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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 16 7:48 pm)

Subject: DAZ BUYS is now OFFICIAL

gagnonrich ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 12:06 AM

I wouldn't call the news earthshattering, but it's interesting. Maybe Cararra will get dropped down to a price I'm willing to pay when I'm finally ready to try my hand at modeling. Maybe we'll someday we'll see posing, scenery, and modeling all in one inexpensive package.

As much as DAZ may be expanding their own market, there is a side benefit to expanding the Poser market. Eventually, a DAZStudio user will want to buy Poser for the extra features. From a content selling standpoint, it's somewhat moot which market the figures are for and 99.9% of the content will install into the Poser runtime directories. From an art standpoint, I couldn't care less which products people prefer to use--it starts to sound like the insults high-end software users toss to low-end software users or 2D painting program users vs. 3D users or true media painters vs. digital media painters. The tools don't matter as much as the talent behind them.

My visual indexes of Poser content are at

mylemonblue ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 12:12 AM

Wow!  Thanks danfarr and bstockwell for the information. I'm a fairly new Cararra owner and this news has stunned me.  I couldn't have imagined this in a hundred years. If the two of you are that confident in this then as a customer so am I.


My brain is just a toy box filled with weird things

Jackson ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 12:24 AM

Thanks all for the info. So then Hexagon is Carrara’s modeler without all the other stuff?  You can’t even render with it.

And, pleonastic, I had visited the site before I asked the question, but  I guess I did’t look deep enough. Following your suggestion, I went back and looked some more.  Jeese, things sure have changed since RayDream and Carrara One! 

I still couldn’t find any shots of Carrara’s modeling interface though. I’m guessing it’s the same as Hexagon?

Thanks again for the responses!


bigjobbie ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 12:29 AM · edited Tue, 25 April 2006 at 12:33 AM

The Specs on Hex2 sound pretty sweet - been thinking about getting a new modelling app...

Is Hexagon pretty stable? How does it compare to Silo? (the other low-cost modeller everyone seems to be talking about)

I like the idea of two strong groups of Poser (generic term) products out there: Daz and it's booty and Poser (specifc term) and it's relationship with Vue. Competition is good for the users/buyers and it protects great art apps from disappearing down the plughole.


OMG these new forums don't like my dial-up

Tashar59 ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 12:54 AM

Hex modeler is way more advanced than the Carrara version. That's because it's just a modeler. Carrara has a good modeler and also has a very advanced terrain and rendering abilities .

I have both Carrara5Pro and Hex1.2 which is suppose to be upgraded to Hex2 when it comes out. Which is why I'm worried. I just payed big bucks for something that will be half the price tommorow. After all I'm a PC member too. I have most anything that Daz feels like adding as some bonus. Most of the stuff they offer is old stock.

I bought Carrara because it works so well with Poser, I don't use DazStudio. Now, what is going to happen. I  use Hex to complement my Shade. Between the 2, there is not much I can't model.

This is very scary for someone like me who had to save for a long time to buy Carrara and Hex. to only find it in the bargin bin 3 weeks later.

bigjobbie ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:13 AM

I have been considering an upgrade path or new modelling app altogether recently - am glad I dithered - Silo2 is due out soon I think and there was a tempting pre-order deal...

I LOVE this better integrated Modelling/UVmapping aspect promised for Hex2 (as shown in that flash frame on eovia site) - the UVmapping process has just killed all my efforts in the past.

More practiced modellers apparently do the UV mapping while they build the model. Obviously I'm not the only one to get a beating from trying to do it with a finished model.

Cheers, hope you pre-order folks get a good deal too (I know I want one!)

estherau ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:16 AM

I'm sure they won't replace transposer with dazstudiotransover (I just made that term up) or anything because poser can be used to bring dynamic clothes and hair into carrara, whereas daz studio doesn't have dynamics. I'm sure it's going to be okay and a good thing. carrara is a lovely renderer. I thought the vue renderer was good, but when I tried carrara it totally amazed me. Not to mention there is a toon (celshading with lines) renderer plugin available on the net which is great. Oh and it can do network rendering too, and would you like some scenary with your poser people? Too easy! Love esther


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

jjsemp ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:18 AM

If you think of Carrara as "Poser 7," then all of this is VERY IMPORTANT to Poser users.

