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MarketPlace Showcase F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 21 2:40 am)

Welcome to the MarketPlace Showcase Forum. The Showcase Forum and Gallery are intended for all commercial related postings by active Renderosity MarketPlace Vendors only. This is a highlight area where our membership is invited to review in greater detail the various art products, software and resource site subscriptions available for purchase in the Renderosity MarketPlace.


Subject: www.SanctumArt,com is launched

SanctumArtKitty ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:19 AM ยท edited Fri, 27 December 2024 at 12:36 PM

We are launching our website with our first product release from a whole new lineup the "V.A. Project."
Awesome, hardcore, super detailed, paramilitary sci-fi armor, and gear set the "V.A.P. Grim."

Check it out in our store will blow your mind!! We are promising more new and asskicking content to be available soon and we are hoping you will enjoy your Sanctum Art experience.

Sanctum Art is the ultimate solution for virtual action.

SanctumArtKitty =^_^=ย 
Sales and Tech Support

SanctumArtKitty ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:20 AM


*"It is the first time ever that an armor set of this quality is released on the market. Originally designed and created as a part of commercial animation project.The paramilitary sci-fi gear and armor set is built from inside out with superior attention to detail that it is loaded with from head to toe. The whole set shows multitude of intricate realistic design solutions with preserving relatively low polygon counts. Poser version of the models is utilized with and fully conform to Michael 3 and Victoria 3 figures. All components are working and behaving in the way that allows user the most control and makes any adjustments easy to apply. Everything acts almost as it is the real thing. All parts can be rearranged and repositioned. Armor elements themselves can be OPENED an option that sets this product apart from anything else out there and allows for it to be used in a whole new range of situations. This package is full of attachments and optional setup parts, all are highly detailed models that expand on possibilities of a base set. ALL elements and figures from VAP Grim package are UV mapped, beautifully textured, and contain superior level of detail to any other product of the type available anywhere else. Helmets, armor parts, weapons, attachments, and high resolution textures - all could be easily stand alone products. Combined they create the best product set in this genre you can buy."*

SanctumArtKitty =^_^=ย 
Sales and Tech Support

SanctumArtKitty ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:21 AM



SanctumArtKitty =^_^=ย 
Sales and Tech Support

SanctumArtKitty ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:21 AM



SanctumArtKitty =^_^=ย 
Sales and Tech Support

SanctumArtKitty ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:22 AM



SanctumArtKitty =^_^=ย 
Sales and Tech Support

SanctumArtKitty ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:22 AM ยท edited Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:23 AM


**Grim Package - Includes:** - 2 Highly detailed original conforming armor sets "Grim" for use with DAZ Michael 3 and Victoria 3. - 70 "Grim" Geometry (OBJ) Files - 55 "Grim" Charcter (CR2) Files - - 26 "Grim" M3 Conforming Figures - 26 "Grim" V3 Conforming Figures - 3 "Grim" Noncoforming Figures - 34 "Grim" Prop (PP2) Files - - 17 "Grim" M3 Smart Props - 17 "Grim" V3 Smart Props - 11 "Grim" Figures Pose (PZ2) Files - 1 "Grim" "Default" Style High Resolution Texture Set - - 28 "Grim" High Resolution Bump Maps - 28 "Grim" High Resolution Texture Maps - 3 "Grim" High Resolution Transparency Maps

Grim Package - Features:
2 Fully conforming to Michael 3 and Victoria 3 sets

  • 11 Highly detailed base armor elements:
  • Conforming Torso Armor Figure ( fully transformable with detachable prop components and morphs )
  • Conforming Arms Armor Figure ( fully transformable )
  • Conforming Hip Armor Figure ( fully transformable )
  • Conforming Legs Armor Figure ( fully transformable )
  • Conforming Helmets Figures ( fully transformable 2 different styles C.F. and O.F.)
  • Conforming Gas Mask Figure ( with detachable filter props )
  • Conforming Protective Face Mask Figure
  • Conforming Protective Collars Figure
  • Conforming Protective Body Suit Figure
  • Conforming Protective Gloves Figure
  • Conforming Protective Boots Figure ( fully transformable )
  • 3 Highly detailed basic armor attachments:
  • Conforming Backpack Figure ( fully transformable )
  • Conforming Medpack Figure ( fully transformable with detachable prop components )
  • Conforming Belt Attachments Figures ( fully transformable )
  • 2 Highly detailed optional armor attachments:
  • Conforming Torso Jets Figure ( fully transformable with detachable prop components )
  • Conforming Legs Jets Figure ( fully transformable )
  • 3 Highly detailed weapon attachments:
  • Nonconforming Rifle Figure ( fully transformable )
  • Nonconforming Hand Gun Figure ( fully transformable with smart props Holsters )
  • Combat Knife Smart Prop ( with Sheath smart prop )

