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Bryce F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Aug 28 6:28 pm)

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Subject: Smoked, Toasted, or Slandered...

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 7:20 PM · edited Tue, 30 July 2024 at 8:43 PM

I was browsing the galleries today and noticed a few NEW "works" by everyone's favorite psychotic Ornlu-hater. I'm really curious WHY this person has been allowed to continue posting his/her/their garbage. I'm not trying to make a stink about it, but I'm trying to figure out how much damage can be done around these parts before some of the management takes action. This particular person really needs to be cut off, and alter-egos need to be removed. I know that if I was slandered in such a way as Ornlu was, I would be inclined to not really post at this website any more. Not to add to or increase negativity, but it took all of my self-control today to not leave SOME kind of message slaying this person's lack of skill and control. But isn't it Garbage Night, Agent Smith? Clay?

Ornlu ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 9:10 PM

I'm not allowed to get involved with this, or I will be banned again. However, it's his right to express himself how he wants. If he needs a little confidence booster, let him have it. Maybe you've never thought of it, but this might be his only outlet. Maybe without it he wouldn't be able to cope. Who knows.

Andini ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 9:15 PM

Whoa...I'm lost. What's going on with Ornlu and hooha?

ocddoug ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 9:47 PM

After what was said, I figured said person would have been banned forever. I have no answer, but I sure would like one.

Quest ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 9:52 PM

Attached Link:

Andini, a couple weeks ago things got a little ugly around here where even AgentSmith had to step in and tried to quell the waters. But apparently this individual, presumably of multiple online personalities has been allowed to roam within the community at large. So this brings into question this site's ability or willingness to protect it's members from such individuals.

catlin_mc ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 9:59 PM

That guy is a total bampot and should not be allowed to still be here, posting his inept work, after all the abuse he pointed in Ornlu's direction. I don't think those in charge would ban anyone unless a real big stink was made about it, but you'd think that after what the guy threatened they would have to ban him. Catlin

Swade ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 10:21 PM

I agree that this guy is being very abusive to Ornlu... If it were me... I would render a very swift boot of learning to the seat of education and eliminate the guy from Renderosity permanently. People like that are out to do nothing but to cause trouble. So to eliminate the problem there is only one solution. BAN THE TROUBLE MAKER.....PERMANENTLY! I missed out on what happened but just read that thread. I think I can say without a doubt that Ornlu had none of that coming..... yep no doubt in my mind. Didn't even have to think about it. Wade

There are 10 kinds of people: Those who know binary, and those who don't. 

A whiner is about as useful as a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest.

ocddoug ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 11:03 PM

Bampot? lol

RodsArt ( ) posted Mon, 27 October 2003 at 11:42 PM

What happened is done. Ornlu took it on the chin & came back a day later unscathed.
Apparently the PTB feel there haven't been any TOS's stepped on with Multiple Self voting by this person and his cheering section. Eventually it may bring down the quality of the Bryce gallery or Hot20. But that's not for us to decide, but if you feel so inclined, drop an IM to AS. Squeeky wheel gets the grease.
As far as violent confrontation & threats...One day he'll jab at the wrong Ogre and get stomped, it's just a matter of time. Bet your last dollar I won't dive into the pit with'm. I have better friends in this forum to interact with. Rod

Ockham's razor- It's that simple

TerraDreamer ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 1:07 AM

They had their chance, they saw the threats, they had good reason, and then they made their sorry-ass choice. And that sorry-ass choice was... "We simply don't give a shit. Ban him, hopefully he'll shut up." Why mince words? I was going to ask that idiot who was sitting on the couch for a while on page one of this site and who owns Bondware about this. But why bother? Hell, he doesn't care either. Everything's LaLa Land around here when it comes to management. I think they're more worried about money than they are about legitimate artists here.

AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 2:48 AM

Shadow, I believe maybe you are over-reacting? I understand you want to back up friends at Renderosity, but just because there was an incident (of any kind), that doesn't mean that we can just arbitrarily delete a picture that someone has uploaded. Also, I will ask of all of you what I asked of Ornlu and his counter-part, and that is to just to stay out of each others galleries. Some members just don't mix and that's okay, just live and learn. But, we don't need any members leaving un-constructive comments in either members galleries, by anyone, (Shadow)...Please/Thanks, I'd appreciate it. These aren't orders, just requests, you're free to do make your own sorry-ass choices, like I have... AgentSmith

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draculaz ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 2:54 AM

AS is my hero :)

Dennisld ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 7:25 AM

Would the 200 plus people that view this guys dross every time he posts an image (two a day on average), PLEASE STAND UP. (This doesn't include the stalwart five or six that make a comment and vote for every 'image' come what may) It's not that I am a pessimist.......but? Bye now....Dennis

Claymor ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 1:56 PM

I have found that when someone offers random threats in cyber space it is best to offer to meet them somewhere. I had one guy bug me over the phone with threats so I offerred him my address. They never show up.... (sigh) Of course, though not huge, 6'2 235, I do have a growing sword collection which somehow accompanies me on said journeys. You're more than welcome to borrow several of them Ornlu...I'd even come along to hold them for you. :)

striving ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 3:58 PM

I think AS has missed the point here. he is talking about comments on a pic or the votes into the H20. The fact is, this person was out of control in his abusive PM's. With physical threats, hacker threats and illegal activities (stolen CC's). If this doesn't get you banned, what will??? I am rather disappointed in the Admins and Mods handling of this. And the said person is still posting junk daily like nothing happened. I have lost a lot of respect for the leaders of this site. To tollerate that type of behaviour is beyond me. I hope none of you in charge of handing out the punishment here are raising kids... if you are, better get a good Bail bondsman and lawyer............

shadowdragonlord ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 6:27 PM

I don't know Clay well, but I feel AgentSmith does a great job, and although he's being relatively passive on this issue, it's not my place to judge his actions. AS, though, I really do try to curb my "unconstructive" comments. If you feel that any of my gallery ideas are crossing the line, let me know and I'll delete them, or you can of course if you feel the need. I will not post anything to Black Unicorn's galleries and will not view his/her/their images anymore. I watched a movie recently, though, which was coincidentally called "Identity". It's a great film, I recommend it to anyone who enjoys being freaked out a bit... It had an dark plot of course, and a ridiculous poem... : "When I was walking up the stairs, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish, I wish , he'd go away..."

JC_01 ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 6:34 PM

stays outta this other then to say If the threats have stopped, and no one was hurt physically, or damaged mentally by this, other then some tempers, and some scare, which is normal, then the management handled this as they should, and are doing a great job.... and I bet they are watching closely to see that it doesn't happen again...and are prepared to take the necessary steps, whatever they are, should it escalate again. just my 2 cents tho...

Swade ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 9:41 PM

"and I bet they are watching closely to see that it doesn't happen again...and are prepared to take the necessary steps, whatever they are, should it escalate again." You are probably right JC From the Term Of Service... Members/Users will not use this community for; Any practices that affect the normal operations of the community (Admins will take whatever steps are necessary to restore service). Transmitting any libelous, defamatory, or any other material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under the law. Personal attacks. This includes but is not limited to, destructive, abusive, defamatory communications in any form, and retaliatory attacks from personal attacks. If you need assistance, please communicate with someone from our Renderosity Team. Destructive commentary/communications made with the intent to disrupt or attack (Trolling). This applies to any communications within this community, whether in the forums, art galleries, graffiti wall, chat, or IM. Members/Users found practicing these behaviors receive; Deletion of the post/s. First event - warning by email and/or IM. Second event Forum Suspension for 1 or 7 days or Temporary Community ban for 3 or 7 days. Third event Membership revoked, and access to the community permanently blocked. This includes any duplicate accounts for the same person. Renderosity considers this information private and confidential. However, there may be certain situations that necessitate otherwise.

There are 10 kinds of people: Those who know binary, and those who don't. 

