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tjohn ( ) posted Thu, 26 December 2002 at 8:33 PM · edited Sat, 20 July 2024 at 12:25 PM


Well, I'm at it again with my bogus posters. I hope (a new hope) that you folks enjoy this one, it was a labor of love for me in many ways. This is about 80% rendered in Bryce and composited and postworked in Photoshop Elements. My choice of starring members come from the top three winners of the November Challenge, plus two previous first place challenge winners. Hope you and the mods don't mind my using your handles without permission. If I succeed in making just one person smile with this pic, then I will have wasted a h**l of a lot of time. :^) Later.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

tjohn ( ) posted Thu, 26 December 2002 at 8:38 PM

By the way, Princess Leia is holding a computer mouse by the tail. Because of size restrictions, it may be hard to tell. Also, I imitated Luke and Leia's outfits pretty close to the original poster. At what point in Star Wars are they dressed like this? Luke looks like he's ready for the disco scene, and should have a few gold chains around his neck. LOL

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

Vile ( ) posted Thu, 26 December 2002 at 10:45 PM

What no Vile??? hehe nice poster.

bikermouse ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 1:05 AM

Very Good! it examplifies the 'hot point' concept that _dodger was talking about in the Poser Forum just last night. Luke And Leia are brighter(hot pt.) then the vertical white line/(lightsabre(?)) then leads you up to the text. Somehow I lose the direction from that point,
but the concepts of composition "Hot Point", "Lead To Lines" "Safe area" are well represented. In case you're
wondering what I'm talking about here's a link to the thread. _dodger reveals some concepts to compose
a scene. At some point he uses an image to help illustrate
some of the concepts he is talking about. please read it.

  • TJ

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 5:42 AM

bikermouse: Thanks for the thread. Please take the time to go back there again and read my comment I left there. Let me know your feelings about my comment there in this thread if you have the time (and can understand this badly composed sentence :^) ). Thanks again! Tjohn

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 5:48 AM

BTW, bikermouse, this isn't really my design (you knew that, I know) I just did a Mad magazine style parody of the original Star Wars movie poster. I'm not sure or that artist's name, but he sure understood the principles of design you're talking about very well.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

bikermouse ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 6:16 AM

Very good - I think you have the right attitude regarding commenting on others work. I don't know that I am always that polite and to tell you the truth I don't think most people are. But I have come to the point where that if I really don't like someone's work I will let silence speak for me. If it needs work and I like the concept I've never felt that it should go completely unsaid either. If all you get are thats nice or very good you won't learn. At least with me it's very hard to be objective about my own work. Things that I could pick out in an instant in someone elses render remain hidden to me in my own. When I can learn how to be objective with my own stuff I will be much closer to being an artist. I can only assume that others have the same problems with objectivity - I can seem a bit harsh to some prople at times I guess, but I try not to go overboard. Recently, due to the help of Zhann and others I realized that I was having a problem seeing the scale of textures that I was using. I've also gone back to see what I was doing six months or a year ago and find that what I did then and thought was good at the time was really bad. It is not without effort and the well meaning efforts of our contemporaries that we improve. There are a few people who's mastery of art is self contained. At some point we get to a level that we realize that art as indiviual an undertaking as it may seem at first is at least in the early stages a community effort. Man, I talk a lot - I remember when you couldn't get me to say half a dozen words in an hour, - TJ

Rochr ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 6:22 AM

DID I GET TO PLAY WOODIE???DID I GET TO PLAY WOODIE???DI........... Now THIS is a movie i would love to see! Great stuff! :)

Rudolf Herczog
Digital Artist

bikermouse ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 6:25 AM

nothing wrong with doing studies of other peoples work as long as credit is given where due. it was several years ago but yes the poster seems familiar - it's still pretty good.

bikermouse ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 6:32 AM

Rochr, If you play Woody, don't let Agent Smith see you in costume. You know how he likes to mess with him. - TJ

Rochr ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 6:40 AM

Cant really blame him. Woodies are nasty creatures... :)

Rudolf Herczog
Digital Artist

airflamesred ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 10:04 AM

nice work tjohn - the British sense of humour is still alive and kicking!

