I started 3D as a hobby years ago. Then I stumbeled over Marvelous Designer 3 years ago and started to try to create some cloth for the characters. It fascinates me, what you can do in 3d. Through my kids I came to animation movies and this inspired me to start creating my own content. In all stores, I was missing the "normal" street cloth, that you would wear every day. Thats what i try to create. Just "normal" clothing, you would let your kids go to school with... So when I see something that I think it's nice, i try to recreate it. I have tons of Ideas in my mind, so I guess there will be some more in the pipeline. As it is a hobby, I like to share it with you for free. The Downside of it? They are "as is" and have no specific timetable. They just drop in from time to time, so keep your eyes open!
Cheers Beat