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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Oct 21 11:11 pm)

Subject: The Female Genital Issue AGAIN

momodot ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 12:14 AM · edited Mon, 21 October 2024 at 5:23 PM

I just read some old threads. Some people get so upset when someone requests a descent female genitalia. The problem is there are morphing porno genitalia but not descent non-porno genitalia. That is to say the genitalia available that I know of, Eve4, the Millenium prop that had been at MorphWorld, and Adeorno morphs are all oriented for looking in or something as far as I can tell... my work is along the line of Modigliani... in fact after the render I get quite stylized and painterly in Photoshop. I got Poser to replace my live models when I moved from the city I had lived in many years, I tried to recreat my studio in digital. In the arguments against female genitals every one always says the female genitals are internal but as a kid and now I never saw any vulvas that were internal and my kids never had the impression there was nothing on the outside of girls either, they were very shocked the first time they saw little girls without much extrernal genitalia as at least in our ethnic group woman have a lot going on with thier female parts and are proud of it. A texture can not do anything for this and the mesh does not permit for the roundness, usaly there is this weird pointness, a failing also of the morphing props that are built to open up. I have spent a few days trying to make a simple non-morphing EXTERNAL female genital prop out of spheres and torus using magnets in Poser since I don't have a modling program and strangly enough I have the finer structures but can't get a nice blend of the Labia Major into the mons without Amorphium which I deinstalled for space and now can't find my serial number (boohoo). I'm sick of this but a female model without external genital is simple as disturbing to me as would be a high res model without fingernails or nostrals... I've had to make morphs to deepen the ear canalls on the P4 figures. Am I a pornographer? I don't know... Was Modigliani a pornographer? --not that am putting myself next to him. Picasso was always painting butt holes... I don't love that guy but would you all be willing to attack him like you do as folks asking for a descent female genitals. I just paint figures nude and this genital thing is bugging me. I tottaly love my Victoria 2 LoRes figure but the "Pubic Detail" morph although I gues it was a nice consescion looks like a cut and that pubic mound is weird how it hangs down anyway. Sorry to rant like this. But anyway, it is just so weird that given how much tuly disturbing and awefull stuff you can buy for Poser noone has put together a nice wholesome female genital prop and sold it for $5 in the Market place.

FishNose ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 5:33 AM

Pornographer!! You! Come off it! LOL Geez, genitals are a part of the body, regardless of the depressing American Victorian/Christian hangup about it. And of course women have external genitals, like you say, all the ones I ever saw did lol...... not as much dangly as guys but nevertheless :o) I am sometimes pornographic but mostly not, and I also like to see my women complete in Poser.... no need for opening up, just looking right. The moral-cramped DAZ thing with doing women who look like Barbie down there is just silly. But I disagree about the Mill genitals - sure they look OK just positioned right. They work fine even when not porno. You might need to add a bit of magnet power to get just what you want, but it's a lot better than none at all. And what's great is, they work fine with LoRes too. You're not ranting at ll, I think this is a perfectly valid point. I get so sick of all the moral police here who squeak about too much nudity, big boobs, squashed mouths, genital realism, NVIATWS, etc etc. I mean, let's all do our thing, whatever we want to use Poser for. And I adore Modigliani by the way. There's nothing more elegant and beautiful than a Modigliani nude. Used to have posters on my walls way back.... Degas nudes as well. :] Fish

TygerCub ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 5:33 AM

I agree and would love to see an anatomically correct female model. Many people would. But hundreds of years of stigma attatched to the female reproductive organs are difficult to overcome. I like the static prop that is available at Morphworld, but do very few images where accurate detail is visible. You're post is sure to send someone to work, however, so be patient.

momodot ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 7:46 AM

Degas. Total genius. Lord! Yeah. I could outfit a dozen chambor of horrors for Poser but I have had trouble putting together a virtual artist's studio... funny given what I thought the original purpose of the app was. Sometimes I throw up my hands and work with Poser Nude 2 or even Poser Nude 1 figures. Recently I remapped the P4 Lo figures to the standard P4 texture. But lets stay on the EXTERNAL female genital issue. The Morphworld genitals are not even there anymore! But you are right they were the best thing going. If I get my static prop together I will see if I can find someone to host it or I'll put in the Markettplace for $5 if they will have it... the blending to hip is the problem. The clitoris and Labia minor look pretty good (can I say those words here?) This is all pretty funny given that in my renders the genitals end up ten pixels square, but like I say, its like a detailed model without fingernails for me. I'm not going to say DAZ owes us genitals (why didn't they leave the fingernails and nipples to texture mapping I wonder?) since they certainly should sell any product they choose too, I just wished one of those inventive people who make things for cutting figures up and post thumbnails for them in Freestuff had first helped us "put them together" ;)

