Something is not right... by rajib
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Hi There =) !
Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.
Hope you all like the render !
Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done.
My previous render - "On another adventure somewhere"
Click the thumbnail to view it.
Enjoy =) !
Story / Description :
The story continues from the last render....
We walked around the abandoned town and Miho explained how via her network of monitoring satellites she had noticed people had been steadily leaving this town over last 6 months. She knew there was a war going on nearby but this town was not very near the war zone. In fact all of the fighting was happening on the other side of the hill. Yes, people had fear that they may get bombed, but this side of the hill was still a protected zone enforced by a coalition of nations. And she had not detected any news of any kind regarding why the residents of this town had left it. Not on the web, not in the local or regional newspapers. She found it very odd and hence she came here to see if there was some reason she could find as to why everyone left. I must say it piqued my interest. Miho said outwardly she did not find anything and so she got her deep earth scanning bots to see if they could find something under the ground. She was actually waiting for the bots to finish and report to her when I had arrived.
Miho said to me "Let's go to the roof top" and she led the way. I followed her. She went to the edge of the roof and stood there. I stood next to her and immediately took hold of her hand. Looking down 2 stories without any railing was giving me vertigo. Miho smiled reassuringly. Then she pointed towards smoke rising from the far side of the hill. She said that is was one of the town that had been destroyed in the fighting that was going on. To me it looked very near and looking at my concerned face Miho said not to worry, the fighting had moved further inland.
The town we were in was literally in the middle of nowhere. There was a single lane road behind us that connected to the single lane cross country highway. Both were in much need of repairs. In front of us it looked like a wast land of emptiness. In fact if the hills were not there, this flat land probably would go on as far as the eyes could see.
Suddenly another bot of Miho which was like a ball and flying near us emitted an alert. That bot with the help of satellites above could see thousands of kilometer into the distance and map every since plane and drone even toy planes flying around. It had just noticed something odd. A plane with all transponders off and no markings was heading our way. Miho asked the bot to show her a holographic images of the plane and it did so. This one had the hallmarks of a plane belonging to the corporation. She was 100% sure the corporation did not know we was here (not as in they knew who we were but that there were people currently present in this abandoned town). The tech she had ensured she and I and the bots and the hyper-plane were all invisible to every kind of sensor and camera out there. So the only logical conclusion was that they were coming here for some other purpose and maybe they were the reason the people had left....
Miho decided that we should pack up for the time being and leave. She tasked multiple of her satellites each with different capabilities to monitor that inbound plane and everyone who was in it and all communication from the plane to their base of operations. With that settled, we got down from the roof and made our way to the hyper plane. The bots had just finished there scans too and were busy analyzing the data. Once the bots come on board, Miho started the hyper-plane and we took off.... It would be interesting to see what the bots found under the ground.
The story will continue form the next render...
About this render :
This was a fun render to do. Basically used the same sets as my last render and just rearranged few of the props, changed the POV and added some new elements like the ground and the mountain prop, the round bot and the smoke.
I was wondering how to pose Miho when this idea came of her standing on the edge of the roof looking at me. I added 'me' in the render and posed my hand as holding hers. Standing there on the edge with no railing and a two story drop was not really my cup of tea.
This is a simple render. Main focus as always is Miho =). My hand is a 'G2M' with my custom Miho's skin shader used on the hand. The original texture is not of high quality and also it is missing the SSS texture I needed (I made a make do one using bump map texture). But I think it still looks ok. Maybe I should have used a 'G8M' hand.
Btw. I am going to use 'Corporation' or 'The Corporation' as the name of the evil corporation Miho is battling against. The suggestion was made by thekingtut and I thank him for that :). Like he had said it does sound better than the 'Evil Corporation'.

Comments (48)
Nice clear colorful and sharp image.Interesting pose and story ! Well done!
A superb production Rajib word and super render excellent piece of work my friend
Cool stuff! Love the POV.
Beautiful image and beautiful text, we take ourselves to the game to know the continuation
fantastic render
Great job on this my friend.
Awesome, can't wait to see what they mapped out there!... great work!
Fantastic work!!
Beautiful image!
Looks pretty good from here! Great image.
looks hot
Interesting device, having an outside point of view figure intruding into the scene. You really put a lot of thought and work into these renders. Nice work.
Very cool scene. Awesome job!
I Enjoyed The View reading the print on her Belt and on her Glove
Beautiful and great render!!
Wonderful scene and great story line!
Well done!
Absolutely beautiful!
Great work! Like the written warnings and have to say the camera drone may have a fetish problem :)
nicely done!
I hope the dude holding her arm is cool, or he could be a world of hurt if she is dead set against it
OK... First, I LOVE the "no hand hold" placement - wonderful stroke of Miho's humor.. And one thing that IS right, is she's in the picture, and looking as gorgeous as ever!
I can't wait to see what the bots have discovered - sounds like some dastardly things are afoot.
Another outstanding image and page in the story, my friend! It's always a treat seeing what you've created!
Stunning perspective and exciting story!!!
Like Rod, I love the no hand hold warning. And I can't wait to see what the bots have found.
A fascinating story and beautiful image! Well done on both counts!
This is very nice work.
Great work! :o)