Luca frantically crawled through the ash, his arms and legs covered in black soot. Tan scanned the campground for any recognizable features, but there were none. He wasn’t even certain this was where their tent had been. Smoke still rose from the ground and the sound of firefighters nearby could be heard cutting apart potential hotspots that could flare up.
“He’s got to be here,” pleaded Luca as tears cut streaks through the ash on his face.
Jack and Kalu dropped to their knees in sympathy and crawled over the ground to search with Luca. During the chaos of evacuating the camp three days earlier, Luca had left his Teddy Bear inside the tent. The campground was now just a scorched patch of dirt. There was no evidence left to indicate that this had even been a campsite. The Ruk campers had lost their camping gear, but for Tan and the boys, they had lost everything. The most devastating loss being Luca’s bear.
Tan looked at Luca’s bare feet. Luca didn’t even have shoes to wear. Jack suddenly stopped and rose to his knees, just realizing he had lost something as well.
“My guitar, it’s gone,” said Jack.
Tan slowly nodded. “I know, Jack. Boys, look at me. We lost everything, but your sacrifice and efforts saved the lives of thousands of Sunth and Ruk. We’ll replace the things we lost, somehow.” Tan sighed. “Gather some rocks, we’ll make a marker here for Luca’s bear and have a service.”
Luca glared at Tan with accusing eyes. There was no way to replace the bear, it was gone.
The boys gathered the rocks while Kalu went to get her family. Luca insisted on arranging the rocks personally until he was satisfied they were stacked correctly.
Tan started the service. “Teddy protected…”
“His name was Mr. Buckles,” interrupted Luca.
Tan began again. “Mr. Buckles protected Luca for many years…”
“Since before I was born, my mom brought him from Aeden when we moved to Cyphus,” added Luca.
Tan wasn’t surprised at that, it was that the reason the A.I.’s were so integrated into the Aeden culture. The A.I.’s began their lifetime service before the child was even born; connecting gently with the developing pre-natal mind and warning the mother if any medical problems were found. The sudden shock of not having that presence in Luca’s mind could cause serious problems. Jack had told him earlier that it could even lead to a psychotic breakdown.
“Mr. Buckles will be missed by all,” finished Tan.
Jack spoke next, and Tan couldn’t have been prouder. Despite Jack’s own loss, he was stepping up to the plate as an older brother and delivering a beautiful eulogy.
Luca tried to speak, but lost control and began crying. “I’m sorry I murdered you, Mr. Buckles.”
Lagu-dagus, Kalu’s mother, quickly knelt and scooped the boy up. Luca didn’t resist, he collapsed into the Ruk woman’s arms and let the giantess rock him. Lagu began to hum a tune that Tan found relaxing and… he had to shake his head, he’d almost fallen asleep to the tune. Tan looked at Jack, his eyes were closed and he was swaying slightly to the humming. Margus-dagus, Kalu’s father, tapped Tan on the shoulder and motioned for him to follow. When they were just out of earshot, the giant Ruk knelt to speak with Tan.
“A new A.I. must be found for Luca,” said Margus. “The A.I.’s are vital to the mental health of the Aeden’s.”
Tan furrowed a worried brow and glanced at Luca. “Does the Ruk have A.I. technology?”
The man nodded. “Children’s A.I.’s fell out of popularity long ago among the Ruk, but we do have the same technology as the Aeden. There is only one source code that all A.I.’s are based on in the Atan, Ruk, and Aeden civilizations. A brilliant Atan scientist created the base code for the A.I., but when he died, it was discovered that all the knowledge of how he created the A.I. was lost. He had never made any notes, it had all been in his head. The Atan’s gave us the technology, and we can copy the base code, but not change it. When we try, the A.I. does not function. We then gave the technology to the Aedens during the time of Jacuub.”
Tan frowned. “Wait. The Atan’s gave you the technology, and you gave the Aeden’s the technology, but the Aeden’s won’t share technology with anyone else?”
Margus raised a brow, which looked a lot like an overly leafy branch swaying in the wind. “The Aeden’s can be a petty and arrogant race. They are like that trouble-making cousin you try to avoid, but they are still family.” Margus nodded at Jack and Luca. “But we would never turn our backs on a child in need, even an Aeden. It’s said that Jacuub even took a lost Eroden child in once.”
“Perhaps one can be made for Luca, if I can save enough money to do it,” said Tan. Tan pressed his lips tight before continuing. “On another matter, are you aware that Jack has a crush on your daughter?”
“I am aware,” replied Margus. “I am also aware the feeling is mutual. I’m afraid Kula has a liking for the ‘bad boy’, and Jack is about as ‘bad boy’ as they come.”
Tan tipped his head to the side in confusion. Margus smiled. “Parents are often not aware of what their children are like when they are away from them. Jack has already put two Ruk boys in their place. I hesitate to say anything on the matter, because he was defending Kalu’s honor after the two boys said something crude to her.”
Tan tried to suppress a grin. “That sounds like Jack.”
Margus returned the grin. “I see a father’s pride in your eyes.”
“If Jack was truly defending her honor, I have no issue with it, but…he really fought them? He’s not even half their size.”
Margus nodded. “I share your concerns, but bravery in the face of overwhelming odds is respected by the Ruk, and Jack fights like a wildcat. I had to pull Jack off them before he could do serious damage.”
“Provided he’s fighting for a good and moral cause, I’m fine with it,” added Tan. “Though I don’t condone their species conquest of innocent worlds.”
The giant man stuck a hand out that could easily have wrapped around Tan’s head several times. “Good, I too found myself proud that Kalu made a friend that would not back down from defending her. I think we’re going to be good friends.”
Tan shook the giant’s hand.
Margus nodded in the direction of Luca. “Their ceremony is over. We will leave for the airport to fly home soon. You are coming with us, yes?”
“Yes, of course, I’ve taken a cook’s position on the RS-40.”
Margus nodded. “We can get transport in the city, but first, Emergency Services has set up a donation distribution center for victims of the fire. Let’s see if we can find some fresh clothes for the boys, and some shoes for Luca.”
Comments (9)
Poor Luca! All I can say!
I feel pity for Luca,fantastic chapter,excellent image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5*
well done again.
Another excellent instalment, nice work
Poor love!
Awe Luca.
Awww, poor Luca. So young and so much to deal with...
Indeed, poor Luca !!
RodS Online Now!
A wonderful chapter, and I hope they can come up with a new A.I. for Luca.. Poor fellow... Sounds like they've made some awesome friends, though...