FishNose ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 8:09 AM

I'll host it for you - no problem. Contact me if you get something ready. :] Fish

mickmca ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 8:30 AM

Another vote for reality here. I was watching a thread about how awful "cute" is, and struck by the irony that the folks who "hate" cute were likely to be the ones who devote energies to Goth cliches, comicbook violence, and sword-wielding thews. It's a bit like a McDonald's addict getting nutritionally righteous about Wendy's.

I found myself musing that what's "awful" about cute is awful about Goth and fantasy generally. And about pornography. They all trivialize. But trivializing is not bad, after all. We can't take everything seriously, and we can't take it seriously all the time. So I chuckle or groan over Koshini pictures, and I move on, uninterested, when I see chalk-white skin, blood-red lips, "clothing" made of leather straps, or another pseudo metallic jock- or bra-cup.

The all-time "I know what you're thinking" award for genitals must go to the Amy alternative to Posette which appeared then disappeared in a wave of copyright discussions. She had a complete vagina embedded in her crotch. That is to say, all the invisible parts. And this was for...? I mean, aside from the sweaty-neck thrill of modelling it?

Real genitals are no more nasty that real elbows. The idea that genitals are nasty is just as silly whether it's promoted by the pornographers or the puritans. And there are male-run cultures (if that's not redundant) that deal with the idea that females have external genitals by cutting them off. There, that fixed that.

DAZ can sell Victor 3 without so much as a pubic bulge; that's their perogative, but given the choice between a real body and a "Gibran"ed one, I'll take the real. The detail you want is a bit more than what I need, just like I don't really need hair follicles or cuticles and nailtips in my meshes, but a bit more than that flat space, a bit more than a split flat space, would be nice.

It seems to me that Arduino's Vickie genital prop provides a good deal of what you are looking for, by the way. Never bought it, but the freebie version had things like fullness, etc.

momodot ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 10:50 AM

I don't know anything about Arduino's prop... where is it? I find his site confusing. I download his stuff and it turns out to be .obj files with portions of the map pulled out and blown up making it hard to match. If he had a prop I would love to see it. I do have a problem with detail. I use 3000x3000 V2 maps then render 800 pixel tall images and obliterate them with "oil" in Painter. Dumb I guess.

Ghostofmacbeth ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 11:20 AM

I am fine with the way it is personally .. If I was really do a close up or soemthing then perhaps it might be nce but otherwise three strokes of a brush in Photoshop would solve my need for it. Just my two cents.

mickmca ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 11:23 AM

Attached Link:

In the Marketplace. His English is rough going sometimes, but the products seem to work OK.

Strixowl ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 4:20 PM

Not only are Arduiano's genital props excellant but the instructions/tutorials are excellant, broken English and all. As a newbie I installed his PerfectG product with NO problems at all on my V3 and always use the "real woman" V3 unless clothing will be covering the area. momodot said:"...there are morphing porno genitalia but not descent non-porno genitalia."....are all oriented for looking in or something as far as I can tell..." A Genitalia prop (male or female)is neither porno or non-porno in my book. With a good "realistic" Female gen prop one should be able to "look in", "insert" etc. as well as see "realistically" in a regular nude pose. It's how YOU use the prop :-) Realism is what I want in a gen prop (opened or closed. Erect or flacid) and to date I would say Arduino makes the BEST female gen product around!! And no I don't make a cent, I just like realistic characters more than puritanical fantasy.

