The Pushy Pixie, Velarsburg’s only tavern, was particularly raucous as the sun began to set, filling to capacity, and some, as farmers, foresters and visitors form out of town, who clearly stood out in the rough and tumble crowd, packed the place in anticipation of the evening’s entertainment, while Coran and Mistale did their level best to stay clear of the frequent brawls that seemed to erupt at random and quell themselves just as quickly.
The companions had arrived in the frontier logging town a few hours past high sun, but just as they reached its outskirts, Rowan had announced with a regretful pout; “Here’s where I leave you. Although I was born here, and I still have kin here, I’m not comfortable with how this town has embraced the raping of my Lady’s forest. So, I spend as little time here as I can. I wish you well in your travels… and I will truly miss your company,” looking to Coran at the last bit with a wicked grin.
“We will miss yours as well,” Mistale cooed, with a mixture of sorrow for her departure and amusement at her innuendo regarding Coran’s ‘company’, as she embraced the beautiful ranger.
Then Coran took her place, embracing Rowan affectionately, as he offered with a sly smile; “It has been a true pleasure to be in your company… I sincerely hope we cross paths again someday.”
With that, she turned away, heading for the nearby forest, leaving them to proceed into town where they secured a room at the only inn, the Old Stump, a more upscale establishment than one would expect in such a rustic setting and discovered that the Flametresses, a traveling troupe of dancers and priestesses of Sune would be performing that evening at the Pushy Pixie, the town’s only tavern. So, they found themselves awash in a turbulent sea of humanity that had flooded in to witness the spectacle.
Mistale had fended off numerous advances from locals and visiting merchants alike, despite staying close to Coran, and was beginning to question the worth of seeing the Sunite’s performance, while he had more than a few of his own, the rejection of which nearly started a few brawls as jealous admirers of the rejected stepped in to defend her honor but settled for receiving her attentions instead. Then a deafening roar announced the arrival of the much anticipated Flametresses; a half dozen or so breathtakingly beautiful red-headed woman, who paraded onto the stage in scant outfits of translucent silk, which did almost nothing to conceal their magnificent feminine bodies. The band struck up a lively tune, with questionable skill, and the performance of well-coordinated, somewhat sensual dance began to rave applause, and more than a few bawdy comments shouted from the crowd.
While most of the on lookers were more focused on the delightful display of tantalizing beauty, both Coran and Mistale noticed that one of the dancers was slightly out of sync with the others, missing a hand gesture here or a foot placement there, nothing that only the keenest of eyes would notice, but they did.
“She must be a new recruit,” she commented, needing to practically shout into his ear to be heard over the crowd.
“The seventh of seven,” he observed with an agreeing nod, noting that it was odd number for a dancing troupe.
After a lengthy performance, which had the crowd captivated from start to finish, the dancers took a collective bow, during which seventh of their number was slightly off again, before prancing off the stage to a choir of regretful moans, cat calls and multiple requests for an encore, but none was given. Instead, a number of local dancers took the stage and thoroughly embarrassed themselves with crude attempts to duplicate some of the intricate moves of the Flametresses’ routine. In mere moments, the rowdy crowd resumed their pattern of random fights and drunken debauchery, prompting Coran and Mistale to head for the exit with as much haste as the tightly packed bodies would allow, making every effort not to become separated or insight any of the local who were looking for any excuse to start trouble.
Comments (22)
Marvellous creation
Thanks again for all your kind comments!
A great story.
Thank you for your kind comment!
I would like to thank everyone who so kindly offered me their prayers and well wishes for my surgery and recovery there from. I'm sorry to report that my concerns over my inability to continue to pelt my fellow artist here with snide remarks and terrible puns have not come to fruition. Yes I'm afraid, beside a minor bit of inconvenience at not being able to sit in front of the computer for extended periods of time, I will be able to continue operating as normal... even resuming my hone dialysis treatments as of tomorrow. In all seriousness, I do truly appreciate the support I have been show by this community... My sincere thanks to all!
This is the beginning of "Book 4" in what has become quite an epic series... I don't think I've ever stuck with a series beyond a dozen installments, and this one has reached 42! Thank you for your interest in my work... it is greatly appreciated!
well done.
Thanks again for all your kind comments!
My thoughts are with you.
Thanks again for all your kind comments and thoughts... I do truly appreciate all the support!
I was unaware of your health issues. I hope the very best and a recovery. your art/writing are always a pleasure to reflect upon
Thanks for your kind comments and well wishes... I do truly appreciate them all!
Another great chapter. I wish the best on your road to recovery, I've worked in a hospital before and know that dialysis can be rough on patients. Pace yourself don't overdo it we'll all be waiting for your highly entertaining stories and eye catching artwork.
Thanks again for all your kind comments and best wishes!
I'm all too well aware how lengthy hospital stays can go... my health issues started with a 5 month long hospital nearly 5 years ago.
Amazing title ! Very well done.
Thanks again for all your kind comments!
Story is great. Keep it coming.
Thanks for your kind comment!
The very best for you! Keep going!
Thanks again for your kind comments!
eekdog Online Now!
Very sorry to here about your issues, someone is giving you hassle? Who?
Your artistic talent will be missed, hope you can still work. God bless.
Thanks again for all your kind comments!
Unfortunately the only one to blame for my health issues is me... they all started as complications from diabetes, one of the most insidious diseases. While most people understand that it has to do with regulating blood sugar, few people that do not have it, or know someone who does, understand just how destructive it is to your body, causing heart disease, kidney failure and nerve damage, typically known as neuropathy, that causes the loss in sensation in extremities, especial the feet. Numbness in my feet caused me to be unaware of a minor cut on my left foot that became infected and nearly cost me that leg below the knee... although an outstanding surgeon was able to save my leg, my left foot has only 5-10% of the normal range of motion, meaning I need a cane to walk and can not climb stairs or run. The diabetes also caused kidney failure which resulted in needing to do dialysis, which I can fortunately do at home. The surgery I had yesterday was to repair the catheter used in that home dialysis treatment. I still consider myself quite fortunate... I can live a fairly normal life, working around my daily treatments, care for myself and still live independently.
Thanks for your kind comment!
This looks impressive. Sorry about your health issues. Take care of yourself!
Thanks for your kind comments!
Again super story.and great image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again for all your kind comments!
Thanks for your kind comments!
great chapter. look forward to reading more.
I'm happy to hear your surgery went well and you're recovering nicely.
Thanks again for all your kind comments!
Very well done story!
Thank again for all your kind comments!
nicely done!
Thanks for you kind comment!
This is a wonderful beginning to the next book, my friend! Looks like another delightful adventure is about to start, and i'm happy to be along for the ride!
I know what you mean about sticking with a series - same here. The T.N.A. story was originally going to be 3 chapters of 10 pages each. You see how that turned out! LOL
Keep 'em coming, my friend!
Thanks again for all your kind comments!
I went back and counted the images I posted in this series and I still can't believe I've reached 43 with this one... and I have four more completed with narratives, plus another two I'm just starting on... it really seems to have a life of its own!
starship64 Online Now!
Great work.
Thank you again for all your kind comments!
Very good!!!
Thanks again for your kind comments!
I'm glad you did not have to leave us for any great length of time and that you can resume your wonderful story telling and art without too much discomfort! Please take good care of yourself from this day forward and we'll all keep reading and leaving sarcastic or our uneducated comments! Nice beginning to your next book btw! Stay well!
Thanks again for all your kind comments!