Tue, Feb 18, 10:38 PM CST

A Flemish Jay

Photography Macro posted on Feb 12, 2019
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A close up through our window from a A Flemish Jay at our feeding place. Isn't it cute? Thank you very much for your visit, dear friends.

Comments (14)



9:26AM | Tue, 12 February 2019
Rocker foto.jpg


9:44AM | Tue, 12 February 2019

Absolutely 'spot on' Jacomina. I hope you are both as well as can be expected. xxx



9:50AM | Tue, 12 February 2019

adorable, great shot looks like he's saying.what that's it? where's the rest of the food?



10:52AM | Tue, 12 February 2019

Super mooie foto van deze prachtige vogel !!


eekdog Online Now!

11:05AM | Tue, 12 February 2019

Pretty lil thing.



12:37PM | Tue, 12 February 2019

Zijn broer zit bij ons aan de pindapot.

Je hebt hem Schitterend "gevangen ".



3:21PM | Wed, 13 February 2019

He is smiling at you, Jacomina! He surely knows that he is at a safe an friendly place!



8:26PM | Wed, 13 February 2019

What a great shot of this dapper little visitor!



9:22PM | Thu, 14 February 2019

Fabulous. We get Eurasian Jays in England, and a couple of those from a local park will now take food from my hand. They are very intelligent and sometimes scare other birds away from food by imitating the calls of hawks!

Thanks for putting this up, I will try to get a decent photo of one myself sometime this spring.



9:18AM | Fri, 15 February 2019

awesome !!



3:45AM | Sat, 16 February 2019

very well done through window! great clarity and such a beautiful bird! Bravo Jacomina! 😀



5:42AM | Sat, 23 February 2019

Yes it's beautiful...and it also has softness---its wings are almost like fabric. And I love its muted salmon color, and its slightly pink grays...and all the detail at its feet (seed shells, wood, etc.) Plus, it has a little bit of blue in its feathers...beautiful.



12:36PM | Sun, 03 March 2019

There is so much colour variation in jay's! We have three types here in western Canada (Blue, Whiskey Jack, and Stellar's) and they all look different.



8:47PM | Fri, 22 March 2019

Oh he is very beautiful indeed.

And it appears he is looking at you .

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