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Mystical Visions

Poser (none) posted on Feb 26, 2001
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Poser/Photoshop, Howarth Wings, Azara Texture by Dizzie, DAZ 3D rose, Photoshop dress, belt, background and hair. I'm not quite sure I'm finished with this one. Normally I like to do more in post work to the wings, which I did, but they looked all wrong. So, I went back and started over and did very little to the wings. I'm wondering if they look plasticy like this.

Comments (19)


2:09PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

I think the wings look awesome as they are. I would recolor the rose, or move it a bit away from the right hand, so that it stands out. As it is now it blends in. But overall, an amazing work.


2:12PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Not plastic at all! I agree on the rose but I wouldn't change anything else! Great one, I realy love it S



2:14PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Beautiful, work, wow its amazing Lisa I love your work.


-renapd- Online Now!

2:26PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Don't touch a thing!!! This is breathtaking! Wings, angel, face, pose, lightsclothing ...EVERYTHING is perfect! :o)


2:35PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

I agree with renapd...don't touch a THING!!!!! Ya don't mess with just sit back and drink it in :o)

Taura Noxx

2:38PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

WOW this is stunning!



2:48PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Beautiful one !! Destiny said it- dont' touch a thing !



3:04PM | Mon, 26 February 2001 simple word....gorgeous



3:08PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

This is just gorgeous Lisa! Truly mesmerizing!


4:27PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

The picture is complete, nothing more to do to it, leave it alone, sit back and say "Damn I'm Good".



6:17PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Intriguing and spellbinding.



7:35PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Wow! Thanks everyone! Maybe I'll call it finished then! :) I really appreciate all the great feedback. After looking at something for so long my judgement gets blurry and the feedback (positive and other) really helps with that. Thanks again!

Sacred Rose

8:53PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

Lisa.....This is Magical! It is poetry in motion...please don't change anything!!!! As has been said....Ya don't mess with perfection ;)



11:05PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

This is the kind of image Poser was made for. Totally awesome work, Lisa. Be righteously proud! :)


11:43PM | Mon, 26 February 2001

I love her face. I love her hair. Her wings are great. The entire image is beautiful!


12:59AM | Tue, 27 February 2001

At the risk of being redundant, it's gorgeous! Change it if you like but I think it's nice just like this.


4:09AM | Tue, 27 February 2001

This looks great! Maybe a bit of texturing (lines, etc.) on the underside of the left wing since it's a closeup?



4:36AM | Fri, 02 March 2001




5:35AM | Sat, 03 March 2001

Don't touch anything, it's gorgeous! Absolutely stunning. Well done! Thanks for posting it.

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