Carrara has the native ability to import Poser content (without Poser), it's a very good program,  and it doesn't have any of Poser's quirks and bugs. It's EXACTLY what everybody wanted out of Poser 7. Go back and reread all of those endlessly boring "Poser 7 wish list" threads. Well, you got your wish. It's called Carrara.

How many of you have been whining and moaning for a better Poser 7 that doesn't have all those Poser bugs and faults. How many of you have wanted a Poser 7 that was built from the ground up with new code. Well, here it is. It's called Carrara.

How many times does somebody post here that they want to model things for Poser but they don't know which modeling application to use. Well, here it is. It's called "Hexagon."

Not too long ago, when a flawed Poser 5 was released, everybody was yelling and screaming about how DAZ STUDIO was going to surpass and replace Poser. Well, now there is a really good Daz Studio that you can buy. It's called Carrara. And it actually WILL replace Poser.

This is simply the most exciting thing to happen to the world of Poser since...well, Poser.

This is a VERY SMART purchase on DAZ's part, and I'm always amazed at how much whining and complaining accompanies every major leap forward in the Poserverse.

Now all we need are some nice sidegrade discounts on Carrara and Hexagon for any Poser user who wants to cross over, and this whole strategy will be complete.

(Oh, and I'm glad I held off on buying Hexagon 'til now!)

Bravo Dan!

Good work, Daz!


estherau ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:24 AM

well I don't see it as replacing poser. Carrara doesn't make dynamic cloth and hair does it? I know I can import it but I can't make it. Also (for me on my mac) posing in carrara is very slow. It's far easier to arrange everything in poser, make a scene, bring it into carrara, add some carrara scenary, sky etc, then render. I think all the different proggies have a place. I agree I'm sure it will be agood thing that daz and eovia have got together and pooling resources. Love riesa


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

RAMWorks ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:40 AM

What a great read this last 4 pages have given me.  WOW!

No, the news is not earth shattering but it's still interesting and as a DAZ supportive person, as well as eFrontier (I do own Poser 6 as well as Miki, James and Jessi)  and a supporter of Apollo, Eszter and other creator owned projects I have to say that the dialog at times in this discussion was a bit ........ fierce ...... to say the least! 

My take on it all is that I'm looking forward to all the great deals DAZ will offer for new Carrara/Hexagon users!!  😄

I don't find this in the least bad for either "camp", I find that DAZ made an acquisition and it will further itself by being able to offer high end software to compliment it's other products like Bryce and DAZ Studio oh yea and even Poser, imagine that!  😉

As someone else here has mentioned... Does eFrontier support any of the Mil figures or inform their modelers and texture artists that in the better interest of all end users out there that the they need to make sure shaders that compliment with DAZ Studio are included in the package as well as Poser 4 - 6??  Nope!   Has DAZ SAID they were going to stop supporting Poser??  Where is this written?  I want to see that quote from DAN the Man!!  Does DAZ not include textures that are compatible for Poser 4-6 and STILL releases packs that are NOT totally D|S compliant??  Yup!!   All the time!!  But DAZ is evil because they are building their business further?  That's a bad thing???  Last time I checked that would be considered a good thing, like it or not!  What?  You expect them to just say "we are happy just creating our little models and developing DAZ Studio and Bryce from here to eternity......."  Get real!  :tt2:

I think the one thing I found irritating was the sometimes downright cruel remarks.  I find that sort of behavior immature and inappropriate.  But I have also found that many folks have an extreme hatred of DAZ and that's just too bad for them.  Spending productive energy keeping HATE alive in ones heart for past stuff or stuff imagined (speculation) is such a waste of time!  Wait and see and then if there's an "I told you so" then do that rant then, not now!

Richard ;-)~

---Wolff On The Prowl---

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bigjobbie ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:42 AM · edited Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:47 AM

re: jjsemp and Estherau's comments

Oh okay - how is Carrara for rendering big scenes? I always have to break my scenes up into separate elements and composite after (also in D|S), for speed and stability's sake. Am getting really sick of it as I like to do different light set-ups on each scene for extra playtime options in photoshop...

