Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 19 6:46 am)
Oh ye of little faith.
Google "weight mapped victoria 4" - what do you find? Like: FIRST entry.
Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2
Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand]
Suggest that you also check out Blackhearted's Anastasia.
The original poster asked ;
Who is making "NEW" meshes for Poser?
Thats is still an OPEN question.
Some are in the making.
Second part of the question is a lot different.
This answer is easy.
V4 and V4WM are NOT dead.
They will be with us for a long - long time to come.
ANY "NEW" figure will have to be extremely good, and bring radical evolutions to push the older and reworked figures aside.
And THAT is something that is still far and far away.
Lots of existing meshed are being reworked and weight mapped to be reborn again.
But "NEW" and SUPPORT for "NEW" meshes?
? ? ? ?
Open end questions.
Poser 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,
P8 and PPro2010, P9 and PP2012, P10 and PP2014 Game
"Do not drive
faster then your angel can fly"!
Attached Link:
sixus1 is making a new muscular looking male with clothes.phantom3d is making Tony (also a nice looking male)
tate is working on michelle - she looks fantastic!!!
this thread has a few samples in it of the newer figures.
Love esther
I aim to update it about once a month. Oh, and it's free!
Quote - The original poster asked ;
Who is making "NEW" meshes for Poser?
Thats is still an OPEN question.
Antonia is here, in both spherical and WM rigging.
Antonio is in the works; the mesh exists and can be downloaded now, so he can be used as fast as one wants to rig him, if folks can't wait until Mike finishes the tutorial series he's a part of...
The Wisdom of bagginsbill:
"Oh - the manual says that? I have never read the manual - this must be why."Is Antonio going to be high poly or lower like antonia?
Love esther
I aim to update it about once a month. Oh, and it's free!
Quote - Is Antonio going to be high poly or lower like antonia?
Antonio's mesh has a higher resolution than Antonia's. The Antonio files can be downloaded as part of the rigging tutorial series currently underway at Poser Place.
Tutorial01 (Antonio) 59142 polys 59124 verts
Antonia-1.2 38614 polys 38822 verts
Cage can be an opinionated jerk who posts without thinking. He apologizes for this. He's honestly not trying to be a turkeyhead.
Cage had some freebies, compatible with Poser 11 and below. His Python scripts were saved at, along with the rest of the Morphography site, where they were hosted.
Yes, I really like the look of Michelle too.
I will wait until tony is finished and rigged etc before I look at him.
Love esther
I aim to update it about once a month. Oh, and it's free!
Quote - sixus1 is making a new muscular looking male with clothes.
phantom3d is making Tony (also a nice looking male)
tate is working on michelle - she looks fantastic!!!
this thread has a few samples in it of the newer figures.
Love esther
Michelle is quite cute! I hadn't heard of her before.
"A lonely climber walks a tightrope to where dreams are born and never die!" - Billy Thorpe, song: Edge of Madness, album: East of Eden's Gate
Weapons of choice:
Poser Pro 2012, SR2, Paintshop Pro 8
Thanks for the tip Esther!
I did not know about Michelle-she looks good-I'd want more face polys for morphing-but overall she looks really nice! And in the arms for tendons, etc
Quote - sixus1 is making a new muscular looking male with clothes.
phantom3d is making Tony (also a nice looking male)
tate is working on michelle - she looks fantastic!!!
this thread has a few samples in it of the newer figures.
Love esther
Viki isn't dead as long as V4 is for sale. Part of me says the ++ morphs too but if someone else created a close-to-but-legally-different morph pack I don't think that'd be an issue. Renderosity has some fix morphs (seriously guys, why aren't these things assured to be a permanent feature of the marketplace for as long as V4 is available?) and rnda has some additional shaping magnet sets.
Even if a true successor is a long time coming, we still have some time.
Michelle looks like she has potential.
Thus Spoketh Winterclaw: a blog about a Winterclaw who speaks from time to time.
(using Poser Pro 2014 SR3, on 64 bit Win 7, poser units are inches.)
