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Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Sep 09 2:22 am)

Subject: Morph World is closed.

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mi-scha ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 1:52 PM · edited Sun, 08 September 2024 at 12:46 PM

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spudgrl ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 1:55 PM

Dam I liked that site. :(

Photopium ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:00 PM

I really hate to see a great guy like Traveller feel slighted. -WTB

Bia ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:03 PM

wow really? That was a freakin fantastic site! So sad to see it go! :(

soulhuntre ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:05 PM

It's too bad to see it go as well. It would also be nice to see what products were infringing so I could make sure I don't buy them.

sinixyl ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:06 PM

The greedy store vendor's who used his morph's without permission ruined it for everyone.

Photopium ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:07 PM

Which, If I am not mistaken, would be about 90% of them who make characters for sale. -WTB

BillyGoat ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:18 PM


kamilche ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:26 PM

A person has a perfect right to yank their content off their web site, if it's getting misused. I just have one request - when/if you guys get disillusioned with the Poser populace, PLEASE at least continue to sell stuff through Renderosity or some other popular Poser store! Don't abandon us 'legitimate' customers who pay through the nose for every model we own! :-o Please?

mi-scha ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:40 PM

He didn't sell his morphs. Everything was free...

mi-scha ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 2:52 PM

In the marketplace are several characters with his morphs (used with his permission). Why is it that hard for some culprits to ask him? I really hope that I didn't buy a character, which uses his work without permission.

spratman ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:10 PM

Well don't that just suck. I don't blame him tho' intellectual property is everything. It's like stealing pieces of your soul. I think it's time ta name names, I'm up for a boycott. Jon

3-DArena ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:13 PM

I can understand him being upset, now I'm upset to lose that site. I'm curious though, how does a morph maker know their morphs are being used? I don't make characters to distribute, other than sheba, and she had no "outside" morphs and she was free. I'm curious, because I keep my morphs, in 2 folders, "any use" and "restricted". Many of the morphs do the same thing. Move brows, elf ears, fangs, cheeks, breasts... etc. So I always wondered how they keep them straight, do they have to rip them apart and look at the geometry? What about "spawned morphs"?

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

GeorgeD ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:27 PM

An extreme loss to everyone in the community. Sad to see it go. Everything I learned about how to morph was due to Trav. LadySilverMage...morphs are pieces of art just like a rendered image someone has done. Trust me when you create a morph and you see it used somewhere you know that it's me on that. GeorgeD

Moonbiter ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:29 PM

Well that just sucks. Traveller has been responsible for some great morphs and characters, and they were appreciated by many. What is it going to take for people to realize that pulling crap like "borrowing" free stuff for their own profit is just screwing us all? In the end the only Poser items left will be for sale.

Ghostofmacbeth ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:29 PM

LadySilverMage That and some people are just silly enough to leave em in there like he called em. I have seen that. But it is truly a shame.

Zed1 ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:31 PM

Very bad news...

3-DArena ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:38 PM

Ah, I see, I haven't even got the slightest idea how to make a morph, lol! But I have wondered, because if I use an "evil brow" morph of person A, it looks to me like the "evil brow" morph of person B. I always thought that kinda sucked, because what if someone was taking credit for someone elses morphs? But awhile back on the C&D there was a question of morph use on a model possibly belonging to someone else, but they said they didn't know and would never know. I thought that meant there was no way of knowing and that morph creator's were in a bad place copyright wise compared to other creators. Seemed unfair... I hate that someone like Traveler is so generous with their creations and others always have to come along and muck it up for everyone else!

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

Doom Dancer ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:52 PM

(((I hate that someone like Traveler is so generous with their creations and others always have to come along and muck it up for everyone else!))) Me too but, now you know why quite a few of us don't give anything away for free. Some screwball, eventually, will try to make money the "easy way" using your stuff...why shouldn't it be you? (that opens up another can of "anti capitalist BS")

3-DArena ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 3:59 PM

LOL, won't be me, my stuff isn't nearly good enough for anyone to steal :)

3-D Arena | Instagram | Facebook

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.

PJF ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 4:26 PM

Very bad news. Thanks for all your work and generosity Traveler, you are a top man in the Poser community. Don't let the grubbing bastards get you down.

