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Subject: Full Image Thumbnails (To ALL members)

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 1:38 AM · edited Mon, 29 July 2024 at 1:46 AM

ALL: HELLO! Would it be possible for the MAJORITY of you MARVELOUS members, to upload FULL thumbnail images instead of CROPPED thumbnail images?

MANY folks I know have TIME constraints in life, MANY others I know have HEALTH issues and a few others I know are on DIAL UP slow speeds.

HAVING to click on EACH 'hidden' or 'cropped' thumbnails to see the ENTIRE, ORIGINAL image that is MISSING from the THUMBS, is SO time consuming.

It is my HUMBLE view, that many of those doing such,  want to "TEASE' folks into OPENING/VIEWING their uploads. I also believe some think it 'creative' to show a 'peek' at their uploads.

I MOST honestly and sincerely ask, WHY?

Every photo gallery or art gallery I've ever been to in my life, has the FULL and ORIGINAL picture or artwork hanging on the wall, etc.

One does NOT have to lift up a 'veil' or something HIDING part of the image to SEE the FULL and ORIGINAL image.

So WHY is it done here so often?

For those who WILL think about and possibly change how you do thumbnails here, I and ALL others who FIT the ABOVE criteria first mentioned, THANK YOU beyond WORDS!

My BEST to ALL the TRULY GIFTED artists/members at this MOST wonderful site!


gillbrooks ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 6:59 AM

You can't fully appreciate any image on screen that's a tiny 200xwhatever.  That is the whole point of a thumbnail.  You open it to see the full size image



JenX ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 8:07 AM

Also, if the image contains nudity at all, the full image cannot be displayed in the thumbnail.

I know we all want to see all of the images, but that's part of what a thumbnail is.  It's a commercial.  An ad.  A teaser.  To get you to open the image to see more. 

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CaptainJack1 ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 9:23 AM

Quote - Every photo gallery or art gallery I've ever been to in my life, has the FULL and ORIGINAL picture or artwork hanging on the wall, etc.

And, while every gallery with physical art I've been to does, in fact, let you see the whole image from across the room before you go look at it, every on-line gallery I've seen mostly shows cropped thumbnails.

Interestingly, the difference is that, in the former case, the gallery is (usually) deciding what you see first, and here the artist is making that decision for him- or herself. Perhaps in some cases the "tease" as you call it is also part of the artist's expression. I know of some people that put a lot of thought and effort into their thumbnails.

OTOH, I've done some testing on my own by studying hits on images of mine and of other people, and you do, in fact, get more views with a cropped image than an uncropped one. I often would like to see a less cropped thumbnail when browsing in a hurry, too, but many people gain a lot of personal pleasure from a higher view count, and I wouldn't want to take that away from them just to make my own life a little better.

Perhaps R'osity could offer an option to artists to allow for a second thumbnail (might even be generated on the fly, to conserve disk space) that would be the whole image. Viewers could have an option to view artist supplied thumbnails, or whole image thumbnails. Individual artists would still have control, and we the viewers would have (at least some) of the images more visible to us.


Miss Nancy ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 11:14 AM

the reasons they post cropped thumbs:

  • nudie pix
  • nobody would click on it if they saw the full image

I appreciate it when they post full thumbs, because they're usually large enuff to see if the image is too lousy to look at, but how are they gonna get gallery views if they give it away in the thumb?  it's artistic darwinism at work, I tell ya - only the cleverest thumbnail creators survive. :lol:  well, actually, one other thing works - leave congratulatory comments with other artists, then they'll click on yer thumbs, no matter what.  altruism as opposed to darwinism.

ThetaLov ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 1:10 PM · edited Wed, 15 July 2009 at 1:13 PM

My opinion on the matter, if it's warranted - it's up to the artist to decide what to show in the thumbnail.  The only time we can't is in the situations that JenX mentioned - nudity or violence that falls under the definitions laid out by Rendo's ToS.  Once those checkboxes are marked, the upload engine automatically generates the "Content Advisory" thumbnail.

The way I do it depends on what I'm posting.  I tend to lean towards character creation, so I'll do a preview of part of the character's face or something.  If it's a full-scene, it's a zoom of a particular spot.  It's just a preference of mine; I feel that when I put the full image in the thumb (especially in a scenic image) there's too much going on and it's distracting, so I focus on one or two elements from the image to (hopefully) communicate the idea.  I also put my username in the thumbnail - I dunno, just a trademark thing I do, I suppose.