All I ask for is a bodysuit ala the Aiko/Hiro3 one for these new figures and I am golden! :)
"Few are agreeable in conversation, because each thinks more of what he intends to say than that of what others are saying, and listens no more when he himself has a chance to speak." - Francois de la Rochefoucauld
Intel Core i7 920, 24GB RAM, GeForce GTX 1050 4GB video, 6TB HDD
Poser 12: Inches (Poser(PC) user since 1 and the floppies/manual to prove it!)
Here is a simple gauge as to how popular V4 still is and or other new meshes are compared to you know who...
Go to the free section here and sort by new items and look over the first two or three pages. Compare download counts for you know who items and compare to download counts for V4, Alyson-1-2, Antonia items.
"Those who lose themselves in a passion lose less than those who lose their passion"
Quote - sixus1 is making a new muscular looking male with clothes.
phantom3d is making Tony (also a nice looking male)
tate is working on michelle - she looks fantastic!!!
this thread has a few samples in it of the newer figures.
Love esther
Has he totally abandoned Brad, the male figure we saw previously or has he just been renamed to Tony?
brad is a different figure. I think he may get back to Brad one day.
Love esther
I aim to update it about once a month. Oh, and it's free!
I have always enjoyed this forum.
You all are fun.Some Main app's forums are just all bussinness ,and you would think it's againts the rules to have would think there a bank forum not a art forum.
If you have C4D ,Zbrush ect ect and know how to use them.
Starting from a cube with in 80 hours you could model,texture,rig a character = to vicky.for C4D.
So making characters is not a probleam at all.
Theres a lot of characters at turbosquid.
1998 there was XSI.Max,Lightwave.
Some where a long the line C4D ,Maya, Blender.
2012 Max,C4D,Lighwave.
Max now owns XSI & Maya.
1 Max rules because of suport a lot of plugs and content turbosquid alt to be name "Max Turbosquid"
2 C4D changed fast got a lot of tool fast there on there toes. user friendly and very stable.
3 Lightwave pro app ,hobby priced. very loyal users.
Blenders free. pro grade.
Smith Micro,E frontier,Curious Labs,Metacreations,Fractal Designs.
No other CGI app has been ownws buy so many defrent companies and so far none of the companies have done much if any thing for Poser.Poser 4 should have had desent rigs n weight maps.
The only reson why Poser has survived and DAZ Studio even exsit is Vicky's been well suported by venders and customers.
I've always called Vicky the Queen.
Most main app characters polygone count 20,000 ,easy to work with all quads.
I don't know about Vicky 1,2
V3 had Triangles in it polygone count 60,000 +
V4 all quads ,polygone count 60,000 +
most artist would not mess with them to agravating.
V5 is 4 times easier and faster to work with.
I realy don't know why venders would work on a old mesh that's 4 times harder and slower to work with.
Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance
quote:- "
I realy don't know why venders would work on a old mesh that's 4 times harder and slower to work with.
because she has the most legacy content in our runtimes and we would like to be able to keep using that. I couldn't make a vickie out of a cube BTW.
I aim to update it about once a month. Oh, and it's free!
Making her mesh is only a part of it. Rigging and weightmapping: now you're talking applied genius.
Pretty figures are great. Turbo-Squid has heaps of them. How are they rigged? Weightmapped? I.e., how usable are they?
Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2
Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand]
I assume they are weightmapped and work great - in the application they were made for. Reworking them for Poser would be a lot of work, weight maps or not.
A ship in port is safe;
but that is not what ships are built for.
Sail out to sea and do new things.
Grace" Hopper
Avatar image of me done by Chidori.
**V3 started as a polygone "a square" in Lightwave
V4 Started as a cube in Modo
All Meshes start as a primitives.
I know today 99% of all content sold here today is V4.
But just ask XSI who in 1998 ruled 3D ,Maya,TrueSpace.
What happens tomorrow. If you don't keep up. Free
If your dedicated and comited enuff to learn the app "3 to 6 months" you or anyone could make
any thing thay wanted even a Vicky Free
**Main 3D app's had weight maps in 1998 ,there 2012 rigs now are lightyears beyound Posers.
You realy can't compare the app's. can't even compare Poser to DAZ Stuido anymore.
Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance
M4 isn't dead yet either, still stuff coming out for him too and I understand a WM version is in the works. Jepe just created a wonderful and different character set for him (doesn't look like M4 at all).
I'm very excited about the Sixus figures as they are going to make content for their new line as well as the figures themselves. If you look at their Unidwarf, they have good support for that figure with lots of clothes and options if you need a dwarf.
I get bored with figures after a while and want a new look and new stuff--no matter how versatile a particular figure there's nothing like the smell of fresh polygons to stir ones creative juices.
I have no interest what-so-ever in modeling figures myself or creating custom morph targets, etc. As I said on other forums, I'm more into image creation than content creation. I can make a prop or alter a map a bit if I need to, but that's not where I enjoy spending my time.
V4 isn't dead, and as for V5... I had absolutely no interest in her, personally. Genesis is fine, and all, but I don't feel like relearning a program I paid 200+ dollars for in a very similar format that doesn't really provide anything all that NEW, for me. For a new user, I imagine it's wonderful. I've sent a lot of friends interested in what I do to grab DS, since it's a free base program, let them get an idea of how it works.
But I can't see myself getting Victoria 5 or any of the other Genesis characters/Shapes, etc. It's too much like learning to write or draw with my feet when I have two perfectly good hands to do it with. Sure, I COULD, and probably do it half decently in a few years, but... Why? The sooner DAZ realizes they need to continue appealing to the Poser market, the sooner we'll start seeing cross compatability again.
Kreations By Khrys
Genesis is much easier and not anything different than what you have been doing other than you don't have to inject morphs into your figure--the morph dials are already there and any morphs can be applied to the figure--not just a particular character. Any Genesis clothing will fit any figure shape--so it's much easier actually--no new learning curve for anyone who has been using the standard figures.
Quote - Genesis is much easier and not anything different than what you have been doing other than you don't have to inject morphs into your figure--the morph dials are already there and any morphs can be applied to the figure--not just a particular character. Any Genesis clothing will fit any figure shape--so it's much easier actually--no new learning curve for anyone who has been using the standard figures.
Except of course learning to use a total alien program in which everything works just slightly different from what you are used to and which brings nothing new compared to what you already have - except for genesis which needs an investment of multi-thousand dollars te be anywhere as useful as V4 is
What about the temples and the swords?
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Well I believe Khrys said she had already had Daz Studio in the past, this version isn't terribly different than the last version except for better content handling. It's okay if someone doesn't want to use Daz Studio; I just mentioned the fact that Genesis is very easy to use because I was a skeptic too and after I tried it I was hooked. This is not to say I'm giving up Poser--I'm not--but there's nothing that says a person can't use both programs. There is a bit of a learning curve with every new edition of a program--Poser included--I have to learn about SSS, weight mapping, and Gamma now--things I never had to consider in the past--but if the results are better it worth learning new things.
Don't worry Misty, you can use your sword and temple models in DS--what would Vicky be without them--a girl's got to accessorize.
lol, what would the poser verse be without a naked vicky in a temple with a sword.
♥ My Gallery Albums ♥ My YT ♥ Party in the CarrarArtists Forum ♪♪♪ 10 years of Carrara forum ♥ My FreeStuff
Quote - --but there's nothing that says a person can't use both programs.
You understand that in our world of brainwashed, conformist, robotic imbeciles that you're speaking absolute gibberish?
People are trained to be polarized by the silliest things. Divide-and-Conquer has been used on the masses so often that they now EXPECT it and get restless when it doesn't occur.
Be prepared to get a visit from the Independant Thought Police soon, and don't hold your breath for anyone to say, "You know? You're right! We CAN use both programs! I might not, but there's certainly nothing wrong with keeping your options open! Good show!"
Sigh It's a lonely world when people, at large, are mentally flat-lining.