I'm guessing Carrara has multiple undo? That's one thing that seriously craps me about P6...couldn't they have jury-rigged the memory dot code to at least give us 9 undo levels? (yes, I know - whinge whinge moan moan heheh - It's still my most-used proggie)


Tashar59 ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 1:50 AM

I haven't needed to use all the undo's in Carrara. Big scenes are a breeze to render. Though you will need to adjust for the type of lighting that you use. Natural for HDRI lighting to take longer to render than a spot light.

bigjobbie ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:01 AM

Quote - I haven't needed to use all the undo's in Carrara. Big scenes are a breeze to render. Though you will need to adjust for the type of lighting that you use. Natural for HDRI lighting to take longer to render than a spot light.

Thanks for that - I always like to over-tweak poses and other little details, and sometimes they don't turn out so great, so multiple-undo is always needed (sometimes that first attempt is the best you'll get all night!).

Yeah, I tend to stick with spots these days, but I guess HDRI would benefit a big open outdoors scene...


estherau ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:01 AM · edited Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:14 AM

How do you edit a post? aha I can edit this one but not a previous one. does that mean if someone hits reply to a post you can no longer edit the post? Love esther PS I have made a scene with 2 V3s and about 8 davids and an apollo plus props and clothes all in one scene in carrara


I aim to update it about once a month.  Oh, and it's free!

jjsemp ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:09 AM

Quote - well I don't see it as replacing poser. Carrara doesn't make dynamic cloth and hair does it?

You're right. I guess that will be a problem for the four or five people that actually use dynamic cloth and hair in Poser.


Okay, just kidding. I know it's more like ten or twenty people.

But I'll bet that subsequent versions of Carrara will surpass Poser's ability to do both. And it will probably actually be useable. By at least fifty or sixty people.


andrewk ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:27 AM

Quote - as far as modeling software goes I have been told that Hexagon is one of the easiest modelers to learn, I found it pretty easy but than I have been modeling for a few years now and am not sure how much that effects my learning curve.

I found it very easy to learn and my only experience before that was a simple building in Wings3D

Lucifer_The_Dark ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:46 AM

Quote - "well I don't see it as replacing poser."

It's only a matter of time before they're in a position to do just that, they've already refused to actively support Poser5/6, how much longer will it be before they stop releasing models that support any version of poser?

Windows 7 64Bit
Poser Pro 2010 SR1

quixote ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:56 AM

Don't touch the C5P render engine please...
Leave it the hell alone or I'll send my 3 year old nephew to kick your....
don't Poserize it, don't Dazify it, don't Bryce-a-roni it!

Good luck with the purchase Dan and we who started with Ray Dream, Oh so long ago ! will be keeping your feet to the fire and you really don't want to meet our nephews.

Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hazard
S Mallarmé

AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 2:58 AM

All my recent DAZ purchases install into My Poser 5 fine, what is it that they are not supporting?

"how much longer will it be before they stop releasing models that support any version of poser?"

-I guess when they want to stop making money, lol. (imo)

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

gillbrooks ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 3:05 AM

Quote - P.S. For those of you who have not pre-ordered Hex2 don't do it yet. There is some additional news that you should hear before you do.

So those of us who have already pre-ordered are going to miss out on something.

Wonder if I can cancel my order?




andrewk ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 3:13 AM

Quote - > Quote - P.S. For those of you who have not pre-ordered Hex2 don't do it yet. There is some additional news that you should hear before you do.

So those of us who have already pre-ordered are going to miss out on something.

Wonder if I can cancel my order?


Read further on, next page I believe

gillbrooks ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 3:15 AM

Yes, I saw after I posted hahaaaaaaaaa

We shall see..........



bigjobbie ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 3:19 AM

Quote - Quote - "well I don't see it as replacing poser."

It's only a matter of time before they're in a position to do just that, they've already refused to actively support Poser5/6, how much longer will it be before they stop releasing models that support any version of poser?

