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Strange Mix of Technologies

Poser Science Fiction posted on Dec 12, 2020
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In Sean McMullen's Greatwinter trilogy, Cyberlene Zavora, Highliber of Libris, visited the Perth abandon, a pre-Greatwinter city now isolated and nearly inaccessible in the Calldeath lands. Its location assured the technology and material there had not been quickly looted as easily-accessed resources were, soon after Greatwinter. Zavora took ancient rocket technology from a museum there as well as technical information on how to make rocket fuels. She transferred the rocket parts to the outback north of Kalgoolie and established a test site there. After Greatwinter, all the major religions outlawed technology that contributed to the Greatwinter political and environmental disaster. Even steam power is prohibited. Electrical power is not only forbidden but is virtually impossible because electrical devices are quickly destroyed by automated ancient orbital war devices called Wanderers or Sentinels. Society has regressed to pre-steam times. Zavora and her Libris engineers and chemists know how to make the rocket fuel but must devise a mechanical method to launch and control the rocket. And what does Zavora hope to accomplish? The wooden launch gantry is made from parts from Medieval Construction Props and the tank on the right is from Walden Mill, both from DAZ. The building is Dryjack's Old Shack freebie. The track and train car are from the Wind Train. The cargo tarp on the car was made by draping a tarp over the tanks of the GWR Cordon Gas Tank Wagon. The buffer at the end of the track is Dryjack's. The rocket parts are modified from the X-20 Titan II Booster freebie. Most of the figures are Lorenzo Lorez (DAZ) in an outfit from Varsel's LoRez Cloth 01 freebie. The two Dragon Librarians are V4 and M4 in Hooded Cloaks fro DAZ. The environment is the Australian Outback, from DAZ. The birds are the Laughing Kookaburra in the foreground (Songbird Remix Second Edition) and from Flock Formations from Hivewire3D. The scene, inspired by the Greatwinter trilogy, was composed and rendered in Poser 11 Pro.

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Comments (2)


crender Online Now!

12:57PM | Sat, 12 December 2020

Amazing !!!!!!



6:02PM | Sat, 12 December 2020

Very impressive scene and image even if I know nothing of the story.


9:31AM | Sun, 13 December 2020

I included the background teasers hoping some folk might be inspired to find and read the Greatwinter series. It's a good read.

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