Forum Moderators: msansing Forum Coordinators: Anim8dtoon
Contest Announcements F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2024 Dec 10 1:42 am)
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Funny though.
Keep em coming. THere's one I am thinking on alot.
Gotta get back to the packaging... btw, it comes with the well and 2 pieces of furniture. A table and chair.
Each house will have similar accessories. Ie.. one or 2 pieces of furniture or indoor accessories and an outdoor accessory. Ideas are always welcome and that is why I put up a message board on my site.
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I am going to go with "Wood's End". I liked the entries and I am sorry I can't afford to give each and every one of you a model. As for LadyNimue, you have to quit winning my models. I am going to disallow you from entering my contests if you keep winning. My GF is gonna think we got something going and kill me. But the name was just right, short and discriptive. And now that you have won it, I charge you with the task of making a render for it and posting it so I can direct people to it as a demo of the model. Thank you all for entering and I hope the rest of you like it enough to spend 5 bucks on it. the introductory price will be in effect for the rest of this month. Also come check out this weekend alot, there will be new models and freebies put up all weekend.Plus I may run a few contests there for some nice prizes.. check it out. And by the way be sure to stop in and look at my store. IronhartBlushes and giggles! (ooh no I have been reduced to giggling) Yeaaaaaaaaaah, Once more doing the happy happy joy joy Poser dance! Thank you so much, I am glad it was you and not me who had to narrow the names from all the excellent ones submitted. I accept your challenge to create and post an image using your quaint country cottage. Going to work on it this weekend :) Thank you sOOoo much for allowing me the honor to name your newest creation and for being so generous with your talent. ladynimue
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It's for sale now. it was passed for market this morning. Ironhartthat's the second request for an arbor.. so one will definately have an arbor. Genny, I wanna see some renders too. If anyone makes some let me know. BTW anyone interested can see pics using my houses by great artists such as genny, Lyrra, Ladynimue and others at my site in the gallery. There are no pictures of the cottage in the Gallery.. HINT <---not very subtle. Ironhart
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Hope you enjoy my take on your beautiful magical cottage. Being me, I had to tweak the texture just slightly on the roof and walls :) Also the forest is a photograph I took this weekend from my backyard. Thank you once more for your generosity and talent. (reposted this message as I just uploaded the image to my gallery and tweaked it ever so slighting) ladynimueAttached Link:
How would you like my next cottage to be named after you? Go to the forum at and get details. be sure you refresh when you go there, the forum does not auto refresh.Well, Ironhart, once again you have "sparked" my interest. (: I have already purchased the "woodsend" cottage, Heck, I have all your other buildings, HOW could I Not, get this one too.? Your prices are more then reasonable, and your models are absolutely "Wonderful", sooooo, how could I possibly resist? (: Ladyminue did a spendid job with her image, and I too, wish I had a backyard like that. (: Lucky for me, I have the next two nights off from work, so, I may just be able to come up with something? Do take care and thank you, this is always so much fun for me, and really and truly, that is what I do it for. To win is wonderful, but the challenge is something else all together. (: Genny
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I need a market name for this house and if I choose your submission you will win the model. Ironhart