From Chris, Paul, and Alisa at HiveWire 3D: Lisa Buckalew, aka Lisa's Botanicals and a founding partner of HiveWire 3D, passed away on February 20, 2021. She will live on in the hearts of her family and friends, and all who knew her or use any of her beautiful products. We miss you and love you, Lisa. What follows is what she originally wrote on her Bio:
A bit about me? Thanks for asking! :)
Im Lisa, Lee, Mom, or Lisa Marie when Im in trouble! (Hi Mom!) For the past twenty years Ive been married to Jeff and Im the proud Mom to three wonderful boys.
Having been born on September 4, Im a Virgo and yes, a perfectionist. :)
I have a love of horses, books and of art that goes back to my childhood. One of my favorite childhood memories is of my mom reading me Miss Twiggys Tree over and over again. After I learned to read on my own I was hooked. Long after bedtime, my mom often found me under the covers with a flashlight reading the latest Nancy Drew or anything to do with horses book.
As a child, my creativity was always encouraged and I was told that I should pursue a career in art. Most of my childhood drawings and paintings were of faeries and elves living in mushroom worlds and of course there were many, many drawings of horses.
Twenty years ago I was destined for Art School and some formal art training but instead decided to marry and start a family. My artistic interests over the years since have been varied. Ive explored Photography, landscaping, various crafts, sewing, floral arrangement, glass etching, fountain making and Ive become quite good at cake decorating. Now, though, I feel as if Ive come full circle and am beginning another journey starting once again with my first love -- my passion for drawing and painting.
The passing of my son Jeff in the Spring of 2000 nearly destroyed me. It was then that I began using Poser to illustrate my thoughts, ideas and feelings while working through my grief.
With the expert guidance of my very dear friend, Moyra, I was able to complete my first vision, a Terragen/Poser/Photoshop composite I call Making the Journey. From there I have eagerly continued my own journey into the fine art of 3D imagery and am thrilled to be contributing to 3D resources with my own Products for Poser.
Art, expression and imagery for me go hand in hand with the written word and my passion for books has taken me through many experiences and on many adventures. I am currently exploring a variety of New Age titles and poring over the Photoshop Bible.
To me it seems that one cannot read without being inspired to write and I am pleased to say that I am now a published poet. :)
I hope have enjoyed learning a bit about the artist behind the art. Thank you for your interest.
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Comments (19)
I think the wings look awesome as they are. I would recolor the rose, or move it a bit away from the right hand, so that it stands out. As it is now it blends in. But overall, an amazing work.
Not plastic at all! I agree on the rose but I wouldn't change anything else! Great one, I realy love it S
Beautiful, work, wow its amazing Lisa I love your work.
-renapd- Online Now!
Don't touch a thing!!! This is breathtaking! Wings, angel, face, pose, lightsclothing ...EVERYTHING is perfect! :o)
I agree with renapd...don't touch a THING!!!!! Ya don't mess with just sit back and drink it in :o)
Taura Noxx
WOW this is stunning!
Beautiful one !! Destiny said it- dont' touch a thing !
Syyd simple word....gorgeous
This is just gorgeous Lisa! Truly mesmerizing!
The picture is complete, nothing more to do to it, leave it alone, sit back and say "Damn I'm Good".
Intriguing and spellbinding.
Wow! Thanks everyone! Maybe I'll call it finished then! :) I really appreciate all the great feedback. After looking at something for so long my judgement gets blurry and the feedback (positive and other) really helps with that. Thanks again!
Sacred Rose
Lisa.....This is Magical! It is poetry in motion...please don't change anything!!!! As has been said....Ya don't mess with perfection ;)
This is the kind of image Poser was made for. Totally awesome work, Lisa. Be righteously proud! :)
I love her face. I love her hair. Her wings are great. The entire image is beautiful!
At the risk of being redundant, it's gorgeous! Change it if you like but I think it's nice just like this.
This looks great! Maybe a bit of texturing (lines, etc.) on the underside of the left wing since it's a closeup?
Don't touch anything, it's gorgeous! Absolutely stunning. Well done! Thanks for posting it.