Dude, who knows what will happen in 5 or ten years - but for the time being the user base wants Poser format - there is an increasing D|S user base that wants equal attention on D|S installers of course but as long as the buyers want Poser format as well there's NO reason why Daz wouldn't want to take their bucks too - you don't survive in business by giving customers a Hobb's Choice. 

The only way Poser can be replaced is if it stops competing for our lovely loot. It's ain't Daz's call...

The P5/P6 material room issue is something completely different - Curious Labs/Efrontier had some crappy EULA introduced on P5 that created a lot of problems for any 3rd party developers and caused Daz to take the position to only support P4/PP up until recently - there are products at Daz3D now that have P5/P6 materials included (based on user-demand). 

To take it further:

Have you heard of computer games "The Sims" and "The Movies"? It's only a "matter of time" til things like those are near-life like and easy to use for artworks and movie making - and there will no doubt be an online market of 3rd party products to go with it and so it's very possible it will be those products that replace Poser (and D|S). 

A program could come out next week that obliterates all 3D applications in existence, technology being what it is...


andrewk ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 3:23 AM

Quote - Yes, I saw after I posted hahaaaaaaaaa

We shall see..........

We shall :)

At the moment I will be happy to have Hexagon 2 released asap (got a few projects waiting for it's new features.)

Xena ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 4:47 AM

Quote - they've already refused to actively support Poser5/6, how much longer will it be before they stop releasing models that support any version of poser?

Actually, we (Daz brokers) are encouraged to support all versions of Poser.

Kolschey ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 5:45 AM

Here is my concern with the merger/acquisition.


DAZ makes it's money selling content.


As long as they are willing to allow Carrara to continue to be an application for creating 3D scenes and content, I think this can work out. Certainly, they will not lack for funding.


What I do NOT want, however, is for Carrara to simply become a content delivery vehicle. While I have no objection to the content that DAZ sells, I have no need of it either. I model all of my own characters, scenes, and props.


I am hoping that we do not start to see future upgrades bundled with DAZ base meshes (Aiko 3, V3, M3, Mildragon) in lieu of useful features, like what we saw with the initial release of Bryce 5.5, where a barely functioning program was sold partially on the merit of a grab bag of free figures.


I am hoping that the program architecture is not monkeyed with in order to deliver or showcase content (as in the case of Poser 5's Content Paradise- which quickly became reviled as "Content Parasite" for the system slowdowns it engendered)


I have nothing against those who want to purchase outside content. I just don't want to see Carrara become a puppet theater for the action figure-du-jour.


I don't want to see the DAZ programmers second-guessing the Carrara programmers.


Carrara 5.1 Pro works beautifully on my machine. DAZ Studio does not. Due to the DS code being overly reliant on a particular iteration of OpenGL, I cannot even directly manipulate a figure in the main window of DS- and this is with a high end ATI FireGL 3100 video card. A number of Mac users find that Bryce 5.5 is virtually unusable on their OS X systems. I don't want to find myself upgrading to the next build of Carrara, only to find that my system is getting tangled up with conflicted code and top-heavy features.


Now these are all worst-case scenarios, and I would like to hope that I am being alarmist.


Better yet, I would like to hope that the folks from DAZ will read, understand, and respect the concerns of the larger Carrara/Hexagon community.




-Krzysztof Mathews



randym77 ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 5:47 AM

All my recent DAZ purchases install into My Poser 5 fine, what is it that they are not supporting?

DAZ has gotten a little better about supporting P5/P6, but it's still a crapshoot.  My latest encounter with their "stuck in PP" time warp: the animals pack from March Madness.  I can't complain too much, given the price I paid, but I still found it aggravating that the bump maps didn't work correctly in P5/P6. 

That's the usual problem with DAZ products.  The bump maps don't work correctly in P5/6.  Newbies often don't realize this, since they often don't even go into the Material Room.  But if you look, you'll see the bump maps attached to Gradient instead of Bump, or not connected at all.

Another problem is backward-facing polygons/intersecting polygons.  The P4 renderer handles these okay, and I assume D|S does, too, but Firefly does not. 