Message edited on: 12/01/2005 09:23

SanctumArtKitty =^_^=ย 
Sales and Tech Support

kayjay97 ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 9:50 AM

I believe you have made many people happy LOL. Awesome stuff. On my way to gaze

In a world filled with causes for worry and anxiety...
we need the peace of God standing guard over our hearts and minds.
Jerry McCant

dlfurman ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 10:04 AM


As I was scrolling down the images that is exactly what I was thinking....

Too Cool!

"Few are agreeable in conversation, because each thinks more of what he intends to say than that of what others are saying, and listens no more when he himself has a chance to speak." - Francois de la Rochefoucauld

Intel Core i7 920, 24GB RAM, GeForce GTX 1050 4GB video, 6TB HDD space
Poser 12: Inches (Poser(PC) user since 1 and the floppies/manual to prove it!)

ClintH ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 10:31 AM

Amazing work as always. Glad to see Sanctum Art back up and running with new content! Clint

Clint Hawkins
MarketPlace Manager/Copyright Agent

All my life I've been over the top ... I don't know what I'm doing ... All I know is I don't wana stop!
(Zakk Wylde (2007))

alt1701 ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 10:41 AM


thefixer ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 10:47 AM

Woa this is awesome stuff! Cool!

Injustice will be avenged.
Cofiwch Dryweryn.

Ghostofmacbeth ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 10:48 AM

Awesome and you have a lot of peple that are saying "yay!!!" right about now.

kayjay97 ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 11:26 AM

Unfortunatley all I can do is gaze LOL. Even though these are sectacular 70.00 is WAY out of my price range :-(

In a world filled with causes for worry and anxiety...
we need the peace of God standing guard over our hearts and minds.
Jerry McCant

MachineClaw ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 12:00 PM

EULA questions and clarifications.... "Reissiuing up to six (6) additional download links to purchased SANCTUM ART'S product, If purchesed SANCTUM ART'S product could not be downloaded correcly (not corrupted or in full) within seven (7) days since the date of purchase. " So what happens months from now if one needs a redownload or backup cd gets eaten and the 6 additional download links are used up? you charge for a redownload? "3. You cannot use, copy, modify, derive, or transfer SANCTUM ART'S product or any copy, modification, derivation, or merged portion thereof in whole or in part via any means or for any purpose whatsoever except as expressly provided in this EULA. " uh, so you can't render then? the "You cannot use..." part is a bit restrictive no? "9. Any portion of the SANCTUM ART'S product merged into or used in conjunction with another product in any media remains the property of the SANCTUM ART and subject to this EULA,and cannot by distributed to any third party via any means whatsoever, public or private, for any purpose, commercial or not, without the express prior written SANCTUM ART'S consent. Any such activity performed without the required consent is a violation of this EULA that may subject you to civil and/or criminal prosecution at the SANCTUM ART'S sole discretion. You must reproduce and include the SANCTUM ART'S copyright notice on any portion of the SANCTUM ART'S product merged in or used in conjunction with another product." So you cannot use the products in video "in any media remains the property of the SANCTUM ART..."? this would be another media. So once the products is bought premission must be asked to use the product in a sold video or a sold render? "5. You may copyright and distribute rendered still or animated images derived from the Restricted Content without restriction or royalty to SANCTUM ART provided you do not violate other clauses of this agreement." uh but the other clause says you can't. I'm confused.

