Sat, Feb 15, 7:48 AM CST

Getting things ready...

DAZ|Studio Realism posted on Jan 14, 2018
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Hi There =) ! Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.

Story / Description :

The story continues from the previous render... We where back in the city. We parted ways to get all the things settled for the task ahead of shutting down the next lab. I went to Miho's private airport to get all the equipment checked and loaded into the hyper-plane and Miho went to settle all of her companies matters. A couple of hours went by and I had checked and double checked everything and loaded them into the hyper-plane. I called Miho and told her I was done and that we should have a quick bite before we start on our next adventure. She said she will meet me at one of our favorite restaurant in 15 minutes. The place was nearby and was walkable in 15 minutes and so I walked there. As I reached I saw her sitting on her bike in a form fitting mini dress looking gorgeous and fresh as a daisy even though I knew she had an exhausting couple of hours work with thousand and one thing to attend to regarding all her companies ! As usual Miho turned heads. She smiled at me and I hurried over to her. The restaurant owner knew us very well. Miho had done a lot for him and his family when they were in serious trouble with the street gangs. He ushered us to our preferred table and we ordered our usual and then Miho started telling me about the details of where this base was and what she had found out about it........ The story will continue with the next render....

About this render :

This is another update to one of my older renders with the latest incarnation of Miho. I used new textures for all the surfaces. In this I used dForce on the dress (Mimosa Dress @ D) which did not come with built in dForce. Had some trouble with this pose and the bike and simulation. Every time the skirt hemline would get caught in the handle bar and not drape properly. Finally I exported the bike to ZBrush and used masking and cloning to clone out the seat only and then exported that back to Daz. Next I turned off the "Visible in Simulation" setting for the bike so that the skirt would no longer be affected by the bike's handlebar. And with the extracted seat properly placed at the same place as the actual seat, I was able to simulate the skirt properly. The only thing with this angle is that the draping is next to her left leg hidden from the camera view so you can't see much of the effect... Oh well.... I kinda color coordinated her shoes, dress, helmet and the bike.... All have a shade of red and black. I think she is looking beautiful !

Update 2018-01-18:

I just re-rendered this and updated it. It is the same render but I was tweaking Miho's skin shader and this is an update with that updated skin shader being used on Miho. There is a bit more shine and details on her skin. I also controlled the overblown highlights on her skin.
Hope you all like the render ! Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done. You may want to see this image in full for the details. My previous render - "A slight detour on the way back" cd49ed27dc055331b8a225e3a33018ff_thumbnaClick the thumbnail to view it. Enjoy =) ! Rajib

Comments (54)



1:58AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Beautiful render. Love the depth of field effect.



2:08AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

She looks gorgeous, as always.



2:16AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Very beautiful lady and magnificent render!



3:48AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Wonderful image and stunning motorbike



4:34AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Stunning image my friend love the lighting :)



5:25AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Fantastic update and the paint on the bike looks great. I have yet to try dForce.



6:42AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Wonderful scene, excellent done! 🌟



6:45AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Very beautiful everyday scene. The girl is radiant.


tetrasnake Online Now!

7:11AM | Sun, 14 January 2018




7:27AM | Sun, 14 January 2018


9:10AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Fantastic as always.



9:16AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Vrooom! Sweet riding partner.



9:27AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

She is an absolutely killing beauty! And the bike is magnificent too :-).



9:30AM | Sun, 14 January 2018


9:55AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

she's back and hotter than ever



10:35AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Awesome scene!



10:53AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Super render my friend well done pretty cool!!



11:16AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

A very realistic and well rendered scene ! Excellent poses and nice use of the DOF blurr ! Superb work !!



11:28AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Fantastic render and scene setup!!!



11:31AM | Sun, 14 January 2018




11:52AM | Sun, 14 January 2018

😀 She isn't my favorite type of woman, but I must admire HQ rendering with cool textures and lighting!



12:58PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Nice Scene!!!



1:12PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

No one can ride a bike in those shoes. No one. The bling lighting effect on the bike is a nice touch.



1:14PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Very nice. But someone should tell her that there are plenty of form fitting outfits to wear while riding her bike that look just as sexy.



2:35PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Like that scene & DoF. (If I had to give that biker dress a name it would be tattoo-remover, though.) Love that little gleam on the bike, too.



2:49PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

How they all look to Miho ... Even the waiter ... She is also a real eye-catcher ... Very nice render!


3:50PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Sensational image!



5:23PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Really love the render! I also think the thumbnail of the legs against the bike you did for this would be a great as a piece of art by itself...



5:39PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

Great scene, love the depth and really like the bike



7:10PM | Sun, 14 January 2018

wonderful image!

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