Wed, Feb 12, 12:13 PM CST

Riverside Harmony

Vue Landscape posted on Mar 21, 2005
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This composition was Created with Vue 4.1 No Postwork I again am reaching to get that "painted Look" I appreciate you all for viewing my artwork and I hope that you all enjoy it as much as I have creating it. **On A Special Note** I have received alot of private messages from different artist critisizing me for making a special note that I have not used post work on my renders. I have at this point have not used postwork because I am PERSONALY CHALLENGING MYSELF to get the "Painted Look" without using postwork. I am doing this as a CHALLENGE TO MYSELF. I have nothing against using postwork. I have admired alot of artist that do use postwork. I think it is a talent to be able to use several programs to achieve what some other artist use in their composition. In the future I am looking forward to learn how to do the same thing with the programs I have. I just wanted to express that because I have received alot of Negative messages and email from artist who have felt like I was offending them by stating that I have not used postwork. I apoligize to any artist who has felt offended, as this has not been my intentions to offend anyone. I am just another artist who enjoys being able to express myself through my creations. Sincerely, Lisa

Comments (43)


11:57PM | Mon, 21 March 2005

Wonderful setup and beautiful colors! Excellent as always! :)



11:59PM | Mon, 21 March 2005

Your creation is fabulous, Lisa! I think those who have to find fault with what others say or do are just trying to make themselves feel better. They feel they have to make others feel bad so they can feel good. So I say, just ignore them. V



12:46AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Another very beautiful image, Lisa. Very beautiful work. Personally I do not use the post-work, it is really a challenge, especially in the way which you chose. Friendly Philippe


1:08AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

this is a very nice render,i dont see the problem using or not using postwork,I personally have never had to do it using Vue,Poser yes but Vue kinda does its own thing,and you achieve spectacular results with it so just ignore them,and i dont think appologies are necessary.You are an artist,same as the rest of us.


1:51AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Very beautiful image,Lisa!I agree with Samhain74,I think you don't need appologies,too.Your images always give me/us smile and alot of imagination!!:)Please keeping your challenge,show us such a beuatiful artwork more,Lisa!Again,this is very beautiful composition!!!!((Squeez!!))



2:05AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

belli i colori usati



2:13AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

A beautiful image, love the colours!



3:03AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Beautiful colors!


3:12AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Beautiful POV. I love how the river cuts through the land. The grasses, and trees are so alive. Clouds billow effect works perfect. Excellent.


3:26AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Wow ! Fantastic concept and composition ! Wonderful vegetation, colors and sky ! Excellent work !!! V



3:38AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Another sensible image, well done!



3:38AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Lisa, I too am not one to feel obliged one way or the other about postwork! I think whatever we do is a challenge to just achieve something that is pleasing. Achieving the "challenge" inside one particular program sometimes just means "Spend more money on purchasing THEIR props" or whatever. Where's the challenge in THAT?? This pic is beautifully atmospheric & I love the colours. The sky and river both look REAL!! That is an achievement in itself!


3:56AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Beautiful! A very nice atmosphere, well done!



4:41AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

I do most on my images in postwork, but I don't feel offended. I think art is personal freedom and everybody should make his art like he want. If we criticise people about the way they make her art, where is than the freedom??? I use very rarely props or bought dresses for my images, I go for painting, but if other people see a image only as perfect with expensive things they buy, okay!!!! However a fact is your picture is amazing beautiful and I think you are very near to the total painted look. Don't give up only because of people likke that!!! Excellent and V



5:14AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Love the colors - great colors for the sky and water - makes a good contrast with your other colors. A beautiful image - you are achieving that paintorly look wonderfully.



5:21AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

I like the atmosphere in this picture. It looks like it just rained.



6:23AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Well done ...beautiful colors !



7:50AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

I think you've done a masterful job!! This is utterly gorgeous ~ an incredibly beautiful scene. Bravo!!!!



8:09AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

~Beautiful & Tranquil~ Colors are Superb... Magically created!! EXCELLENT!! v



8:13AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

wow, this is an impressive work again, Lisa! i like your painting style and the wonderful coloring, as well as your excellent use of vegetation. very beautiful done!:) V


8:48AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Lovely image!!! Looks like a real painting and the colors are beautiful :)



10:31AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Super Naturlandscaps, colors, light/shadow, mood and image!


11:08AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

ahhh love this....i am a fishermen ~river~ and i can just see myself on that bank again bagging up...ok enough about me lol....lovely image lisa...i love your cloudie sky colourz and setup...very well done ~v~



11:38AM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Excellent Lisa and I totally agree with you about postwork - I too do not use postwork as I want to get the most out of the software however hard that may be - excellent image Bravo :)



12:53PM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Really cool colours, Lisa! Challenge yourself and enjoy yourself!! :^D



5:54PM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Well done :) Simply lovely :)



9:52PM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Oh for heaven's sake, it's fine to say you did not do post work... or even that you do! Both schools are fine!! And I love your adventures into a painterly look right in vue!! Hugs!



11:45PM | Tue, 22 March 2005

Another beautiful composition!!!! Fantastic colors!!!!! Absolutely Gorgeous!!!! Bravo!!!!!!!!



1:30PM | Wed, 23 March 2005

wonderful coloring water! excellent scene lisa : ) (sorry i m to late) excellent ambiant scene!


2:12PM | Wed, 23 March 2005

Beautiful image and colours as always Lisa , very well done:-)

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