Thu, Dec 19, 8:57 AM CST


Terragen Atmosphere/Mood posted on Nov 30, 2004
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It is an older render. I have find out that some clouds settings in Terragen create a bug, I think so. In small renders like 640x480 all is o.k. you get a fantastic sky. But if I render in bigger sizes up to 2600 width, Terragen cut the sky from the top. Actually I render a great sky and on the top is the sun cutted. Now I have two make a second render and have to build the sky by hand. :-( Have you an idea why, what I can change? Have you get this phenomenon also? Anyway, thanks for stopping by and your comments, Dotthy Sky photo by me with my old Olympus C-3000 zoom

Comments (46)


3:06AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Cool cloud action and POV! I love the rugged rock and sand terrain and awesome surfaces. How large do you make your skys? After studying Buzzzzz's skies, I make mine real big- 200000 with an 8-15,000 altitude. Maybe that would help? Excellent work, Dotthy!



3:09AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

You get a V just for the clouds/sky.. Outstanding...



3:13AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

I've thought that the bug has created the sky in this picture... i don't know the bug you say... but the surface are awesome! excellent work this time too!



3:17AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Great contrast ,s foreground - background Like that Clouds are fantastic



3:37AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

The sky oks excellent - the landsape great



3:39AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Beautiful landscape and colouring. Excellent lighting and Postwork. This bug hasn't yet occured on my machines ... yet ... yet :-)



3:50AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Fantastic render! All is excellent! I love your terrain, surfaces and fantastic clouds. Bravo!



3:58AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Can't help with the bug but the terrain, surfaces and especially the clouds are superb.



4:07AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Wonderful surface, atmo, pw and lighting; great sense of scale and depth. Your problem may be the picture ratio - if you render at something other that 4:3 (say if it was 2600x1000, then perhaps the sky will be cut off) - I'm kinda guessing here! V, btw!


4:17AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

The wonderful sky photo complements beautifully with the rest. Excellent image!



4:27AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Oh, ist der Himmel sch! Super Landscape, combination, surface and light!



6:09AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Your clouds are excellent. They really add a sense of depth to the overall composition. Surface layers and lighting is par excellence. As always, beautiful work. Always a pleasure to view.


6:29AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

impressive work here Dotthy, well done. Just one small general question? How does one add a sky photo within terragen? Is it post work?


7:06AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Don't have an answer for you. But this is very very nice work.



7:19AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Wonderful composition! Excellent surfaces!



7:25AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Fantastic lighting, the sky is woderfull, Awesome merged!



8:19AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

what a sky, what a lighting.. fascinating work!!!!


8:33AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Yes, the clouds in this one are totally real - placement really enhances the sense of depth and reality. Excellent.



9:55AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Ich glaube, wenn der Himmel recht niedrig ist, schneidet er manchmal etwas oben ab, hatte ich auch schon... Versuchs mal den Himmel her zu setzen... (Ich hoffe ich rede hier jetzt keinen Blsinn gg). Zum Bild: Super Surface und der Himmel sieht wunderbar aus!!!



10:45AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Magnificent work of art!!



10:52AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Spitze :o)


Brian S.

11:00AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Very nice! Great depth, sky and texturing.

worlds end

11:14AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

It's happened to me before too. Don't know what it is, seems random. Excellent integration of sky and clouds and beautiful work!



11:35AM | Tue, 30 November 2004

very dreamy atmo



12:17PM | Tue, 30 November 2004

no suggestions on the bug(what were your cloud settings that caused the bug??)terrain/srfs+atmo/pw(those clouds!!!)all superb!!:)



1:05PM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Wondeful sky and terrain, Doro!!! v



2:54PM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Beautiful work !!!



2:55PM | Tue, 30 November 2004

Love the textures and shadows here, Doro! This one is stunning! v



3:08PM | Tue, 30 November 2004

oh my Dotthy, what a beautiful image and those clouds are magnificent!!


3:18PM | Tue, 30 November 2004

I have often the same problem. Not found any solution, it happens sometime, and it's really annoying :( This is a wonderful image anyway !

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