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Subject: Censorship

drawbridgep ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 2:42 PM · edited Sun, 06 October 2024 at 9:59 AM

I'm still a bit new here, so forgive me. Has renderosity ever had the art go through an approval process before going up?

I love the way you can post any picture and not wait days for the art to be posted. It would be a hard job anyway. Sometime it would be obvious. Pornography, extreme violence etc, but then there are other cases where it's more a matter of opinion. I don't want to point the finger (well I do, but won't), but there's a picture posted today showing a horrific chapter in recent history. It's had a lot of viewings and I'm sure it's upset a few people. Which I think was the sick idea.

I don't want there to be enforced censorship, but maybe an easy way of highlighting to the powers that be that an image may not be quite in the best possible taste. But then, who's to say what's art? I don't think cutting a sheep in half is art, but what do I know?

OK, rant over. Discuss....

Phillip Drawbridge

electroglyph ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 3:44 PM

There are adult content buttons in the forum and gallery for both nudity and violence. I've checked both for art and forum text. One was for an unclothed poser character that was all green and far away from the camera. I've seen worse on network TV, but I figure it's just polite to check it anyway. Not sure what picture you are referring to in the galleries. It's so easy to get way behind. If I even have to ask the question it usually means someone of the 180,000 members will be offended. It's better to check the adult content button and give the viewer a heads-up. Why don't you instant message the poster and ask them in a non public way if they'll edit the post? It is possible for the original poster to go back and check the adult content buttons in a post. You might also point out that as a general community rule when the buttons are checked the image gets more views. That way it benefits them and protects you too.

drawbridgep ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 3:57 PM

Trouble is, the image in quesiton wasn't of an adult or overtly violent nature, just rather bad taste. It's a fine line. I don't know if writing to the artist would help in this case since they knew full well what they were doing.

Phillip Drawbridge

catlin_mc ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 5:48 PM

There was one time an image really hit me as totally disgusting in the sexual sort of way, it also didn't have the nudity and violence checked so I IMed AgentSmith. He sent an IM to the poster and the poster took the image down himself. You could try that. Catlin

TheBryster ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 6:17 PM
Forum Moderator

I once created an unholy row about an image that I found extremely offensive in a non-sexual/non-violent way. It got deleted by the 'artist' who simply hadn't considered that the subject matter might offend. If you believe an item is offensive - complain about it! Loudly! And stick to your guns. If someone has the right to post an image, you have the right to comment on it. I'm all for the British stiff-upper lip/quiet word in your ear chum?, but there are times, more so of late, when a quiet word won't do it. Right now I'm against the use of profanity/expletives used in these here posts. After all, as Catlin may agree, there are ladies present......

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striving ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 6:25 PM

I believe I know what image you are talking about. I saw your comment as well. I know this is very unpopular, but I am all for an admin removing this type of image. There is not artistic intent with this stuff. Just an effort to upset people and cause a stir. This is as much about art as Jack the Ripper's victims were. I looked at the artists (if you can call the person that) gallery. There are at least 3 such images there like this one. I assume they are looking for attention. At the least, this person should have left a comment with an explanation. So if we (the viewer) is missing something in the images point, it could be corrected. I also wondered if these images are meant to be Anti-France?.. since 2 of them contain french symbols/structures.

drawbridgep ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 6:33 PM

Yes striving, that's the one. I'm in two minds now. I don't want to send more traffic to it, which is why I haven't mentioned it directly. But it's still getting a reaction despite this. Am I just feeding what ever desire caused him to post it?

Phillip Drawbridge

electroglyph ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 6:41 PM

The landscapes in their gallery were improving each time, then they started trying to shock everyone. I think further comment will only increase the desire to turn out more of the same.