A whiner is about as useful as a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest.

catlin_mc ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 9:56 PM

Well after reading the thread about the change of how many pics we can upload I'd say that his days of posting massive amounts of drivel are nearly over, unless he wants to pay the $5 fee. 8) Catlin

AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 11:14 PM

It's totally your place to question what I do here (at least that's MY opinion on members to Mod relationship) Other than the TOS side of my job, what I do here is to try and give the Bryce users/fans what they would like in their forum/gallery, etc. It's basically, your guys' website, I'm just a caretaker. *Perhaps some of the posts here are confused; Ornlu had two incidents kinda back to back. One involving a forum back and forth "discussion", and a different incident, with a totally different member involving gallery comments. Shadowdragonlord original post referenced a members picture uploads, and that can only be ONE of the members in Ornlu's recent incident's, because the other member doesn't have any pics in their gallery. SO...I do know exactly whom is being talked about. But some of you are maybe thinking both incidents involved the same person? Not sure, but I wanted to impart that info, in case some of you were confused. **Anyway, back to the subject...I did my part in the incident, what I thought was best, and that was to just delete all gallery comments and ask everyone to go to their seperate corners of the www. I passed along every bit of info concerning Instant Messages to my bosses, along with my concerns over their subject matter. I have to understand and respect the decisions they make as far as permanent banning is concerned. (I myself can only do temp bans) They "see" into parts of the site that I myself cannot, thus I have to realize they have a bigger view of the whole picture. AgentSmith

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

striving ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 11:27 PM

AS, I hope you dont think I was putting any of this on you. I didn't mean it that way, if you wondered. I was speaking of the higher ups. I know you can only do so much. No slam on you meant in my post.. but for the BMOC (Big Men on Campus) shame on you!! LOL

AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 28 October 2003 at 11:32 PM

Lol, no, no offense or anything taken, be serious. And, FYI, I've been checking the Bryce hot 20, no pics in there by the member in question. (unless I'M the one who's confused) AS

Contact Me | Gallery | Freestuff | IMDB Credits | Personal Site
"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

catlin_mc ( ) posted Wed, 29 October 2003 at 12:42 AM

As is there any way to find out if I've ever had an image in the hot one? I'm always moaning about never having had an image in there but on thinking about it I don't always look. 8) Catlin

AgentSmith ( ) posted Wed, 29 October 2003 at 2:31 AM

Not that I know of. That is usually one of the lamer type of requests I will put on a list whenver I get the chance; an e-bot notification of when someone gets their pic in the hot 20. AS

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

tjohn ( ) posted Wed, 29 October 2003 at 8:20 AM

"Lamer"? I thought the e-bot/Hot20 was a reasonable request. Maybe you meant "non-essential". :^)

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

catlin_mc ( ) posted Wed, 29 October 2003 at 12:30 PM

Non-essential but very important if you might miss it and it's your one and only visit there. I guess that's it then, I'll never know. 8( Catlin

AgentSmith ( ) posted Wed, 29 October 2003 at 3:28 PM

Yes, much better word, non-essential.

Contact Me | Gallery | Freestuff | IMDB Credits | Personal Site
"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

Swade ( ) posted Thu, 30 October 2003 at 5:26 PM

I sure wasn't questioning what you do Agent Smith... I just pasted that part of the TOS in hopes that all would notice that the: "First event - warning by email and/or IM. Which is what you said you did. along with "what I thought was best, and that was to just delete all gallery comments and ask everyone to go to their seperate corners of the www." Was not trying to be critical of your decision making in the matter. It seems to me that you do try to take care of this forum as best as you can. We all appreciate what you do for us. Even in situations like this. Things aren't always what they seem and just cause we can't see anything happened doesn't mean that there was nothing done.

There are 10 kinds of people: Those who know binary, and those who don't. 

A whiner is about as useful as a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest.

AgentSmith ( ) posted Thu, 30 October 2003 at 8:09 PM

Thanks. ;o) AS

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

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