Fri, Dec 27, 12:38 PM CST

Sorcery versus the Sword

Poser Medieval posted on Feb 27, 2016
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Looks like Vicky and Michael are having a bit of a tiff. True to life men tend to come head on at these moments while women tend to be more subtle in their approach. In this case Vicky simply uses her medieval version of today's stun gun to defend against Michael's rather brutish approach to problem solving. He is obviously getting the worst of the deal while she walks away without a scratch on her and proceeds to go shopping. Will they make up or is this it for them? Stay tuned to see for yourselves. This one was done in Poser with Superfly and the background sky was done in Vue. Thanks for the views and the comments. Both are greatly appreciated and I look forward to viwing your fine art.

Production Credits

DM's Kross Court
$18.00 USD 50% Off
$9.00 USD
DMs Tranquility Lane
$26.00 USD 50% Off
$13.00 USD

Comments (24)



1:41PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Knowing how these things turn out, they'll kiss and make out-

Uh, I meant kiss and make UP. That's what I meant. Yeah!



2:32PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Your commentary is so true, and captures a subtext that is present in a lot of sword and sorcery literature. Hopefully, in this particular instance the battle of the sexes will resolve nicely. Strong render, and a lot of thoughtfulness behind it.



2:42PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Only one can tell the outcome, the winner will be who can use their talents best here. Great action and poses my friend. Love it alot, Dag.



2:49PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Looks realy fantastic!




2:56PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

outstanding action scene



3:03PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Very impressive and magical fight scene, excellent work!



3:24PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Who will win ? the magic or the sword ? In any case your image is very dynamic and superbly done !



3:56PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Awesome!!! Those are great poses for that fight!!! You did a great scene my friend!!!



4:00PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Dynamic and creative fight scene.



4:09PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Excellent work, great action sequence!



6:18PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Outstandingly done... Fantastic character and very great poses/movements !!!



7:52PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

Awesome job! I bet he has a headache in the morning.



11:35PM | Sat, 27 February 2016

The posing is fantastic and I think Vicky's outfit is kind of awesome! I don't remember seeing it around but I like it a lot!



1:24AM | Sun, 28 February 2016

Great dynamic scene. I like the pose and character. All excellent done!



1:44AM | Sun, 28 February 2016

Excellent work!


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2:01AM | Sun, 28 February 2016

Nice work.



2:06AM | Sun, 28 February 2016




2:12AM | Sun, 28 February 2016

I am speechless !!!Fantastic scene!!!!! I think the warrior really fly and the scene is live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bravo!!!! fav!!!



2:32AM | Sun, 28 February 2016

Beautiful action's composition !!



4:00AM | Sun, 28 February 2016

Beautiful image my friend, this is a masterpiece!!!!!!😀



3:52PM | Sun, 28 February 2016

Wow! What a fantastic fight with great characters. Steel versus Magic. Very well done!



3:37AM | Mon, 29 February 2016

Excellent Blend!!! 😁



5:02AM | Mon, 29 February 2016




4:25AM | Tue, 01 March 2016

wonderful action posing and comp

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