BIO I'm an illustrator, and for the last 15 years I have been doing almost exclusively digital work--mostly covers for e-books and small presses; fantasy, SF and Paranormal Romance covers are my specialty. I use Poser, Photoshop and Painter, and a nifty little paint program called ArtRage. I have been lucky enough to have work shown on the BBC's The Sky at Night, done promotional artwork for the Hugos, and have digital art tutorials published in Michael Burn's Femme Digitale and Digital SciFi Art (Watson-Guptill 2004) as well as DVD covers, cd covers and e-book covers, most recently for Liquid Silver Books, Edge/Tesseract and Dragon Moon Press. I'm also a member of the International Association of Astronomical Artists. . When I have time, I do acrylic paintings for fun.
Commissions: I do 3d texturing and backgrounds now rather than book covers, and I do appreciate a good UV template to work on. Thanks for checking out my bio!