Thu, Dec 19, 11:52 AM CST

Draped in Red

Poser (none) posted on Mar 16, 2001
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Poser/Photoshop An exercise in working with red. AnnaVTex, my Maria face morph, and lots of Photoshop for the hair and draping. I couldn't decide on a setting for her so I used KPT6 Sky Effects in several layers for the background. I'm not quite happy with the hair but then with this crappy monitor, what looks good here looks horrible elsewhere .... sigh ...

Comments (18)


9:35AM | Fri, 16 March 2001

You have managed to give the red fabric a beautiful fluidity. Well done! (And the hair looks fine to me G)


9:52AM | Fri, 16 March 2001

Nice cloth work. The hair is not bad at all, don't fret it. But I do understand about crappy monitors. Lived with on for years. Finally coughed up the dough and...what a difference.


Debbie M.

10:09AM | Fri, 16 March 2001

Oh my, I don't even know what to say Lisa.... this is so beautiful!! The red drape, and the hair is perfect!!! and the softness of her skin is so elegant. I love everything about this image, absolutely magnificent work!!


10:13AM | Fri, 16 March 2001

This is fantastic! Everything is just perfect! The hair and cloth are outstanding!



11:53AM | Fri, 16 March 2001



11:58AM | Fri, 16 March 2001

I think it turned out just fine. Lovely.


12:12PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

Extremely stunning! I can see a great deal of improvement with every new image... keep up the fantastic work Lisa!



12:14PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

The entire image has certain silkiness to it, in the draping there is a sense that is it going to slip a little more, and in the wisps of the hair there is delicacy; a lovely piece of art all around.



12:15PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

Beautiful Lisa this turned out excellent.


12:43PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

I agree with everyone else!!!!!Just beautiful work!!!!!!


3:44PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

Nothing that I can add that hasn't already been's outstanding!



4:04PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

Thank you all so much for your kindness and comments. As I was explaining to a friend, the hair I see is a beautiful, rich, deep-auburn (which I love!) but you all see it as dark brown. Someday a new monitor will make its way to my house. (I hope!) :) Thanks again!


4:35PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

Beautiful work! :D



11:37PM | Fri, 16 March 2001

I like this. Great pose and expression.


12:07PM | Sat, 17 March 2001

Pose, fabric, hair... all beautiful!! And I must have a monitor that's just as bad as yours because the hair looks like a rich, deep auburn to me, too! In fact, all the colors are great! (Hmm... all my images must be out of whack in color to everyone else then -- ack!)


2:03PM | Sat, 17 March 2001

Absoloutely beautiful work, a classic life drawing artwork, everything you have done here is brilliant.


12:32AM | Sun, 18 March 2001

Yes, very powerful creation, excellent pose and lighting, I wished my hair would come out this great! Ellie


5:59PM | Tue, 20 March 2001

excellent! your work is so extrodinarilly beautiful! Just stunning.

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