Lyrra ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 4:58 PM

I picked up Arduino's Cindy figure just on spec, as I like the shape of her body. She has very detailed genitalia, with many morphs .. you might be able to get her to look like what you need. Also her body morphs and geometry are comparable to Victoria. I think that the most current version has a C2V (like the DAZ V2p4), so Cindy can use Vicki's clothes

ravenfeeder ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 6:42 PM

In all this discussion about female nudity, you have hardly touched the surface as far as classical art goes. Modigliani and Degas were mentioned. What about Renoir, who did many nudes (some of his own wife), Goya, who did a classic nude (the "Maja") of his mistress who was married to a Count (?), Manet, who did the classic nude on a chaise, etc, etc. Of course, many of these stirred up a hornets nest when their paintings were first shown in Paris and places like that, though many of those paintings are now in the Louvre in Paris. I think that artists have been painting, or drawing the female nude ever since the first cro magnon learned that he could draw on the cave wall with a burnt stick. A few bluenoses are hardly likely to stop this.

momodot ( ) posted Thu, 20 March 2003 at 8:31 PM

I looked at Arduino store stuff and it looks great! I think I will buy it. I like it being integral rather than a prop. Still I am working on the prop since I use the LowRes characters primarly on my old clunker of a computer. I had a descent looking prop but it was a memory hog... I'm trying to get the memory down... I'm still working right in Poser. Ugh. I wish they had just put it as a morph on the figure. The male gen should just morph in and out of the pelvis too instead of this hip switch! What were they thinking? I'll probably give up and just go back to the smudge tool in Photoshop... it just doesn't seem right though. Again, at least DAZ gave me the "genital detail" morph... I just find the situation so strange. But I have always hated the notion that woman "didn't have anything down there"... so dumb. Anyway, judging from the renders around here vulva/vagina is reproductive equipment and breasts are the primary sexual organ of the human female ;) For me it's the left pinky toe... don't ask.

SWAMP ( ) posted Fri, 21 March 2003 at 1:53 AM

momodot,If you want to use the LowRes,go to and you'll find the LowRes with genitals by Arduino in their free DL's. SWAMP

mickmca ( ) posted Fri, 21 March 2003 at 7:20 AM

SWAMP: Thanks for the tip! At last, a chance to allow the nakedness vision! One parting shot on the issue of what's pornographic. It's always struck me as wildly ironic that art critics have no trouble looking at and defending Caravaggio's pedophile wet dreams, notably Amor Victorious and the intentionally nasty and intentionally blasphemous John the Baptist leering at a ram, but Courbet's simple, elegant, and stone-graphic "split beaver," l'Origine du Monde, embarrasses them. The former are available in all their glory at the biggest art site on the web, with a note by the webmaster about how much she loves Caravaggio. The Courbet? You're kidding, right? Mick

momodot ( ) posted Fri, 21 March 2003 at 10:17 AM

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Thank you SWAMP. I am now fidling the morphs. They are good. A more orface oriented then vulva building but I think it might work. There is a strange asymetry that develops too. I need to work more with magnets. My work on building a prop is just hellish. There is just so little mesh there. I tried once to do a hip transplant from the regular Victoria and failed but some terrific Morph combos I just did for V1/2 make want to try again to get the full res hip on the low res. The morphs are at they are magnet jobs based on forms brought out by old MorphWorld2 morphs. I can't post is at Freestuff because the proveder will TOS me if there is any bandwidth use to speak of and intellectual they are only maybe 85-95% my intelectual property not that I care about these things!

momodot ( ) posted Fri, 21 March 2003 at 10:27 AM

Attached Link:

Sorry... is the good link. You will see finally what I mean about external genitalial not a "hole". But I don't really like them... they are harsh looking... just what I could achieve. Maybe I will upload the LoRes later. Anyone have for Stephanie?

momodot ( ) posted Fri, 21 March 2003 at 1:14 PM

LoRes V1/2 has two little morphs same page as above but realy there is no mesh to work with. I made these by grouping and magnets.

SWAMP ( ) posted Fri, 21 March 2003 at 5:52 PM

Yes,the LoRes doesn't have much in the mesh department. The most natural genital morphs I have found were made for Posette.It was a set of eight made by Traveler,and gives a nice shape as opposed to "cavitys".I use them on Vic2P4 and that Vic3/Posette hybrid by Netherwork.I don't see them posted anywhere now,but perhapes Traveler will send them to someone who still wants them. BTW...don't discount that genital a stand alone,it makes one scary "scfi" creature SWAMP

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