JC_01 ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 8:02 PM

lol, well, I have to admit.....half way through reading these posts, I had to go search it down so I knew what You were talking about....I did find it and I do is very tasteless.... however, I think it may have been more beneficial on our side to describe the pic directly, cause I know, who didn't see it will go looking for thus, however, giving that person more hits.... I think in this case, the best plan of attack, is the simply ignore those types of work, however upsetting they are... The more we rave, and rant, and complain, some people (as is obvious with this one) will just post more and more... 80% of the images in that gallery were anti-war, anti-iraq, and anti-non supporters... speaking up to this person has obviously not done anything... if there are no hits, no comments and no rankings....soon there will be no more pictures... just my 2 cents... Jen

striving ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 8:45 PM

Well, if a tree falls with no one to see it, it still makes a sound. In other words, saying nothing about it, or saying something about it, its still posted and still tasteless. I just think we can tell ourselves (who find this offensive) that the artist of it is the one with these views. And they only reflect on him/her (not the community). I persoanlly am not concerned if more view it. I am more concerned with the mindset and attitude toward these obviously twisted ideas the artist has. Sometimes there is just not much you can do in these situations. But I am willing to go with Jen here. Full ignore of this artist. -B

Innovator ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 9:51 PM

I found the image in question and completely agree on how tasteless it is. Had the artist put a description about why they created this, it might have made a difference but I believe it was put there in order to offend. I think you should speak up, this person has no right to post things that are meant to offend people. And if this artist receives enough complaints, they may lose their right to post here (not sure, but I think there is a rule like this).

AgentSmith ( ) posted Thu, 02 October 2003 at 9:56 PM

The major galleries have Moderators that troll said galleries (and susequent forums). They will keep an eye out for pictures that go against Renderosity's TOS. If a picture does, the Mod will contact the author and have them take down their pic, or, if bad enough, the Mod will remove the pic and inform the member. (not every member comes here everyday) But, Mod's are only human, we certainly don't see everything, the members here have contacted me from time to time poiting out some pics that might be questionable. If there is ever one you have a question about, I.M. me, and I'll be sure to check it out. Otherwise, we (The Bryce gallery) don't have a high amount of TOS-breaking pics. They're a good bunch of people. AgentSmith Bryce Moderator

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

Teri ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 3:52 AM

I made the mistake of commenting on one of his/her images a few days ago.....I say mistake cuz its obvious to me this person is simply going for shock value..its pretty clear that they didnt spend any time on the images, just slapped some models in the scene and waited for a reaction.... still cussin myself for giving into what he/she wanted. I dont know how I feel about wouldn't bother me one bit to see this image banned...heck wouldnt bother me to see this person booted right outta this community... however I am an American (not sure what country or planet this person is from), but here we do have the freedom to express ourself even at the cost of being offensive to others. I am in aggrement with some of the rest of you.....don't view his images, dont comment on them, and perhaps they will go back to trying to create something that's not quite so sick. In the meanwhile I'm prayin for a meltdown of his pc. Teri R

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 4:54 AM

I think censorship is a bunch of crap, offensive or not I really think anyone who tries to shut my mouth can burn in hell. I don't think that censorship has anything to do with this stupid image, with or without the plane or the reference to real events, it's still not even art at all. But as opposed to censoring the "artist", it would be better to just ignore that person's posts in the future. I for one won't be clicking on his/her attention-seeking-game images ever again. (shrugs)

catlin_mc ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 5:19 AM

Well I wasn't going to but all this made me go see, and yup it is very offensive. But I feel terribly sorry for this person because I feel they may have a psychological problem which is in serious need of treatment. I told folk here before that I used to work in art therapy which is very helpful for people with mental health problems to express there innermost traumas and that is what these images say to me........."I NEED HELP". They were either close to Sept 11th, or lost someone, or the event shook them to the core, and unless they go talk to someone about it this death fantasy they have could lead to their own demise. Catlin

drawbridgep ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 5:35 AM

I don't think censorship is a bunch of crap. You have to protect kids from certain things. Maybe, in this case, censorship isn't the way to go. Perhaps wider areas of classification. But I'm not sure that would help. You know how it is, if you put a NUDITY marker on an image it will easily double the number of views. So maybe that's just giving people another way to increase traffic to their art. And where as porn is pretty easy to classify, how to you classify a matter of opinion? But hey, no one said there was an easy answer.