I downloaded DS to test custom content. As for Genesis... yes, I lose out significantly, since I would have to redo custom morphs from scratch due to new object files. I just, again, can't see myself throwing that kind of money at something, even though there's some content I'd like, just to learn how to do everything again with my feet. (I say feet because I'm fairly ambidextrous)
I'm actually really happy with Poser Pro 2010, which I just bought a few months back, after using 6 since it came out. If DAZ finally kills Poser, I'll probably switch, of need for my content, but until that day comes (hopefully they can co-exist for many, MANY years) I'm sticking with Poser. Using DS does get some really nice renders, and I'm happy other folks can use it, but I like my Poser too much, I have my workflow set up exactly how I want, and am unlikely to change anytime soon. At 28, I'm a stubborn old wench.
Kreations By Khrys
Quote - RobynsVeiL**
**Main 3D app's had weight maps in 1998 ,there 2012 rigs now are lightyears beyound Posers.
You realy can't compare the app's. can't even compare Poser to DAZ Stuido anymore
Your point?
Monterey/Mint21.x/Win10 - Blender3.x - PP11.3(cm) - Musescore3.6.2
Wir sind gewohnt, daß die Menschen verhöhnen was sie nicht verstehen
[it is clear that humans have contempt for that which they do not understand]
Quote - > Quote - What about the temples and the swords?
Misty does your Vicky characters have more shoes or more swords? :laugh:
she has a lotta underbewb wear- tee hee
♥ My Gallery Albums ♥ My YT ♥ Party in the CarrarArtists Forum ♪♪♪ 10 years of Carrara forum ♥ My FreeStuff
Quote - Sigh It's a lonely world when people, at large, are mentally flat-lining.
ROFLMAO!!! I've GOT to remember that one. Thanks - you made my day!
My Rendo Gallery ........ My DAZ3D Gallery ........... My DA Gallery ......
V5 is only easier to use if you're a DS user and have had issues using V4 (some of the DS artists I follow are still using V4). IMHO, it doesn't make sense to say that it's good for DAZ- with multiple teams of developers, more than a decade of experience, and a whole lot of income- not to make a Poser version of their figure using the converter they made themselves and thereby avoid maintaining two versions of a single figure, but users, who do this in their spare time, use their spare money, and don't know as much, should maintain two different systems for everything. Just like DAZ would have to hold back full exploration of DS features to give Poser features time, Poser and DS users would have to hold back full exploration of their chosen app just to duplicate the functionality they already have. And where DAZ would get paid thousands for supporting Poser, DS and Poser users will by and large make zilch for learning a new lighting system, new material system, new fitting system...
It's cool if your usage is basic enough in either app to translate, or you're brilliant enough in 3d apps in general to be able to get anything to do what you want. Or if you just like learning new software. More power to you. But I think acting like it's just stupid or dogmatic for individuals to not want to waste time relearning the basics for a purely horizontal change in software but not come down on DAZ for refusing to use its own exporter (for good reason- maintaining multiple versions of project rarely goes well and takes tons of effort) is just picking on the little guy.
I haven't had too many fitting problems since Wardrobe Wizard came out. Now I make my own dynamic clothes, and almost never have any fitting problems. Then there's the morph brush, and other tools. Compared to what I've seen of AutoFit distortion, and how well some conforming clothes have converted to dynamic for me, I don't see AutoFit as having much appeal. I haven't had an issue with V4's resolution, and if all I want to do is make scaled V4 characters, I can do that in PP 2012 without buying a whole bunch of duplicate morphs.
As I said before - I have every intention of using D|S as soon as I get a computer able to run it. It looks like a nice app and the price was right. I also want to use Pro 2012. For that matter, I'd use Max, Maya, in fact any damn thing I could get my wallet to buy if it did the job.
I really don't give a rodent's rectum what app I - or anyone else - use to make pictures.
It's about as silly as me arguing with people because they insist on using Venus pencils when I use Mars Lumograph.
Re: your comment on other apps being so far ahead. Well, duh, they cost a hell of a lot more. Poser/D|S are essentially hobbyist apps. Who in their right mind would buy Maya just to make NVIATWAS pics?
Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.
