Well, I guess it's about time to write at least a bit about myself to let you guys know something about the person behind the pics.
I was born on 19.01.1971 (that's why 71 is in my nick) in Hamburg/Germany. I still work there, but a few years ago my husband and I bought a small flat in a little town a bit up north.
Since I was a kid I always liked taking pictures. Until X-mas 2002 I used a Canon EOS 600 and was totally happy with that. My husband wanted a digicam and I thought we didn't really need one. Well, I guess I was wrong. Taking pics with our Fuji Finepix S304 is so much more fun. Especially since you can always try out a million things and then "throw away" the pics you don't like without having to pay for them being developed first :-) I'm still finding out how many possibilities there are in postworking - and viewing other people's galleries has inspired me a lot.
Thank you all so much for commenting on my pics. It really means a lot to me, if someone likes one of my shots and I always feel very bad, when I just can't seem to find the time to do that much commenting myself...
Hugs Drea UPDATE February 2006: As I feel really, really honoured that my gallery has been chosen as this month's "GOM", I of course just "have to" display the award going along with it here ;-)
UPDATE May 2006: I finally did it - bought a Canon 350D and will start to find out all those "new possibilities" coming along with it... Have to say, that I still love the Fuji and feel kind of bad putting it aside. But who knows - I might still use it from time to time anyway...
Comments (12)
Love the german sausages. I sneak over the border to EAT EM :)
:) Magical lights in the night. Great seasonal shots!
Weinachtsmarkt, special mood, love them, especially the little ones in die dorfer! Great triple presentation!
very festive feeling. agree wholeheartedly with Ric...great presentation!
Great presentation of what i feel is getting more and more just ... sorry "Konsumterror" ... at least, the small ones still are really great, but that's just to early. Can't have christmas-mood for 6 weeks and more.
But anyways, all that is of no importance for your great pic Drea! Thanks for those exceptional well done night-shots!! :)
Great presentation of those wonderful Christmas markets..I used to enjoy this when I visited Buxtehude:))
Thank you for this presentation of Christmas time in your part of the world. Very nice.
yep, Drea. excellent collage. beautiful pictures. i love your work. !!!!!! :O) !!!!!!!!
Wonderful presentation !!
it's times like this i miss living in the city, to see all the lights, lovely Drea, very nice compo, starting to feel the Christmas spirit! ho-ho-ho-meow :]
Ohhh...ahhh... makes me want to go to our Christmas market right now... though it's more beautiful in the evening! Love that Christmas tree on the Alster... sorry have only been there in summer... so I'll have to go back in wintertime... looks soooo beautiful!!!
Wdersch...meine Heimatstadt :-)