just a kid who you couldn't pick out of a crowd of three,this kid is me.
i found myself in a room looking at two doors. one door said do not enter, the other said do not exit, so i just sat, with my face buried in my hands.BIOborn in cali, raised in colorado, freshman at Colorado State University majoring in Anthropology. when i am not in class i climb in a local climbing gym or on natural rock. i bike to where i want to go even though i have a nice car, and i appreciate nature more than most. my idea of fun is hauling a 45 lb pack 18 miles over the continental divide in two days.
i never thought of myself as the aristic type, i love to sketch, but until recently was never any good at it. seen the movie Phenomenon...enonemon with John Travolta? yeah, that's me, so all of a sudden i can tell what my pictures are after i finish them, what's the next step? photoshop.
i used to try bryce 5 and Poser 5, but could never get anything i liked, i have photoshop, and now i am at least willing to post some things, though a lot of the time i am not entirely happy with the work.