A Blue Moon For Halloween by KatesFriend
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René Des Sorcières takes flight with her faithful familiar Sutekh. Halloween is a holly night for all Wiccans. Tonight even more special for its blue moon. René hopes that this night will bring renewal, a break from the struggles of the last year that has disrupted the lives of so many - including herself. Circumstances have put off her planned initiation for now. And she had found the perfect aspirant too. A pretty warlock she met in (virtual) coffee club. René did manage to cast a virtue spell on him just to keep him loyal. Young warlocks are so easily caught by a witch's ploys. One day, hopefully soon, she will, um-, debrief him. #YouSeeWhatIDidThere? In the mean time, having some witchy fun is in order tonight. René saw this gag in a cartoon when she was little - popping her hand out of her glove. Handy (pun intended) for heavy lifting or for a much desired back rub.
Of coarse by virtue of the design of our Gregorian calendar, any full moon on Halloween - the thirty-onest (31st) and last day of October - will be called a 'blue moon'. Not literally blue of coarse though if there is a large amount of dust or smoke in the air - enough to scatter the red and yellows of the spectrum - the moon can turn blue. #Science! Where's Magnus Pyke when we need him? As always, have a happy and safe Halloween - remember to social distance. Be watchful for the little ones out tonight. Do take candy from strangers but DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE, I still have to say that, it's the law. Unless you are in Louisiana for some reason. Later, I will be watching the movie 'Shadow Of The Vampire', with John Malkovich (yeah, that guy) and Willem Dafoe (yeah, that guy too). An unconventional horror film with loads of sardonically dark comedy. Cheers!
Comments (10)
Out for a great Halloween night. Love your witch Clayton. Happy Halloween.
Thanks man. Happy Halloween!
mazzam Online Now!
Very fine holiday image.
Such a beautiful witch--especially like the light on her, Clayton. The environment is wonderful in all its blueness--wouldn't it be a treat to see an actual blue moon? Happy Halloween :) Stay safe especially now with the rise in the damned virus.
RodS Online Now!
Indeed... The second full moon of the month (i.e. once in a blue moon...). And on Halloween. A sign perhaps... Of better days ahead. May they begin in a few days...
Excellent work on this, my friend!
Thanks so much.
Get out and vote my friend. I'm Canadian so I'm hoping you can clean up the meth lab my people have to live above.
#IveBeenDrinking Happy Halloween!
cool creation, well done.
I love, love the image and the fun and clever narrative your conjured up for us. Wonderful 10++ Great to see V3 once in a while.
Nicely done.