Two products that have this problem: the Wedge 2 hair, which renders with ugly black streaks in it, because of the tube-like construction of the bangs, and the fairytale bassinet, which ends up with dark streaks in the skirt, I think due to intersecting polys.  You can sort of fix these problems with P6, using "normals forward," but P5 users are often out of luck.  (Though sometimes you can do things with the Alt_Diffuse node.)

woz2002 ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 5:48 AM

Quote - P.S. For those of you who have not pre-ordered Hex2 don't do it yet. There is some additional news that you should hear before you do.

I opted for the buy Hex v1.21 (buggy version) in March for the FREE v2 Upgrade expected in April.

So whats the deal...why have I made a posible bad move & like so many others wheres the v2 product? Is this another bundling situation? I also see that the programmers have been contracted to the realease of v2.1 so I expect theres going to be yet another upgrade...perhaps this is where the additional features with Daz's content comes in to play?

Too much specualtion. Need information ;)


AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 5:57 AM

Thanks for the info, randym77, worthy data to keep in note!

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"I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am now"

randym77 ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 6:15 AM

Re: ArtZone: if you have an invite, and it doesn't work, wait awhile and try again later.  You don't have to be a PC member.  But it is still a little buggy.

I don't think the "import your account from DAZ" function works yet for non-PC members.  Just fill out the form and submit it.  If you don't want DAZ having all that info, lie.  ;-)

xantor ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 6:28 AM

Why didn`t they  buy a company that makes good stuff?

Dave-So ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 6:29 AM

as far as Efrontier with Poser and DAZ now with all the cool toys...Content Paradise and their customer service is some of the worst  i have ever seen, as well as their broker, Digital River. Try to get an answer from CP or DR...near impossible.

They won't bend on anything.
DAZ will give the customer benefit of the doubt everyt9me. With CP, I missed the opportunity to buy the Passport deal when it was $ you think they would give it to me at that price? A person who bought Poser, 1,2 ,3 4, 5, and 6??? Hell no...the womwn basically laughed at me.

Would they give me my discount when they had a sale and it didn't show up when I made my pourchase? NO way..they bitch basically said I was a chheapskate.

You wont see that from DAZ

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together.
All things connect......Chief Seattle, 1854

dirk5027 ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 7:16 AM

why would anyone be upset that daz owns carrara and hexagon now? (sincere question, not being a smart ass)

I'm impressed actually, daz has gone from making models(vicky, mike, etc), to making their own software(studio), owning bryce and now carrara, somebody there has quite the business head, they are now powerful players in the 3d world.

Congrats !!!

Teyon ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 7:24 AM

Attached Link: Eovia3D.Net's Hexagon Forum

Dan, could you drop by and say a few words to encourage the masses not part of Renderosity? Many are still confused and unsure what's happened with the programs and thier money.

Gareee ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:24 AM

Quote - giggles

So now I am frothing and seething too? My goodness. :) Tell me when I sprout horns so I can run and look in the mirror.

Btw: How's moderating going at PoserPros?

I'm not a mod anywhere. I just play one in real life... ;)


Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.

aeilkema ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:29 AM

I call this another sad day, this will mean we get more of these useless applications as D/S and worthless and expensive updates as Bryce 5.5. Selling updates that don't improve much and half of the improvements don't even work on most pc's. The Bryce 5.5 update was just another excuse to puch D/S on us.

Here's the full scoop in case you haven't seen it yet:

DAZ Productions Acquires Eovia US Corporation
For Immediate Release Deal Bolsters DAZ’s Commitment to High-Quality, Affordable 3D Solutions and Ensures Solid Future for Eovia’s Widely-Acclaimed Software

Draper, Utah – April 25, 2006 – DAZ Productions Inc., a leading developer of professional quality 3D models and software, today announced that it has acquired Eovia™ Corporation, developer and publisher of leading 3D animation, modeling and rendering solutions, based in Mountain View, Calif. Effective immediately, DAZ Productions has taken ownership of Eovia Corporation including its entire development, marketing and sales divisions and all the technology rights to Carrara™, Eovia’s 3D modeling, animation and rendering software. DAZ Productions has also acquired all technology rights to Hexagon, Eovia’s 3D modeling software, from Eovia Europe S.A. DAZ Productions is not acquiring Eovia Europe S.A.

