A slight detour on the way back by rajib
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Hi There =) !
Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.
Hope you all like the render !
Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done.
My previous render - "Way too hot -3"
Click the thumbnail to view it (Content Advisory : Contains nudity. Please do not click on it if such content offends you).
Enjoy =) !
Story / Description :
The story continues from the previous render...
I was lost in my thought as I drove while both Miho and the wolf slept. We were almost out of her wilderness property after spending the whole day scanning the property with the AI drones when suddenly even though she was still sleeping Miho told me to take the small track on the left that I would see ahead. I always knew Miho's senses where more alert even while she was sleeping than mine was even when I was completely awake.... but this was something else. How did she know where we exactly were to tell me what lay ahead immediately. In fact if she had not mentioned it, I would not even have noticed it. This was a new detour for me. I followed the track for another hour and come to this run down old house surrounded by beautiful trees in full bloom and a lake to one side. Miho woke up with a smile just as I was slowing down to stop beside the house. She gave me a kiss and took my hand and asked me to follow her. The wolf was awake too. All this was new to him too so he told us he will explore the surrounding a bit... Ever protective of Miho he wanted to see if there was any danger around here. Miho knew this place was perfectly safe. But she let the wolf be and took me for a walk around the lake and we chatted about how she found this place and I asked her how many more secrets she had and she just laughed. She had that naughty look on her face which meant she was not going to tell me. The sun was setting and we walked back to the house hand in hand.
The house was little more than 4 walls... There was no door or windows to close. It was completely open. Surprisingly it felt homely and even had a comfy bed. Miho pointed to a chest of drawers that she said had fresh linen. I took them out and was surprised to see how clean and fresh they were. Looking at them I thought Miho definitely came here often on her own. She helped me set up the bed and then said she will cook us dinner. There was a small fridge fully stocked and a stove at one corner. Both were of her design that neither needed any kind of battery, electricity or fuel to run and no they were not solar powered either. They tech she had invented was beyond my understanding.
The wolf was back just in time for dinner. Miho had cooked us a delicious meal. We joked and laughed a lot over the dinner. Then we called it a night and headed for bed while the wolf decided to stand guard and patrol around the house. Miho did ask him not to worry and have some sleep but he said he had already slept a lot during the drive and that he would stand guard.
Being next to Miho in her arms I felt extremely peaceful as I always did next to her... and listening to her steady heartbeat soon I feel asleep. Morning came and we got up at the same time but I told Miho to stay in bed while I made us some coffee. The sun was already up and it was another sunny day. As I went to make coffee, Miho asked the wolf to come on to the bed and sit decide her. She gave him a hug as they watched the shimmering lake and all the birds flying around it looking for fish to catch.... It was a really beautiful site.... She had that beautiful smile on her face and I could not stop looking at her... She was looking so radiant with the sun light extenuating her beauty even more... and then I suddenly realized the wolf was looking different ! How was the wolf black and grey suddenly ? I got Miho the coffee and sat down beside her and asked her about the wolf's color change. She laughed and told me the wolf told her he wanted a change in color like Miho always changed her hair color ever so often, so well she used her device to get the hair cells of the wolf to change color....I smiled.... this was a first.... a wolf wanting to change it's hair color.... But well, it looked good in black and grey too. We sipped our coffee and enjoyed the view with the wolf. Time finally seemed to stand still....... but not for too long... Miho got a alert on her laptop and we had to head back... Her computers had located another base of the evil corporation.... It was time to go and shut it down too.
The story will continue with the next render...
About this render :
I wanted to do a render of Miho's profile. To me she looks very beautiful in this angle too. I created over ten scenes in trying to fit Miho into the scene with this sideways look. I will post one of those other scenes later. That come out looking good too but the rest I trashed. For today I decided to settle on this one and upload it. I like how this render looks. Took me almost 15 hours to create and render it. Just had to do too many render restarts as I kept changing elements in the scene. I also redid the wolf's and Miho's hair shader a bit to control the highlight, On the wolf I think it rendered better than the my last shader I used in my previous render. I love how you can see Miho's hand through the wolf's fur as she hugs him. But for Miho's hair I think I toned down the highlights a bit too much. Both of the hair shaders still needs some more work to make them better.
As usual I re-textured or tweaked almost every surface. I really don't like the low quality textures that we get with most props and sets. I did not touch background hill and the bed sheets.
This scene is made of of many different elements from many different sets. I do like to mix and match things. That gives it a more unique look.
Update 2018-01-18:
I just re-rendered this and updated it. It is the same render but I was tweaking Miho's skin shader and finally got the same shader to work for both daylights and indoor lighting. This is an update with that updated skin shader being used on Miho. I had also changed the wolf's hair shader yesterday to add a bit more translucency and shine. The last update had made the hair too matt. So using that too here

Comments (49)
Beautiful image!
Very beautiful.
nice texture and color
Excellent scene my friend!!
Stunning image my friend :)
great story and render
tetrasnake Online Now!
Absolutely lovely
Stunning work!
I like for from wolf.
lovely lady and the poses you chose for them are fantastic.
donnena Online Now!
so pretty!
eekdog Online Now!
Oh, this is very sweet.
Awesome scene!
Great, well done.
A fantastic render and wonderful story! Most intriguing! Excellent work all around! Bravo!
Gorgeous character and wonderful decor, excellent!
Wonderful Image and Story my friend, well done!!!
Cute outfit....
she's lovely. you are right about her profile. I love the way you used the red color in this scene. nice work!
Very nice, I love the wolfs fur!
Really beautiful. She does look great from this angle.
MagikUnicorn Online Now!
Outstanding pose and scene. Great work.
Great !
Looking Fabulous! all very well done. cheers
beautiful work and story.