Sat, Feb 15, 1:24 AM CST

Banana Bend

Vue Landscape posted on Mar 28, 2005
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Created Using Vue 4.1 NO Postwork Again I am going for the "Painted Look" Thank you all for your time in viewing and comments. **CREDITS** Mallard Ducks By Lyne

Comments (43)



10:16PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

How ~Sweet~ Magically created... EXCELLENT!! v



10:27PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

Nicely done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



10:49PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

Very strange atmosphere ! May be coming from the different lighting between clouds and trees. Your art is very noble ! Bravo



10:51PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

You are getting there, Lisa. An awesome creation. :)



11:05PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

Oh this is practically delicious! :) When color and the feel is sooo pretty like this, it makes me want to eat it! (if that makes any sense?!)


11:32PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

Lovely image, I like the colors in the trees and the reflections in the water. Very nice!!!



11:59PM | Mon, 28 March 2005

I know the colors are a little brighter then what I am use to using in my compositions, however I am challenging myself in color theory and such. By concenetrating on one area at a time has made trying to learn vue alot more fun to me. It is also giving me practice in getting the results I want instead of "accidently" creating something. I want to be able to start a composition and have an image in mind and it turn out how I imagine it.So far that seems to be working for me. I will soon be moving on to another area to concentrate on in vue. What makes it even more enjoyable is getting to meet all of you talented artist who can relate to the challenge art that is seems to give us. You are all welcome back to my gallery at anytime......hug to you all and thanks for your time in commenting.....:)......Lisa



12:46AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

I love this painterly look! Beautiful scene with lovely soft colours. Bravo!!


12:51AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Outstanding composition and, as always magnificent colors! Very well done :)



1:08AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

bel lavoro anche questo



1:13AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Only vue and no postwork??? Excellent :)


1:15AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Wow ! Brilliant composition and colors ! A wonderful image ! Thanks for sharing ! Excellent work !!! V



1:20AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Awesome image! The colors fit perfectly with the "Painted Look" style.



2:00AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Better and better, bravo!


2:55AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

A beautiful image, well done!



3:01AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Cool look to this, almost like a fantasy image, love your experiments with color.


3:24AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Looks very delicious,but i for one will refrain from eating it:D Very nice job ma'am


3:47AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

i love it lisa....i think it look most beautiful with fantastic colours



4:55AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

This is absolutly marvelous, Lisa!!! I think it is one of your best, but that is not easy to say, because all your pictures are just amazing!! You have an incredible talent and I admire that!!!!



5:18AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Oh WOW Lisa! This is beautiful - the sky is stormy and real, the trees are just wonderful, and the foreground has impact with the two ducks in the realistic looking water too.. Still is that strange green/texture of the grass... But one thing at a time hey!



5:46AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Wonderful artwork, Lisa! Excellent done!!



10:31AM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Fantastic natur-scene, wonderful colors, sky and light! Perfect artwork, water and mood!



12:12PM | Tue, 29 March 2005

It's a beautiful image Lisa,a lovely composition so serene and tranquil Bravo !


12:51PM | Tue, 29 March 2005

great work with the colors. keep up the wonderful work


3:22PM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Personally I find this appealing - great series of experiments - very lovely image here.



5:50PM | Tue, 29 March 2005

super keep on experiments ; that how you learn



5:52PM | Tue, 29 March 2005

Brilliant composition and colors...excellent!!!:o)



6:45PM | Tue, 29 March 2005

a beautiful scene. I love the colors.



11:46PM | Wed, 30 March 2005

What a superb composition, great colors and the lighting is magical ! Wonderful work !!


5:06AM | Thu, 31 March 2005

Your scenes are full of magic and looking wonderful. I think the colouring and light is just perfect, and your series of experimentation is giving some fantastic results. Wonderful works! V

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