“This move provides an important step forward in achieving our vision to expand the 3D market to the masses by providing high-quality 3D software that is economical and easy to use,” said Dan Farr, president of DAZ Productions. “In a short period of time, Eovia has generated tremendous industry buzz and established itself as an important player in the world of approachable 3D software. By delivering professional-level tools with remarkable affordability and responding to the competitive needs of professional artists, Eovia’s Carrara and Hexagon product families have turned heads and earned new respect throughout the 3D community. By bringing together Carrara and Hexagon with the Bryce®, Mimic™ and DAZ|Studio™ solutions, we will provide a compelling suite of 3D software tools with a unified vision.”

The combination of DAZ and Eovia will provide customers with a more powerful set of solutions for creating, managing and rendering compelling 3D media. This unification will meet a wider set of customer needs and have a significantly greater opportunity to grow into new markets.

“Now is a great time for DAZ and Eovia products to come together as a dynamic force in the 3D industry,” said Bob Stockwell, director of sales and marketing for Eovia Corporation. “DAZ is already a proven leader in the content field, and over the last two years Eovia has changed industry perceptions to compete effectively against much more expensive 3D programs. We are excited about the opportunity this provides for Carrara and Hexagon. The passionate Eovia user community will be pleased to know that DAZ will continue to support and develop Eovia’s most celebrated products.”

Eovia and DAZ share a similar philosophy based upon ease-of-use, power and affordability. DAZ has long been known for providing world-class 3D assets and tools at mass-market prices. Eovia’s flagship products, Carrara and Hexagon, offer professional and approachable 3D modeling, animation and rendering capabilities. Eovia and DAZ have been partners since 2004, when Eovia became the exclusive representative for all DAZ products in Europe.

Terms of the acquisition have not yet been released. Additional information and an FAQ on the acquisition are available on the DAZ website ( and the Eovia website (

About DAZ Productions
Founded in 2000, DAZ Productions Inc., located in Draper, Utah, is a market leader in 3D software and digital content creation. The company’s model library is renowned for containing high-quality 3D content at the industry’s most competitive prices. DAZ also develops powerful software applications that support its content, including DAZ|Studio™, a free 3D digital art creation tool, Mimic™, a lip-synching application, and Bryce®, a complete 3D environment and animation package. DAZ’s products have been used in many professional productions, television shows and print publications such as “X-Men 2,” “Spiderman,” “Average Joe,” “48 Hours,” The Wall Street Journal, Popular Science, Scientific American, and the History Channel. For more information, visit the company’s website at

For more information, press only:

DAZ Productions
Karen Smyth
+1 (650) 938-0515 x101

© Copyright 2006 DAZ Productions, Inc. DAZ|Studio software is a copyright of DAZ Productions Inc. DAZ and Bryce are Registered Trademarks of DAZ Productions Inc. Mimic is a trademark of DAZ Productions Inc. Carrara, Eovia and Hexagon are registered trademarks or trademarks of Eovia Corp in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, service marks or trademarks belong.

Artwork and 3DToons items, create the perfect place for you toon and other figures!

Due to the childish TOS changes, I'm not allowed to link to my other products outside of Rendo anymore :(

Food for thought.....

Gareee ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:32 AM

Quote - I think the one thing I found irritating was the sometimes downright cruel remarks.  I find that sort of behavior immature and inappropriate.  But I have also found that many folks have an extreme hatred of DAZ and that's just too bad for them.  Spending productive energy keeping HATE alive in ones heart for past stuff or stuff imagined (speculation) is such a waste of time!  Wait and see and then if there's an "I told you so" then do that rant then, not now!

Richard ;-)~

Yeah, I do let that get to me from time to time. Life if FAR to short to harbor attitudes like that, and let them fester.

Anton: I apologize for egging you on. It was just far too easy to pass up on.

Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.

Gareee ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:39 AM

Bryce-a-roni ... the Bryce Canyon treat??

me Likes! ;)

Way too many people take way too many things way too seriously.

bandolin ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:50 AM

Seems to me that DAZ is trying to be the new MetaCreations. They have two of their products now, Poser is the only one left. Does anyone know if there are any former MetaCreations people @ DAZ?