I must confess that I was a hard sell, I'd had serious issues with preceding versions of Daz Studio--but with DS 3 Advanced I felt things started to get better--conforming clothes simply worked better in it than they did in Poser for some reason, but I still used Poser primarily. When 4 came out I was skeptical, I held off and then watched the promo videos. I said to myself do I want to invest in a line of figures I can't use in Poser--but the ease of use and versatily drove me to try and I really like it now. So I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything, I'm just saying I like Genesis, but am also eagerly awaiting more human figures that have content support and are good to look at so that I will have new stuff to use in Poser also. I don't really think that Daz Studio will kill Poser--I just think there is a fork in the road here and Poser and Daz Studio will go on to develop separate and different, uncompatible ways of doing things. This shouldn't be looked at as bad thing though, I think it just give a person more creative options.
How about hiring WETA studios to make NVIATWAS pics?
Sam! You use Mars Lumograph-what sort of person uses Mars! This forum will only tolerate Venus users!! { in case anyone wonders- I AM kidding}
Quote - It's about as silly as me arguing with people because they insist on using Venus pencils when I use Mars Lumograph.
Re: your comment on other apps being so far ahead. Well, duh, they cost a hell of a lot more. Poser/D|S are essentially hobbyist apps. Who in their right mind would buy Maya just to make NVIATWAS pics?
Quote - Except of course learning to use a total alien program in which everything works just slightly different from what you are used to and which brings nothing new compared to what you already have - except for genesis which needs an investment of multi-thousand dollars te be anywhere as useful as V4 is
So not true at all. I am a long time poser using, having tried DS several times. I finally got reality when released awhile back and used DS3 as a bridge to import poser scenes and render them in Luxrender and quickly figured out the basics in DS. I am now using the free DS4 pro 64 bit and doing all my setup from within, with genesis and my investment is minimal. I have the GenX program from D3D and it's a piece of cake to have all new V4 morphed genesis characters and with the transfer capabilities in DS4 pro, most V4 clothing fits.
Quote - Genesis is much easier and not anything different than what you have been doing other than you don't have to inject morphs into your figure--the morph dials are already there and any morphs can be applied to the figure--not just a particular character. Any Genesis clothing will fit any figure shape--so it's much easier actually--no new learning curve for anyone who has been using the standard figures.
Very true, I like genesis because she bends better at the hips, legs than V4 and I am able to import all my custom V4 characters into the genesis mesh, win/ win
Regards, Michael
Quote - > Quote - Except of course learning to use a total alien program in which everything works just slightly different from what you are used to and which brings nothing new compared to what you already have - except for genesis which needs an investment of multi-thousand dollars te be anywhere as useful as V4 is
So not true at all. I am a long time poser using, having tried DS several times. I finally got reality when released awhile back and used DS3 as a bridge to import poser scenes and render them in Luxrender and quickly figured out the basics in DS. I am now using the free DS4 pro 64 bit and doing all my setup from within, with genesis and my investment is minimal. I have the GenX program from D3D and it's a piece of cake to have all new V4 morphed genesis characters and with the transfer capabilities in DS4 pro, most V4 clothing fits.
Then you and I have a total different experience. I cannot find my way around in DS4. Every tool has a different name, is located at a completely unknown place, behaves differently and has its own quirks or is designed completely different. Creating a scene in DS takes me about 10 times as long as in Poser - mainly because of not knowing where things are and how they are called or not having access to the tools I am used to.
Of course you can learn these things - but I have no intention of learning a piece of software which does less than the software I am currently using. They do not mix if you start using advanced features of either of them (dyn cloth, material room, lights for Poser and genesis and other advanced features for DS).
The investment I already made in Poser can be thrown away in DS - this means scripts, materials, dynamic cloth and other poser specific tools. Then I need to invest in new scripts for DS4, Morph packs, GenX, and new clothing. The Autofit tool is completely inadequate for fitting V4 clothing to genesis. This means using V4 for most things which is no benefit at all compared to Poser
I am a long time Poser user who uses all aspects of the program and not a drag, drop and render type which you seem to be referring to.
Quote - Is this turning into another Daz vs thread? I hope not-I like hearing about new figures-and this will soon turn into a locked thread.