EricJ ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 12:02 PM

Pricey yes, but not unreasonable. Think of it this way, it's only $17.50 per outfit for very high quality stuff. Looks like I know what I'm going to do with any Christmas money I get! :)

noggin ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 12:12 PM

wowser!! Very cool_ and you get several suits if you think about it. Superlative modelling_ obsessively real_ just look at the internal padding!!! The texturing is simply gorgeous. Good luck with your endeavours Michaeln this deserves to do very well!

kayjay97 ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 12:31 PM

I am by no means knocking this fantastic piece of work. I am just saying that for me the price is a little steep right now that's all :-)

In a world filled with causes for worry and anxiety...
we need the peace of God standing guard over our hearts and minds.
Jerry McCant

Khai ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 12:40 PM

I'm sorry Machineclaw you are in violation of SA TOS namely "Members may not, post items, information, and other materials made available at on other sites." oops. so am I ;)

MachineClaw ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 1:43 PM

ah but I'm not a SA Member yet! but that's funny! hahaha.

PapaBlueMarlin ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 3:55 PM

Please support Apollo as well begs

jarm ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 4:08 PM

Hi there There's a huge amount of stuff here, the textures are incredible. But I wonder how well it performs in Poser and I must say, it's very expensive, I'm a poserholic, but even this is making me think twice.... Maybe in the new year.

dolfijntjes ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 5:15 PM

way to expensive for me to so think this is the first and last time I looked :(

aeilkema ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 5:21 PM ยท edited Thu, 01 December 2005 at 5:22 PM

Very impressive, that only goes for the armor and not for the price.... I already thought SA product were overpriced at DAZ, but this beats anything.

Does it even render in Poser at all? This Armor looks so detailed and high poly, that I'm wondering it will not kill P6 FireFly completely?

Message edited on: 12/01/2005 17:22

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....

Dave-So ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 5:25 PM

I've always loved the SA content, and this is a great product, but even at DAZ, it was priced too high for me ...I'm one of those 19.99 max guys for the most part.

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

XENOPHONZ ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 5:56 PM ยท edited Thu, 01 December 2005 at 6:02 PM

Gorgeous. Fantastic. Wonderful. And all of those other superaltives which are due to a model that shows both the quality and superior skill that created this one.

Now, having said that:

I've got over $80 worth of stuff sitting in my cart here at Rendo right now. Not to mention the stuff that I've got loaded up over at DAZ (and elsewhere).

I'll probably do my monthly buy-out soon.

At Rendo, an amount slightly over $80 is going to buy me 6 character packages + a rather pricey clothing set for both M3 & V3. $24.00 for a clothing set is a bit on the expensive side, IMO -- but it's a good set, and that's convinced me to buy it.

As for the product at hand here: sorry -- as beautiful as this package is -- $70 for one Poser simply too much. In the past, I've spent up to $50.00 on a couple of individual items over at Poserworks -- their modern office building being one of them. I've also shelled out the (what was it....?) something like $65 recently for Wardrobe Wizard. Not to mention numerous other items here and elsewhere.

Frankly, a Poser item costing over $20.00 is a bit on the high side. Over $35.00, and it's got to be awfully good before I'll even consider it. But $70? Unless if it's something as universally useful to me as the Wardrobe Wizard is -- or the entire V3 base + all of her morph packages - $70 is way over the top for the price vs. value meter on an item like this one. No matter how beautifully-modeled the item is. And this one probably has few -- if any -- peers in its class.

No doubt, it'll be worth the $70 to some. And I'm sure that they'll enjoy it.

In the meantime, I'll spend my $$$$$ on 7 other items.

Message edited on: 12/01/2005 18:02

Something To Do At 3:00AMย 

Posermatic ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 7:23 PM

I don't see this as a good move, why sell the 2 sets together? I personally don't be needing the V3 version and certainly the suit would have been in my runtime by now if it would cost $35.00. So I will have to wait until I could buy the M3 only version and would wait also for the corrected version of the EULA. The "cannot use" doesn't look very good.

coldrake ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 7:29 PM

I think it's an excellent price for the quality. However,if this was split into two packages, one for Michael and one for Victoria at $35 each, I'd buy the one for Michael in a second, but I'd never use the one for Victoria. I'd be more than happy to buy the Michael version for $35, but I won't be buying the set as is. If the package was split, I think Sanctum Art would sell a LOT more. Coldrake

onimusha ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 7:41 PM ยท edited Thu, 01 December 2005 at 7:42 PM


Here's my P6 render... less than 10 minutes... and yes that is Stonemason's wall behind the two figures... Check out my gallery for the other render I did...