Phillip Drawbridge

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 9:11 AM

I'm not sure we're all talking about the same image anymore. I am not a bleeding heart liberal. I don't feel or think anything about Americans dying, I am not American, nor do I believe in or agree with anything the American Media/Government stands for. I don't think this image was offensive, because it's impossible to offend me. I don't think there is anything sick or twisted or traumatic about this person's image, or their mind. What I think is they couldn't find anything REAL to model, make, or express, so they latched on to a super-media-hyped near-tragedy, instead of drawing from any sense of true emotion or originality. I could care less how many Americans die, or under what circumstances they were to do such a thing. That's karma for all of the millions of people who have died in American-Government designed wars, such as Vietnam or the Gulf War, INdonesia or Lebanon. MILLIONS, not a few thousand rich people working in the richest building on Earth. The only true innocents are those who are powerless. Garbage is not art, to me. Two cubes and an image of a plane with a sky is not talent, nor expressive, nor artistic. This post of mine, intentionally, should be infinitely more offensive than the stupid image some loser uploaded, just to get attention. More offensive because I have a point, and ideas of my own design. But I seek no attention, only the flow of such ideas, and the demise of bleeding-heart idiocy. This post will now be censored to save the children.

Caly ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 9:25 AM

It doesn't violate the TOS. Best thing to do is ignore it if it upsets you. I don't like Censorship. shadowdragonlord if you don't know what you're talking about you shouldn't go off spouting offensive remarks. I temped in the WTC and I am far from rich! There were people from all walks of life, from simple secretaries, security, and delivery people to managers and businessmen. There was also a mall underneath.

Calypso Dreams... My Art-

Renderosity Gallery

mboncher ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 9:27 AM

I have seen only a few pictures on 'rosity that I have considered offensive. Only one have I complained about, and it was removed because it was hardcore pornography that someone snuck onto the system. It was rapidly removed. But another one I defended because the intent of the picture was totally different in regards to bringing attention to child abuse. It 'offended' me because of it's frankness and some deliberate crudeness, but it needed to be for the picture to be honest and true to what it was saying. Also, there is one artist out there that, to me, just smacks of pedophile fantasy, but it could just be my interpretation. In this point, I take Shadow's point of view and I don't view his work. In regards to self-censorship, I assume that there are 10 year olds, and my grandmother reading this post. If I can't say it/show it to them, then I don't post it. The Bryce forum at least does an excellent job of policing itself. I don't know about other galleries, and suspect this topic is much more dicey in the Poser forum, for instance. This is, after all, a very goodhearted group of people. Censorship is always a touchy topic. I, for one, believe that there is a time and place, and should be grounded in morality put forth by the Renderosity TOS. Other places may have no problem with work that here is considered offensive. But that's the beauty of the free marketplace of ideas. If one community is closed to you, you always have another. We have no right to being posted here, and do so at the pleasure of 'rosity's owners. That means if we cannot post a certain image here, we also have no right to complain about it, but rather need to go out looking for a community to post it in. There is nothing wrong with that. The right to speak does not equate the right to be heard. If that were the case, I'd have a syndicated radio talkshow that every schoolchild in America would be required to hear, and so would you. ;c) If there comes a time that I cannot stand to look at the galleries, because I am constantly offended, I will simply write those in charge, informing them of my decision to leave and why, and find another community. I also will contend that it is our duty as loyal members of this community to uphold and defend it's standards that have been laid out as a common framework for us to communicate. IMHO

Ang25 ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 9:37 AM

I also am not clear on which picture was offensive. I saw the 911 image and although its not pleasant, it didn't appear to fit what drawbridge was saying. I went to that person's gallery and did not see any other "shocking" images. Therefore, I assume its a different image in question. As far as this image, its something that got shown on tv and newspapers for a very long time and the person did put it that it was not intended to offend. So, I'm still in the dark about this.