Ms_Outlaw ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 5:15 PM

Morph world was one of the first sites I found. I gladly donated the 3 bucks to it. It was great. Even put a link to it in my epinion artical I did for Poser... damn...

ronstuff ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 5:35 PM

That is a true shame - If Traveler reads this post, please let us know if there is anything the rest of us can do. We really appreciated your work, and are sorry that you have been stung. If there is any advice you can pass on to us newcomers, it would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes to you, Ron

Marque ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 5:38 PM

Don't mean to be a jerk but have you checked out the picture of the Rottweiler that's for sale in the store? Seems strange that that item shows up and suddenly Traveler closes his site. Marque

angielyn ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 5:57 PM

Oh is that what that's suppose to be. lol, It just looked like a mutt to me.

duanemoody ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 6:00 PM

His magnet tutorials and excellent Magnet prop, as well as the Magic Triangle for RD5.5 will be missed sorely.

wyrwulf ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 6:10 PM

Hell, Traveler was an all around good guy. Even just losing that is bad enough.

Marque ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 6:13 PM

Well he took down the morphs for Vickie and Mike once before, so it was only a matter of time til he got frustrated again. Kind of like I'll give you this food because you don't have any and then see you selling it to someone else in the same boat. I think I would have done it sooner, you have to give him credit for the patience he's shown. Marque

joezabel ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 7:33 PM

Gosh, I just discovered the site two weeks ago, and downloaded half a dozen very useful morphs. I hope those who are close to him can prevail upon him to return in some fashion. In any case, a big THANK YOU for the service he's provided to the artistic community!

Poppi ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 8:37 PM

(I'm curious though, how does a morph maker know their morphs are being used). A morph will make certain EXACT changes in a mesh, every time. If, say, someone were to use one of mine...(Which won't happen, 'cause I only deal privately....Well, hopin' it won't happen, anyway.)...I would know in an instant...Say, an eye shape, or lip shape, that is uniquely mine. It is probably easier to spot a morph, than a texture rip off. This is just another sad thing. Lately, in the 3d online world, there has been so much thievery, etc. Oh, well, I am glad there was a Traveller. He is the one who inspired me, through his work, to begin making my own morphs. After the first 80 or so shoot me in the head, this sucks, ones, I began to catch on. I hope he comes back, though. I hate the shifting that this community is doing, these day. Pop...pop...pop!!!

Dr Zik ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 8:43 PM

Hi Folks! Clearly, the loss of a great Poser resource. Earlier today (7/6) I spent nearly an hour trying to get a prospective web site client to understand why I was refusing to use images of other people's original artwork (including some pretty famous ones) on his commercial website. He had not obtained permission to use any of them. His rationale? "Well, they're all dead!" We unfortunately live in a time when in a lot of people's mind something isn't wrong until you get caught or someone gets angry enough to retaliate. The deeper tragedy of this episode is that these folks who use bootleg versions of retail software, mass downloaders, or shameless copies of other people's digital props see absolutely nothing wrong with it. And they have no sense about how their actions hurt the rest of us. Traveler's site is just another in a growing procession of online resources that will shut down or drastically reduce their access because of the ethically bankrupt individuals who are out here in cyberspace--and among us. Peter (Dr Zik)

lmckenzie ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 9:36 PM

I'v downloaded lots of freebies. The only Poser Item I have ever purchased was Traveler's Nun's habit which he was kind enough to create at my request. He is certainly one of the most kind generous and generous people around. I know everyone wishes him well. Unfortunately, even Microsoft can't prevent piracy of their products. Whether free or commercial, it is a fact that anything good will be stolen. Copyrights are useless for most because the thieves are usually small potatoes who aren't worth suing even if you could afford to. Boycotts and shunning MIGHT help, but somehow I suspect Traveler is too nice to name the culprits. In the final analysis, each individual has to decide whether sharing their work with the world is worth the price. It's a hard old world sometimes. Thanks Traveler and Godspeed.

"Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance." - H. L. Mencken

RyokoArt ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 10:00 PM

I'm new here and am quite sad I unable to have chance to go to this site : (

DCArt ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 10:12 PM

Traveler is indeed one of the kindest and most generous members of the Poser community. I've seen him go out of his way many times to help others, and it's sad that there are those who weren't courteous enough to ask permission to use his work, or to give credit where credit was due. Morph World will be missed by the community ... but I understand why Traveler (and others) are pulling back. Trav, I wish you the best of luck in wherever you decide to go from here! You deserve nothing but the best.