<strong>bandolin</strong><br />
[Former 3DS Max forum coordinator]<br />
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AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:53 AM

None...that I've ever been aware of.

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AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:58 AM · edited Tue, 25 April 2006 at 8:58 AM

Maybe DAZ can be convinced to go purchase the old software; Ray Dream Studio, Canoma, and Infini-D?

Even old RDS had collision detection (right?)...MAN, Bryce could use that!

(j/k, btw)

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Caly ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 9:00 AM


Since I will probably be accused of being a cheerleader or something, I figured I may as well throw in the image.  :P 

Bravo Daz, well-played.  I am looking forwards to seeing how things will work out.

And if they don't work out, at least someone actually tried and dared to dream.  I think one should always be striving to learn something new, to stretch one's limits. If you stop trying to grow as a person you may as well be dead.  Why should it be any different for a company?

People do seem to forget that Bryce had basically been killed off, especially for Mac folks, before Daz took it over and resuscitated it.

I see that the usual suspects are offering forum entertainment thanks to their fears.  It never ceases to fascinate me how many overly large personalities this corner of the 3D universe manages to squeeze in.

Still.... it takes all kinds, and they make life interesting!  :)



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bigjobbie ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 9:01 AM

They went and had a big pow-wow with Kai Krause when they bought Bryce - so they're aware of the Metacreations legacy and I guess the ideal of the "complete creative suite for the everyman" concept.

They've recently changed the Bryce Forums forums around, so I'm not sure if the thead/interview is still there.


AgentSmith ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 9:18 AM

I'm sure it is. Here is the thread where Bryan B. & co. went down to visit Kai and Eric (pics posted);

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Teyon ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 9:49 AM

The site now has an official announcement including F.A.Q. nothing specific to the release of Hex2 but it does answer some questions.

wheatpenny ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 9:54 AM
Site Admin

The way I see it, Daz has made some very good business decisions by buying Bryce and now Carrara. They now own two of the most popular softwares in the lower-budgret range, so business-wise they're in pretty good shape, plus, as has already been pointed out, they are now in a position to become a major player in the 3d art field.


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Teyon ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 9:59 AM · edited Tue, 25 April 2006 at 10:01 AM

Well, it'll be interesting to see where things go from here and what response, if any, E-Frontier will have. Here's hoping they  borrow the earlier idea and beef up Poser's featureset using the features of Shade or a similar app. Weight mapping for bones...mmmm

xantor ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 10:02 AM

My earlier post was really just a joke, I forgot that you can`t edit or delete messages now.

I don`t understand why they took out the delete posts part maybe that was an oversight?

quixote ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 10:07 AM

 Cararra is one of the last sacred cows in  the field.
 All I'm saying is don't make hamburger with it.

Un coup de dés jamais n'abolira le hazard
S Mallarmé

gagnonrich ( ) posted Tue, 25 April 2006 at 10:39 AM

It's not likely that DAZ is going to do anything to hurt any of Eovia' s products because that will impact any profits those products can make. I haven't heard of anything negative that was done to Bryce, after DAZ bought it, so there's no reason to believe that anything terrible will happen to the Eovia line. The main change will probably be better import for scenes from DAZStudio and Poser.

As much as many folks want to believe that DAZ intends to put Poser out of business, that's actually more likely their greatest nightmare. If Poser goes away tomorrow, so does a good part of DAZ's future. Studio starts hedging against that disaster, as does adding better scene import functionality to Bryce and eventually Carrara. Someday, DAZ may have an application that is as feature rich as Poser and won't have to worry about Poser's future, but that day isn't today. I'm starting to see a few Studio only freebies and wouldn't be surprised if there are a few Studio only commercial products. It's only a trickle now, but it could get larger as Studio gets better. At the moment, Studio is just a nice free posing application for people new to 3D graphics. Right now, DAZ's future still depends on Poser's success. It's not unreasonable for them to not want to have their whole business model solely dependent on another product that has already changed hands a few times.

My visual indexes of Poser content are at

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