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 12:56 PM

airflamesred: Thanks for the comment. I'm assuming that by your spelling of humor that you may yourself be British. Even though I am a native of Tennessee, I believe you can trace a line of influence on my own sense of humor from Mad magazine (heavily influenced by Punch), Monty Python (introduced to me in the early '70's by Public Broadcasting, I usually watched this show while drunk because somehow it seemed to make more sense, and because I also plain enjoyed getting drunk with my buddies), and Saturday Night Live (which was heavily influenced by Monty Python, even had all of the members of the Python troop on the show as hosts in various configurations when they were in the States). So I guess you're humor is basically British, filtered through a little Jack Daniels sippin' whiskey (even though I can't drink anymore- d*mn high blood pressure). Thanks again, Tjohn

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 1:13 PM

Oh, also, wanted to say I love some of the imports PBS runs locally: "Keeping Up Appearances": I love the way Hyacinth torments her neighbors, Elizabeth and her brother, and of course, her poor, poor, husband Richard. But for me, the real star of the show is Onslow; this actor is one of those few people who could break me up reading the phone book aloud. "Are You Being Served?": A little campy for my tastes at times but so many gags coming at you at rapid fire pacing, most of it does make me laugh out loud. "Waiting For God": The funniest cynical humor I've ever seen. "As Time Goes By": My most recent favorite import, the two lead actors are so GOOD as actors, playing comedy, romance and occasionally tragedy with a talent too good for a 30 minute situation comedy. And they have a real magical spark between can really believe they love each other. All of these beat 99% of the current American sitcoms IMHO.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

tjohn ( ) posted Fri, 27 December 2002 at 6:47 PM

At the request of Doublecrash, I just posted the large size working version in my gallery, so now you can see the sight gags that are a bit lost in the downsized version. I didn't have to compress it much to meet kb requirements, and you can see my less than perfect postwork in all its glory. Happy New Year! Tjohn

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

haloedrain ( ) posted Sat, 28 December 2002 at 1:05 AM

why is there a garbage can??

bikermouse ( ) posted Sat, 28 December 2002 at 1:55 AM

I missed "Keeping Up Appearances", this week as "Mortal Combat" was on ... really good FX in that one. My neighbor reminds me of 'That Bucket Woman' - needless to say I avoid her like the plague.

garbage can? I bet it's to keep it handy for 'taking out the trash'? - they do a lot of that in Star Wars.

  • TJ

tjohn ( ) posted Sat, 28 December 2002 at 6:39 AM

haloedrain: The garbage can is a stand-in for R2D2, in same manner that Woodie is standing-in for C3P0. I just always thought he looked like a walking garbage can. There's no Bryce garbage can, but I thought it was funny anyway. Not as satisfied with Episode I and II, but I loved the very first (4th?) Star Wars film.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

bikermouse ( ) posted Sat, 28 December 2002 at 7:22 AM

tjohn, R2 How could I forget. I think R2 and C3po are freebees on, but I'll If you remind me tommorrow I'll hunt down the sites for free be R2 and C3pos if you can't find them there. When it comes to Science fiction I'm easy to please. There was one with Robert Vaughn that was a ploy on the "Seven Samuri" which I liked although there was nothing redeeming about it. - TJ

bikermouse ( ) posted Sat, 28 December 2002 at 8:13 AM

You can still get R2D2 at

but apparently C-3PO is no longer available(sad). He was at but they've shut down.

  • TJ

tjohn ( ) posted Sat, 28 December 2002 at 4:56 PM

Attached Link:

Bikermouse: Here's a site that has freebies of lots of Star Wars Characters, and ships ,etc. , including C3P0 as he appears in Episode I, but not as he does with his gold outer shell. There's a fine model of R2D2 as well, but I really wanted to use woodie and the garbage can as a satirical thing, you know? The Vader figure does come from here, too. Vader came in both the 3dMax version and 3ds versions, but for some reason I can never get Max models to be recognised by Bryce at all. Is this just me or everyone? also, be forewarned that some of the 3ds models there are the kind that explode and parts fly in all directions when loaded into Bryce, and also need to be smoothed to use. I had to rebuild Vader piece by piece. So all the models there may do this with Bryce, but I have never experienced this from any other 3ds models I've downloaded elsewhere. Thanks for the info, though, I might want to do a more serious Star Wars piece one day.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

bikermouse ( ) posted Sat, 28 December 2002 at 9:57 PM

tjohn, Under the 'There oughta be a law against propritary formats' catagory, .MAX is sort of like .OBP haven't seen any converters for it. 3ds models I run through Carrara Poser or some other program that will convert the 3ds to .obj with .mtl then you can run the .obj through grouper if you want before importing. When you mentioned Mad Magazine I thought that might be the case with R2 and C3PO. I read that for a while when I was growing up so I know their brand of humor Thanks for the link I'll check them out. In the immoral words of Al Newman,"What Me Worry?", = TJ

tjohn ( ) posted Sun, 29 December 2002 at 2:17 PM


For those who may be a little too young to have seen the original Star Wars movie poster the parody is based on, here it is. The colors in this version are a bit more saturated than the reproduction in a book on Sci-fi art that I used as a model, but the less saturated version is the way I remember it originally.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

tjohn ( ) posted Sun, 29 December 2002 at 2:21 PM


And for purists, that was the first poster that accompanied the release of the film. THIS poster was technically the first, but it was a "coming soon" poster that was hung in theaters weeks before they received the actual film.

This is not my "second childhood". I'm not finished with the first one yet.

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

"I'd like to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather....not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus." - Jack Handy

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