Aldaron ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 10:22 AM

Whoa Shadow you better go read history again because you have a definitely skewed view of the events. Every "war" you mentioned was NOT started by the US, we were asked by the governments of those countries to help. And in the case of Vietnam because of political BS it was done half-@ssed and not finished. It was far from "millions" of deaths (more like 1000's) but the Gulf War in comparison was nothing and the current situation there are even less casualties because of precision weapons. Don't go trying to make the US look like the bad guys like most of Europe does. We have never started a war but we will finish it(the war in Iraq is still the same Gulf War only 12 years later, in between Saddam was still making skirmishes despite the peace treaty). Just remember you may be under Nazi rule if it weren't for the US getting involved in WWII (along with Russia and Great Britian).

mboncher ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 12:18 PM

Glad I didn't read too closely the first time..... :::Self censorship filter activated:::

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 6:32 PM

IMUO, the US IS Nazi rule. And I have researched their tactics and techniques for over 25 years. Did you know that 1 Million Iraqi people dies in the Gulf War? How is Bush any different from Hitler or Stalin? To say that I don't know what I'm talking about is to say that I am ignorant, which is not the case. My education need not be questioned, my statements about the US are true facts based on research, on this topic I need not be questioned by anyone. But I was only making a point that atrocities are atrocities, and such is the way of the human being. I did not, and sincerely apologize, if it seems like I'm pushing politics. I merely meant to bring things into perspective. There is no RIGHT, there is only POWER.

Aldaron ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 7:09 PM

Attached Link:

Since this is an art forumand not political I won't this though I'd love to know what sources you used to get that ridiculous number of casualties which about 10 times the number I have found from sources. If any of them are Mid East sources they are vastly inflated for propaganda and can be trusted about as much as Saddam's PR guy that kept saying the US was nowhere near Bahgdad even as we wereright behind him. The above link is just one source. As for the US being the Nazi rule, the ONLY place we rule is in the US. Maybe we are fed up with being the world's police but when we try to mind our own business we are criticized for being aloof and when we get involved 9mostly by request) we are accused of sticking our nose in other people's business. It's a no win situation. I could go on but I'll not turn this into a flame war.

AgentSmith ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 7:11 PM

This thread has now been moved to the Off Topic Forum. AgentSmith

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

JettBoy ( ) posted Fri, 03 October 2003 at 10:42 PM

Hmmmmmmmm. I located the pic (or pics, as it were) in question, and can't for the life of me see what all the hubub is about. It's a plane flying by the Eiffel tower, it's a plane flying by the Statue of Liberty, both have provocative titles, both have no explanation of their content, suggesting that just maybe the artist is inviting the viewer to form their own conclusions. A bit trite and a bit gimmicky, as art goes, but it seems to be effective.

As for the folks who are pissing and moaning about how "offensive" this piece is, I can't help but wonder if you've ever been to a gallery out there in the real ain't all Thomas Kincaid, kiddies. To even suggest censoring ANY art is the beginning of the slippery slope; the end of it is when all of the creative content in this nation is reduced to the intellectual level of a "Family Circus" comic strip in the Sunday paper.

Innovator ( ) posted Sat, 04 October 2003 at 4:13 AM

shadow, why don't you show me the link that you got the ridiculous info from? Regarding the number of iraqi deaths in the gulf war, the number is of casualties is still classified. So I know that "1 million" number you picked up is completely false. Ok, thats straying from the point. I don't care if you don't like american politics. I am American but personally question a majority of what goes on in this country, but to call 9/11 a "near tradgey" Is nothing more than an ignorant thing to say. I want to go off more but Ill say some thing that I will regret...ugh

mboncher ( ) posted Sat, 04 October 2003 at 11:49 AM

Reactionary speech does nothing but to stir a fool's heart to evil. Ignoring this thread from now on.

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Sat, 04 October 2003 at 4:44 PM

Okay, I need to sincereley apologize to anyone, including Innovator, if I offended you with my idiocy. Please just take it in stride, don't feel like I was lashing out at you or anyone or trying to mock the American people. I really didn't mean to offend anyone except the artist who posted the image in question, and I feel like I owe him an apology too (or her, sorry). Sometimes I become too opinionated, and this is an art site not an opinion-promoting site. (bows to everyone!)

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