Message edited on: 12/01/2005 19:42

shogakusha ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 7:46 PM

I admit $70 is steep. In looking at the images, I am trying to figure out, this is two suits of armor for each character (Vicky and Mike?) Plus extras? Or is it one for Mike and the other for Vicky? Also, are these Poser renders? Sanctum Art stuff is top notch for detail and quality, but the poly count and render engine strain has to be amazing. Good luck SA!

wolf359 ( ) posted Thu, 01 December 2005 at 7:52 PM

"So what happens months from now if one needs a redownload or backup cd gets eaten and the 6 additional download links are used up? you charge for a redownload?" YOU are responsible for making redundant, Off HD backups, your digital content not the person from whom you bought it .........yes people were not at DAZ any more. Hmmm ....Christmas is on the 25th and my 42 birhtday is on the 28th i just Dropped $50 USD on the new poser physics engine for my Xmas gift to me well.... HAPPY FCKING BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!*

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semidieu ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 2:36 AM

Really great looking products... But i found it also a little too expansive... When Anton sold his Appolo figure (100$), it was at half price at the beginning. Perhaps a discount on the opening store... I have one question: are some full body morphs included or not ? For example, Muscular ?

onimusha ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 5:30 AM

There are separate figures for V3 and M3. There are also some nice files in the library that let you load everything at once including the base figure...

MachineClaw ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 9:33 AM

wolf359 - the eula says 1 - one- backup copy ONLY! The eula has other restrictions. as to the people saying this is too high priced..........ROTFL! 2 Mike armour sets, 2 vicki armour sets 100mb download that's about $17.50 each armour.

shogakusha ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 11:01 AM

Price is not unreasonable for what you get, but the more I hear the more I believe it is only 1 Mike armor and 1 Vicky armor, plus all accessories. Also, I am not sure, but I think there are no morphs included, and I imagine Tailor and even WW might have trouble cleanly adding morphs to these outfits. I won't say no, but I am not ready to say yes either.

Tyger_purr ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 12:42 PM

well. i went to the 45 "Additional Product Images" at the site, and i would have to say that this product looks like it is not "four sets of armor" (two styles for two charachters) but more like multi piece armor with some alternative parts (various headgear options and optional external parts) and all of these pieces are boned to conform to two diffrent figures with a few exceptions (i.e. the bodysuit, and at least one of the "mask" figures). as for the value. they look like they are worth the price and maybe a bit more. there are things in there you never see on "poser products". This armor has pieces that are movable and removable far beyond anything i have ever seen on poser products. based on prior experience with SA, it is probably pretty high poly. also based on prior experience. if your waiting for the package to be split, or think that numurous requests for the split or rational logical reasons (i.e. lower price = more sales) will change anything, then you are waisting your time and bandwith. SA has been told all of this before in prior products. Based on the apparent number of shared parts in this package, it doesn't seem feasable to split this particular package into the M3 and V3 sets.

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onimusha ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 3:22 PM

It is only two sets of armor, one for Mike, and one for V3. They are also almost virtually identical and the M3 armor could easily be made to fit V3 (one day I will post the render I did of Majorette Cache where I put the Major Cache suit on V3 with only minor tweaking necessary to the armor). It does however have a few add-ons like the jet pack, leg jets, and three weapons (a pistol, a rifle and a knife). It doesn't have any morphs, but I don't think they're that necessary for a set like this. The armor is so big and bulky that it would hide all but the most unsubtle of body alterations to V3 or M3. Only if you wanted to make one morbidly obese would it really make a difference and then you could probably use magnets and scaling to make the armor fit. If you have a heavily morphed character with some pokethrough, just hide the body part.

Keith ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 4:15 PM

Agreed it wouldn't make a huge difference regarding morphs. If you look at modern combat armour, the big, heavy stuff is pretty much unisex. It's the smaller, thinner and lighter stuff (like the Kevlar meant to be worn under shirts) that would be tailored differently in order to take sex into account. Yeah, a woman built like Dolly Parton or an escapee from a Wyrmmaster render would have a problem, but otherwise it shouldn't be an issue.

libernull ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 6:16 PM ยท edited Fri, 02 December 2005 at 6:20 PM

Honestly, $70 is not that much at all, considering what it is. Its 2 base suits - one for V3 and one for M3. In addition, there are enough options that it is effectively 3 or 4 complete suits, plus enough to make even more when combined with other runtime goodies. Own Major Cache and Liquid Knight on Halo 16 by Uzilite? You just paid for GRIM. And, as an owner of both plus Grim, the level of detail on Grim is simply mind-numbing.