BlueRain ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 10:26 PM

Slighted? how so?

DCArt ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 10:42 PM

Not sure, Blue Rain ... Trav didn't go into a lot of detail on his home page. He just gave an explanation why he closed the site down.

AprilYSH ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 11:06 PM

oh man... the worst thing is if people ASKED, traveller woulda said YES in a second AND not asked for a cut!!! he's that generous, i saw from the tarot project. :( people didn't ask cos they thought he would ask for a cut of profits?!? you only expect from others what you expect from yourself... this SO sucks for the freebies(hobbyists) community. :(

[ Store | Freebies | Profile ]

a sweet disorder in the dress kindles in clothes a wantoness,
do more bewitch me than when art is too precise in every part

AprilYSH ( ) posted Fri, 06 July 2001 at 11:10 PM

i was gonna ask that as well... how do you tell if it's your morph... (unless they haven't changed it from default) cos people don't use a morph on its own, they'll use it in combo with other morphs they made or got from elsewhere. i made quite a few face magnets (which i will turn into morph targets eventually.) i load them onto morphs i've downloaded and i can't recognise MY OWN magnets' effects!

[ Store | Freebies | Profile ]

a sweet disorder in the dress kindles in clothes a wantoness,
do more bewitch me than when art is too precise in every part

soulhuntre ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 12:47 AM

"i was gonna ask that as well... how do you tell if it's your morph..." The answer is that usually you can't be sure unless you look at the mesh. You might THINK you recognize the nose and so on... but until you see the mesh you're always facing the chance you are wrong. Unless it is extremely distinctive.

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 12:49 AM

And if it is your morph and you twist a few poser 4 face morphs then it is no longer your morph because it has been changed. So whats the problem? Last time I checked curious labs holds the copyright on the poser 4 geometrys.

GeorgeD ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 1:26 AM

There is no geometry in any of the morphs at Morph World...morph stripping removes all the geometry and saves the morph information only. And as far as who owns the copyright? Well they both do..CL and DAZ for the models and Trav for his artistic work put into each morph. As far as twisting one of Travs morphs into a few of others doesn't make it a loop hole to call it your own. I cant take part of someones texture and blend it into part of others and call it my own. GeorgeD

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 1:45 AM

TEXTURES I agree, But once the diles are turned it is no longer the same morph anymore.

GeorgeD ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 1:47 AM

Ok so once I re-color a texture it's not the same texture anymore.

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:03 AM

If what you do changes the morph parameters from what they used to be then it is no longer the same morph target. look at the parameter diles when yhou turn them they have numbers on them. As for templates they are not changed by a dile setting, You have to paint them. Changing something with help to make something new and different is not the same as stealing something if it is changed all around when your done, TV does it all the time with adds and commercials.

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:05 AM

However clipping textures Is stealing because the artwork is intact at some level. Changing morphs is not.

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:07 AM

So what now we have to copyright the morph within oh 200 clicks of its parameter settings? whats the rule here?

GeorgeD ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:07 AM

Believe what you want but you are completly 100% wrong on this. Besides even if by some remote chance you are right Traveler posted a long "Terms of Use" on MorphWorld and made it very clear that his morphs or any diritives of them couldn't be used for commercial work without written permission.

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:15 AM

How can you take a copyright object and make changes it to it and sell it? This violates copyright law if they are sold without permission of the copyright holder. So If DAZ3D has copyright on the figures they made, How can someone come along and resell changes to geometry they do not own copyright too? Morph targets are made from obj files this is called reverse engineering of software when you make changes to it. This stuff is a little confuseing.

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:17 AM

So basicly your saying changing a morph target or template is wrong, What about a software package item like a poser model?

GeorgeD ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:17 AM

There are no geometry properties in the morphs at Morphworld. all the mesh information was stripped from them.

BlueRain ( ) posted Sat, 07 July 2001 at 2:20 AM

And this makes it ok to change alter and sell the figures as your own only by changing the faces?

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