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Fractals F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Aug 27 11:19 am)

Subject: Peedy is missing

QuietRiot ( ) posted Tue, 23 June 2015 at 4:28 PM · edited Sat, 31 August 2024 at 6:42 PM

Does anyone know if she is ill, or just on vacation? I haven't seen her around lately.

dochtersions ( ) posted Wed, 24 June 2015 at 3:39 PM

Hi QR,

It could be Corrie has computer problems, or she is ill. She is not on vacation, I'm quit sure.
Two days ago I sent her a site mail, 'cause I missed her too. She didn't answer, what she always does very quickly.
I hope very much she isn't ill.

QuietRiot ( ) posted Thu, 25 June 2015 at 2:18 PM

I hope it's just computer problems.

dochtersions ( ) posted Thu, 25 June 2015 at 3:32 PM

Yes, I hope too.

X-PaX ( ) posted Sat, 27 June 2015 at 11:53 AM

Normally Corrie is very active in the Terragen Gallery but her last upload there was 17 days ago.

I hope she is okay.



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Lenord ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2015 at 12:31 AM

I spoke to her on Sitemail 12 days ago on the 16th and she was fine, she didn't mention anything being wrong at that time.....sure hope she's OK too

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

dochtersions ( ) posted Sun, 28 June 2015 at 5:11 AM

This morning I've a long time searched ( on the Internet) for the phone number from Corrie, as I know her sir-name, and the town where she lives. But without any success.
When she is longer missing than 14 days, I can probably try to contact the police-station from Rotterdam. Or has somebody another idea?

dochtersions ( ) posted Sat, 04 July 2015 at 9:31 AM

Hello all,

Today I called the police in Rotterdam, the city where peedy lives. But I had to know her street plus the number. I don't know this, so they wanted to do nothing for me.
They said, as the last time her neighbour found Today I called the police in Rotterdam, the city where Peedy lives. But I had to know her street plus the number. I do not know this, so they wanted to do nothing for me.
They said, as the last time her neighbor found her when she was seriously ill, then this time she will also been found.

So sorry I had no result.

X-PaX ( ) posted Wed, 08 July 2015 at 11:19 AM

I'm still hoping she is okay.



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Lenord ( ) posted Wed, 08 July 2015 at 12:00 PM

Got a sitemail from Glendaw today asking about Corrie, they were Email buddies and spoke several times a week but the last time they spoke was June 18th and Corrie said she was Sick at that time....really hoping she is OK

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

dochtersions ( ) posted Wed, 08 July 2015 at 3:11 PM

I'm very worried, and it does not feel good, every time I think of Corrie, I become very nervous, a kind of a trigger.
If I could get to know the address of Corrie in Rotterdam, I was able to inform the police, but I think Glenda does not have it either. Anyway, I will ask Glenda.

dochtersions ( ) posted Thu, 09 July 2015 at 3:53 PM

Today I did a lot of phonecalls to inform all hospitals in Rotterdam or Corrie is contained in one of them, but she is not in one of the formal hospitals in Rotterdam.
Then I called town hall of Rotterdam, but because I do not have enough social data, they can do me no announcements.

They told me, I can submit a written request, so that they go search or Corrie's contact somewhere. For this I need as much as possible to collect data, and send an official document to a particular service.

I need to process it all in my head of what I heard today, it takes a lot of energy, and I need some time to process it all.
Then I will take care of that document and pay the investigation department, hoping they will find something.

Does anyone have some more private information about Corrie? Glenda gave me the email address of Corrie.

Hope someone knows more what can help.

