~


12:46PM | Sun, 26 July 2015

Thank you very much, mate! Glad you like it! Greetings!



3:35AM | Sat, 18 July 2015

Nicely put together!


12:21PM | Sat, 18 July 2015

Thank you very much! Glad you like it! Greetings!



6:34PM | Sat, 25 July 2015

Great scene and render!!


12:47PM | Sun, 26 July 2015

Truly appreciated! Thank you very much! Greetings!

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