I have a fairly decent machine - Athlon XP 2400 with a gig of ram, but average compared to a lot. And, it renders in about 10 minutes. I can load two in a scene and it still renders no problem.

I applaud SA for making this available for Poser in the first place - I thought it was only going to be for MAX. And, as long as they keep releasing models for Poser, I'll keep buying.

Message edited on: 12/02/2005 18:20

wolf359 ( ) posted Fri, 02 December 2005 at 10:19 PM

" wolf359 - the eula says 1 - one- backup copy ONLY!" And of course the merchant will make unannounced visits to your house/apartment with an FBI team of Data storage experts to audit your backup CD's/DVD's Fire wire drives etc....PUULEASE!!

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ElorOnceDark ( ) posted Sat, 03 December 2005 at 12:01 AM

I must say your design skills and attention to detail are unmatched! Excellent work!

Moebius87 ( ) posted Sun, 04 December 2005 at 2:31 AM

Incomparable quality. The level of detail here is simply incredible. This is perhaps the pinnacle of commercial "body armor" for Poser (or any other 3D application) to date. Beautifully done. It has a wonderful Jin-Roh meets Final Fantasy look to it. My compliments to SA. :o) Cheers! M

Mind Over Matter
"If you don't mind, then it don't matter."

Eternl_Knight ( ) posted Mon, 05 December 2005 at 9:28 PM

And of course the merchant will make unannounced visits to your house/apartment with an FBI team of Data storage experts to audit your backup CD's/DVD's Fire wire drives etc.... PUULEASE!! Just because something cannot/will not be enforced does not make it right. Sorry, but one needs to judge an EULA based on the terms therein - not on your perception of someone's ability to enforce them. Based on your angle - it wouold be OK for me to burn a copy of Poser for a friend, after all - it's not likely EFrontier are going to knock on my door about it is it? --EK

wolf359 ( ) posted Tue, 06 December 2005 at 5:34 AM

" Based on your angle - it wouold be OK for me to burn a copy of Poser for a friend, after all - it's not likely EFrontier are going to knock on my door about it is it?" WRONG!!! if your friend does NOT have a license to own poser , what you are describing is ILLEGAL file sharing. when i buy a $70 Dollar Digital poser item with LIMITED re-download options I am going to install it into one poser runtime and make redundant backups for my own File security. yes we need to respect EULA'S with regard to ILLEGAL DISTRIBUTION of licensed products but no one can order me not to protect my $$$paid for content$$$ in my home from Data loss in any way I see fit SORRY!!

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MachineClaw ( ) posted Tue, 06 December 2005 at 9:30 AM

wolf359 - What you choose to do or not is your business. I have had copies go bad, CDs break, even computers go down. In most EULA it is not restrictive. This particular EULA STATES what the terms of use are. 1 backup, 7 days to download with 6 attempts. I was trying to get clrification as to what happens after that. Is it a fee? email and they reset? buy the product again at full price? It is not clear to me, and I like to know before I buy. I have done professional work for hire and had to fight with clients that think they own my work and files. I read EULA VERY carefully. Again I don't really care what or how you work. I have to read the EULA and TOS and see if it is something that I can agree to as it's a contract upon purchase. SanctumArt does really fine models for poser. I own a bunch from when they sold at DAZ. I am not trying to harass or degrade SanctumArt in any way. I was just asking for clarification on a product that was shown here for sale. I will refrain from posting any more in this thread, I'm sorry it detured from SancutmArt's release, I wish them well.

Eternl_Knight ( ) posted Tue, 06 December 2005 at 1:26 PM

...but no one can order me not to protect my $$$paid fo content$$$ in my home from Data loss in any way I see fit Actually - they can. You may decide to go against the EULA, but in that case YOU are BREAKING the law. In other words - what you are describing is ILLEGAL. I am not saying that the term in question is reasonable but it is legal and binding. Should Sanctum Arts have reason to - they CAN sue you for breach of contract should you break this term. --EK

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