Love, Mies-Jacomina

Lenord ( ) posted Thu, 09 July 2015 at 9:04 PM · edited Thu, 09 July 2015 at 9:08 PM

Her email is all I have also and the City which is already known.....If she is not in a Hospital she may just be off on Holiday or emergency family business I don't know...the only other thing that might could be done is to check the Rotterdam Newspapers(online or in print whatever) for Obituaries...I'm thinking if her name is not on Hospital roles or in the Obituaries she is probably OK just out of communication at least I hope that is correct thinking.....what else could it be

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

dochtersions ( ) posted Fri, 10 July 2015 at 3:51 AM · edited Fri, 10 July 2015 at 3:54 AM

Thank you Len, If she went on Holiday, Glenda would know this (and I too). So far as I know she has no contact with any family member, and because the last words she ended a chat with Glenda were:"I'm feeling not okay, and go to bed", which was unusual for her to end a conversation with, we are thinking the worth. Probably anyone knows the year she was born in, for that I'll contact Glenda again.

When she was absent the last time here, she was suddenly become very ill, and her neighbour who accidentally missed Corrie and came to her was taking care. Police said that her neighbour now also would have found her; but if this neighbour is on vacation? Corrie has no contacts outside the Internet, at least she did not mention any of that, she was always alone in her house.

To night I dreamed all the time about Corrie, and she suddenly appears. In that dream Juliette Gribnau was also present, she also is from The Netherlands, not from Rotterdam, but I'll write her to ask if she knows more about Corrie. I guess not, but I'll try it. And I will try to search in the Rotterdam newspapers, as you mentioned, Len.

voske ( ) posted Fri, 10 July 2015 at 6:47 AM · edited Fri, 10 July 2015 at 6:51 AM


I just read this on  face book 

Link https://www.facebook.com/corrie.vanderdrift?fref=ts

Sad news...

We were all so worried about our dear friend Corrie van der Drift.

This morning her sister told me Corrie died in her sleep a few weeks ago.

May you rest in peace dear Corrie

She will be missed 

dochtersions ( ) posted Fri, 10 July 2015 at 7:17 AM

This is the terrible news that we were so scared of. My heart is crying, and I have a lot of trouble to handle this.
On the other hand, as a consolation, it's also good to know she was deceased in her sleep, and did not suffer.
My (our) belief is that Corrie is now with her Creator, where only pure selfless love exists.

Thank you very much Chris for your message.
From here I want to give every friend of Corrie my (our) condolence from my heart. It is for all of you a great loss.

Corrie will always be remembered, all her joy, her art, her humour her very special personality.
I loved you, Corrie,

A crying 'dochtersions'.


voske ( ) posted Fri, 10 July 2015 at 7:41 AM · edited Fri, 10 July 2015 at 7:43 AM

I read this sad message  on the page  of a friend  Graham Southwell (Tripper)  

I can't still believe this .Corrie was a wonderful person 

Deepest sympathies to her family and friends.

Lenord ( ) posted Fri, 10 July 2015 at 9:43 AM

Terrible news I was so hoping this wouldn't be the outcome, so unbelievably sad now I don't know what to say. I have seen, a lot of Death in my lifetime it's always so Final so Sudden I hate him. I hate Death but I do not fear him, death is just the end of the viability of this bag of bones we call a body to contain our Life Energy which cannot be destroyed and now it's time to move on to the next Plane of the eternal search for Self. I will miss Corrie she was a Grand Person, this Earth was a better place with her on it but also happy for her as she has embarked on her journey on the next Plane where she will undoubtedly make it a Brighter place also. Farewell for now Corrie....see you on the Other Side. 

Remember...No matter where you go there you are

alida ( ) posted Fri, 10 July 2015 at 3:13 PM

condonlences to  family,friends and  all the community

claude19 ( ) posted Sat, 11 July 2015 at 9:40 AM

Jul 11, 2015 1:45:30 pm
...le 7 Juin 2015, j'avais été heureux de pouvoir lui dédicacer une fractale, toute de vert 'vêtue', et j'étais réellement en admiration devant sa ténacité de connaître un peu plus que superficiellement tous ces logiciels 3D ! Elle n'oubliait jamais de mettre quelques mots danhs un commentaire sur mon travail ! Jamais elle ne se plaignait publiquement de quoi que ce soit et je me souviendrai toujours de cette artiste qui avait voulu avec talent, dominer MOJOWORLD, ses lumières, ses textures !!! Je sais Mies que vous avez été plusieurs par le Fractal forum a vouloir avoir de ses nouvelles, et vos inquiétudes...
Sa dernière création est peut-être son dernier message "SPIRFALLING", un fractal en guise de message d'adieu : La Boucle est bouclée !!!
Que son âme repose en Paix, qu'elle se réintègre dans un esprit méritant, qu'elle puisse transmettre des valeurs humaines fondamentales : Amour, Amitié, et Foi en l'Art, notre seul continent de Liberté aujourd'hui !!! 

