Fri, Feb 7, 11:51 PM CST

The Brazilian Clipper...!!!!

Vue Aviation posted on Oct 03, 2015
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I'll be brief. Lulled by the privacy of a secluded Central American beach, the British Museum's globetrotting heroine Ebony has let down rather more than her guard this time. Being no "Mad Dog" nor indeed an "EnglishMAN" she is nevertheless OUT in the midday sun. However, she's been roused from her daydreams by the unscheduled arrival of the...the.. the Brazilian Clipper?! (OK. I'd better quit before the double entendres go too far...) An historical aside. Before becoming a familiar by-word in "land anywhere" rotory-wing aviation, the Sikorsky company was in fact one of "THE" go-to pioneers of passenger flying boats. Perhaps the quintessence of all this delving into matters amphibious was the stately S-42 Clipper. This beauty entered service with Pan-American Airways in the mid-30's. Samoan Clipper. Hong Kong Clipper. Brazilian Clipper. All names that awaken memories of a bygone age of luxury and prestige. There was no "Coach-class." You had to BE someone to steal the spoons off this baby. That being said, who knows what delusional schemes for world domination (requiring a passing knowledge, say, of Ancient Khmer) might have been scrawled with excited hands upon napkins during in-flight dinner service? Eh? Dr Jones? Thanks for viewing and comments Assembled in Poser 10. Rendered in View 2014 Assets The Sikorsky S-42 Clipper was a lucky find at Turbosquid My prop blurs

Comments (9)



7:16PM | Sat, 03 October 2015

One of my favorite themes, Low flying airplanes and beautiful women, in no particular order! Great looking clipper!!!



8:53PM | Sat, 03 October 2015




11:48PM | Sat, 03 October 2015

WOW !! Great great scene with a very original POV !!!!!



2:22AM | Sun, 04 October 2015

Nicely done.



4:01AM | Sun, 04 October 2015

Brilliant concept and creation :)



5:34AM | Sun, 04 October 2015

I thought it was clipping her hair until I read your text. I sure remember seeing old advertisements from the 1930s for flying with these. And no need for a large airport. But, WATCH your step on entering or exiting so you don't wind up in the water! I don't get the color scheme of the plane. Pan Am had white with blue lettering. Keep up the good work! :-)


3:07PM | Sun, 04 October 2015

Thanks for that. The colour scheme in the model texture might be because all the photos are monochrome... ;-) Though the photos also suggest an overall raw metal finish (paint adds to the weight?) common for the period. But the logos etc ... Youre probably on the money there. I will have a trawl around and see what turns up..



11:24AM | Sun, 04 October 2015

Really nice idea and very nicely done! The details are really nice, the point of view, of course, but the reflections in the glass that flesh out some more of the scene are a nice touch.



11:28AM | Mon, 05 October 2015

Mixing airplanes and girls is always a win in my book. Nice job!



6:22AM | Wed, 25 September 2019

Beautiful character and superb POV!

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