Sun, Feb 16, 3:37 AM CST

The Battle of the Coral Sea

Vue Military posted on Aug 30, 2015
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No, those large objects in the background are not sleeping blue whales that Beijing has quietly built runways on while no-one was watching... This scene takes Transformers to a whole new level. Beta testing the new Valerie 11 Character with the stunning carrier dive-bomber full body morph for Genesis 5 Female. At last they've moved beyond elves.... ;-) Seriously though, after lots of time away from rendering, the IJN's Type 99 Carrier Bomber Model 11 finally joins my Coral Sea Memorial Flight. Fixed landing gear certainly gave the Aichi D3A the look of yesteryear and that feature made a diving "Val" easy to identify on the hop through a gunsight. The other character trait of the bomber, probably best appreciated in one-on-one clashes high above, was the stretched tail-fin or vertical stabiliser - the tail profile was drawn out to overcome stability problems uncovered in early flight tests. Beyond these teething troubles , the D3A was nimble enough in service that I understand that attacking airmen sometimes encountered multi-role "Vals" adding muscle to combat air patrols. Still modelling in Shade 10.5 (tried Shade 12 but its Boolean tools wouldn't behave. >700 Mb scene file. The flight crew and payload courtesy of Motokamishi's A6M products. Alice from Lakes' Shokaku model and dozens of Beyond VRs Akagi model lo-res aircraft now DUPLICATED (and Vue 2015 groaned still didn't BREAK... but using a 16Gb RAM machine helped there).

Comments (4)



10:01AM | Sun, 30 August 2015

Great atmosphere in this picture. I can hear the engines roaring...



11:13AM | Sun, 30 August 2015

Wow and double wow! This is totally impressive, Brian. Instant favorite. The number of characters really makes a great scene, but I particularly like the mass on the Shokaku it comes across very convincingly. For some reason, the color tone really works for the realism factor. This is very, very good! I like it a lot. Good to see you back, hope to see lots more!



11:50AM | Sun, 30 August 2015

Very nice



4:54PM | Wed, 16 September 2015

Nice job there.

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