... June 7, 2015, I was happy to dedicate her a fractal, any green 'dressed', and I really was in awe of her tenacity to know a little more superficially all 3D software! She never forgot to put some words danhs a comment on my work! She never publicly complained about anything and I'll always remember this artist who had wanted with talent, dominate mojoworld, lights, textures !!! Mies I know that you have been more by the Fractal forum will hear from her, and worries ...
His latest creation is perhaps his last message "SPIRFALLING" a fractal as a farewell message: The buckle is buckled !!!
May his soul rest in peace, it reintegrates in a spirit worthy, it can transmit basic human values: Love, Friendship, and Faith in Art, our only continent Freedom today!!!

... 7 juni 2015, ik was blij om haar te wijden een fractal, enige groene 'gekleed', en ik was echt onder de indruk van haar vasthoudendheid om een ​​beetje meer oppervlakkig alle 3D-software weten! Ze vergat nooit om wat woorden te brengen danhs een commentaar op mijn werk! Ze heeft nooit openlijk geklaagd over iets en ik zal altijd onthouden deze kunstenaar die wilde met talent, domineren mojoworld, verlichting, texturen !!! Mies Ik weet dat u meer geweest door de Fractal forum zullen horen van haar, en zorgen ...
Zijn laatste creatie is misschien wel zijn laatste boodschap "SPIRFALLING" een fractal als een afscheid bericht: De gesp wordt geknikt !!!
Moge zijn ziel in vrede rusten, maar reïntegreert in een geest waardig, kan het overbrengen fundamentele menselijke waarden: liefde, vriendschap en geloof in kunst, onze enige continent Vrijheid vandaag !!!

Badsue ( ) posted Sat, 11 July 2015 at 10:48 AM

I'm so sad about it, can't really express what I'm feeling right now. Just a few minutes ago I learned about Corrie's death by seeing Jacomina's dedication. I haven't been in contact with Corrie very often but when we wrote, it always was a pleasure, she was a wonderful person and and this community will not be the same without her. It's a relief to hear that she didn't have to suffer and died in her sleep, it's the best way to go to the Other Side. Byebye Corrie, I'll miss you.

X-PaX ( ) posted Sat, 11 July 2015 at 11:57 AM

I just read the sad news in the Terragen Forum.

I'm very sad to hear this.

R. I. P. Corrie



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algra ( ) posted Sun, 12 July 2015 at 6:00 AM

I'm deeply impressed by this very sad news. Peedy always answered my questions and she undoubtly must have been a kind, nice and helpful person. My wife and I wish that Corrie rest in peace.

prutzworks ( ) posted Sun, 12 July 2015 at 7:36 AM
Online Now!

 sad news


rust zacht Corrie 

minder is meer

Juliette.Gribnau ( ) posted Sun, 12 July 2015 at 10:41 AM

so sad; I will miss her;

All my love goes to her family and friends


if you don't get a miracle...you can be one (Nick Vojicik)
als je geen wonder kunt krijgen..... kun je er altijd nog een zijn ! (Nick Vojicik)

hopeandlove ( ) posted Mon, 13 July 2015 at 11:13 AM

Hi everyone--

I was so sad to learn about this. I am writing up a memorial. If you'd like to say something about our dear friend, Peedy, please leave the message here and I'll add it.

@Algra and @badsue, I've added yours.


Hope Kumor

Editor-in-chief of Renderosity Magazine

IceScribe ( ) posted Mon, 13 July 2015 at 8:46 PM

I am sorry that we have lost our good friend Corrie. She was a kind person with a good heart. My sympathies go out to her family and friends.

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