I'm waiting for David to pop in with one of his excellent Posette renders... :biggrin:
The Wisdom of bagginsbill:
"Oh - the manual says that? I have never read the manual - this must be why."Quote - > Quote - Is this turning into another Daz vs thread? I hope not-I like hearing about new figures-and this will soon turn into a locked thread.
I'm waiting for David to pop in with one of his excellent Posette renders... :biggrin:
I'm waiting for Vicki-WM to "pop out" of my computer and answer my repeated question, "Will you marry me!" :tongue1:
"Those who lose themselves in a passion lose less than those who lose their passion"
Quote - [ The Autofit tool is completely inadequate for fitting V4 clothing to genesis. This means using V4 for most things which is no benefit at all compared to Poser
Not trying to convince you to use DS4 since you obviously have your reasons not to. But since others have indicated some interest in learning more about DS4 and Genesis, I thought I'd expand on your statement a bit.
True, AutoFit will remove all custom morphs from non-triax weight mapped clothing. But, since DS4 Pro is free, anyone taking advantage of the free offer will have the Content Creator Tools (CCT). You can use CCT to convert standard Gen4 clothing to triax weight mapped clothing ready for use in Genesis (similar to what is being done with V4 clothing for V4WM). When the clothing is converted this way, ALL the original custom shaping/movement morphs are still there.
Like others have already noted, for many it's not an either/or option. We happily use both Poser and DS (and some, like me also use Carrara), and are able to take advantage of the strengths of both applications. It does mean a little more work to learn more than one application, but the flip side is that it can actually help make us a bit more efficient, because we can use the best tool for the job.
IMHO, Genesis is much more enjoyable and easier to use than V4. But that doesn't mean I will stop using V4. Just like DS and Poser, Genesis and V4 seem to be able to co-exist on my hard drive in perfect harmony. Now I can have the best of both (all three) worlds. I can use V4 and Genesis in DS4 and Carrara, and as soon as I can upgrade to PP 2012 (hopefully in the next week), I can use V4, V4WM, and Anastasia!!! I may even use some of the other new figures available that have been mentioned in this thread, but V4 is far from dead.
I'm pretty exited about the developements in both Poser Pro 2012 and DS4. I wish we could use all assets in both programs, but that may simply be too much to ask for.
My Rendo Gallery ........ My DAZ3D Gallery ........... My DA Gallery ......
Attached Link: Jenny
 *Anyone see the new figure in the MP today? I forget the name. Looked okay except for the shoulders...anyone buy it?**I missed that one. She has the dreaded M3 shoulder bloom. It really is hard as hell to rig decent shoulders in Poser without recourse to JCMs, though things have gotten somewhat better with weight mapping.
Download my free stuff here:
Quote -
Anyone see the new figure in the MP today? I forget the name. Looked okay except for the shoulders...anyone buy it?
*I missed that one. She has the dreaded M3 shoulder bloom. It really is hard as hell to rig decent shoulders in Poser without recourse to JCMs, though things have gotten somewhat better with weight mapping.
It makes me think of Gossamer (Marvin the Martian's monster) in the old Bugs Bunny cartoons :lol:
It's partly a posing problem; the collar actors need to be rotated down with the shoulder....
The Wisdom of bagginsbill:
"Oh - the manual says that? I have never read the manual - this must be why."This site uses cookies to deliver the best experience. Our own cookies make user accounts and other features possible. Third-party cookies are used to display relevant ads and to analyze how Renderosity is used. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Terms of Service, including our Cookie Policy and our Privacy Policy.
Fell free to yell at me if I get something wrong here.
God do I like Nickelbacks here and now CD.
Anyways DAZ'S Vicky since V1 up to to 4 has been buy far
the only mesh suported buy content creaters.
I've seen a few others make meshes for Poser but thay died quitly.
V5 does not work for daz's is not making meshes for poser any more.
Who is going to replace daz and make meshes for Poser and have content creaters suport them ?
The Artist that will fight for decades to conquer their media.
Even if you never know their name ,your know their Art.
Dark Sphere Mage Vengeance