Fri, Dec 27, 12:40 PM CST

It's a Small World

2D Illustration posted on Dec 21, 2004
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It's a Small World| If all the emasculating scenes deferred there would only be a single reportoire The world is sure to reinvent its architects to avoid the total lack of self control Syndroid

Comments (16)



12:09PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

Wow this is neat, I love the poem and the Illustration, The world is becoming smaller and not only due to over population but other factors as well. Good stuff!



12:16PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

quite an interesting composition... i'm not sure about this step in the text but everything else is great... :)


12:32PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

great style :-) .. lovely syndroid.


1:21PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

It's a small world after all? No, can't be! Having Disneyland ride flashbacks! Why won't they stop singing? Shut up! Shut up! Quit singing that damn song!


Gwyn Tyger

1:34PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

exceptionally beautiful.


4:00PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

mmm. can a well frog imagine the ocean?



4:53PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

Could this be your best typographic work yet?! Personally I like the step in the text, don't think I'd change anything about this. As for the subject, well, one's reality is one's own perception. Nice lips.



6:21PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

nicer back...your illustration is a magnific piece of art,,,cooler and exact,,excellent



6:34PM | Tue, 21 December 2004

I guess there's an element of truth here.. The words DO simply cut wood for me! The emasculation was meant to be someone's liberation ... and the crazy old world certainly recycles it's oddballs in healthy occupations... peace... Addiek


12:42AM | Wed, 22 December 2004

It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it? Very artistic design. :)


1:19AM | Wed, 22 December 2004

from your mind to my eye, it is a small world! such a fine use of design, your skills have reached a new level :]


1:20AM | Thu, 23 December 2004

a fine practise in balance; it can stand on it's own. The boy is quite wise...


11:51AM | Wed, 29 December 2004

I love the balance and inherent artistry. excellent!


6:45AM | Thu, 13 January 2005

What a style. Ehy my friend, youre really one of the best artists on this site. Its a wrong Ive seen you only now! :o)


4:05PM | Thu, 13 January 2005

YOu have some of the best layouts - great design and issue oriented - what more could be needed!


12:09PM | Fri, 04 February 2005

I hope this time along your wonderful images you are saving somewhere your beautiful poetry too. It would deserve a book. I am honest.

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