I can't speak for other artists, this is just my method of doing things.

No one is forcing anyone to click that mouse button, and you don't have to feel obligated to either.

On the whole topic of trying to garner views/comments and all that stuff - yes, there is some marketing involved in it, because we're all here to share our art.  In MY case, whether I personally get views or not isn't an issue.  To the small handful of people (and I mean that quite literally) that actually follow my gallery are aware that I'm posting up pieces of a project I'm working on.  I post those pictures up SOLELY for the purpose of copyright protection.  If people like it great.  If not, oh well.  And I only comment on work that I feel is very striking, or if they ask for opinions/critique I'll offer advice if I feel I have something valuable to say.  I have very few favorited images/artists compared to the average user, I think.  That does not mean that I don't think every piece of art here is good, because I will NEVER, I repeat NEVER dog someone else's artwork, because that is an extension of them, it is their creation, and I feel it's wrong to say hurtful things.  Helpful critique is one thing - "You suck" is something else entirely.  When i favorite or comment, I have to take the viewpoint of:  "Does this piece inspire me to keep creating and to push myself to get better?"

Okay I got a little offtopic there, but the point I'm trying to make is that our reasons for posting may have variations, but we're all here to share our creations, and it isn't really fair to ask someone else to change the way they present their art.  Just my $0.02.

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JenX ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 1:15 PM

Quote - The only time we can't is in the situations that JenX mentioned - nudity or violence that falls under the definitions laid out by Rendo's ToS.  Once those checkboxes are marked, the upload engine automatically generates the "Content Advisory" thumbnail.

Actually, let me clarify, because this is mostly wrong.

If you do not upload your own thumbnail {and a thumbnail is not optional, the only thing that is optional is whether or not you want to upload your own or have the system do it} the auto generator will create 2 thumbnails when you tick the nudity/violence tags.

First, it creates a thumbnail using the Default Content Advisory for those people who have nudity filtered out in their profiles. These are the only people who will see this content advisory thumbnail.

Second, it creates a regular thumbnail from your full size image. So, if your full size image has nudity or violence, that thumbnail will have it also. Everyone who does not have nudity/violence filtered out will see this full image thumbnail.

Renderosity does allow you to use the Default Content Advisory thumbnail if you cannot, or do not, wish to make your own thumbnails, but it must be uploaded manually. Also, this is the only 'censored' type thumbnail that will be allowed.

So, if you upload an image with nudity/violence in it, and don't submit a thumbnail, we will contact you asking for a new thumb, put the image on hold, and wait for you to send us a new one. 

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Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it into a fruit salad.

ThetaLov ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 2:39 PM

Then I stand corrected.  ;P

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TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 7:26 PM

ALL: HELLO  & THANKS for your comments and insights. MUCH appreciated.

Mind you, TallPockets is a LIBERTARIAN sort. He is only ASKING the members here to THINK about the REASONS listed above by him as to WHY it would HELP MANY other members here if such FULL thumbnails WERE to be used by MORE artists.

T.P. is in NO way TELLING peeps what to do with THEIR thumbnails. He is ASKING for ANY HELP from FELLOW members FOR himself and OTHERS in such 'reasons' situations above mentioned.

To those who DO reconsider and change, this old man and MANY others THANK you for your considerations.

My BEST, always .... TallPockets.

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 7:27 PM

MISS NANCY: HELLO. Methinks like you think. SMILE. My BEST, TallPockets.

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 7:33 PM

''You can't fully appreciate any image on screen that's a tiny 200xwhatever.  That is the whole point of a thumbnail.  You open it to see the full size image'' (gillbrooks above quote) .....

DEAR GILLBROOKS: HELLO & THANKS for your comments. Yes, one can not FULLY appreciated a tiny image as WELL as a FULL sized image. Which begs the question, why not just have FULL sized images and NO thumbnails in galleries?

It also does not mean, in my humble view, that by even seeing a FULL but TINY image, one MAY decide that the little 'cropped' image of the thumbnail is SO UNLIKE the REST of the FULL image that the browsing person would NOT take TIME to do more with that image.

What is YOUR view on WHY MOST people use a 'cropped' thumbnail that USUALLY only represents a VERY small FRACTION of the FULL sized image that eventually is seen?

ALL this old man is ASKING for is for those who DO consider the 'reasons' above to HELP other FELLOW members out IF they so desire.

To THOSE who DO such, this old man THANKS them and so will MANY others here. To those who do NOT decide to do such, it IS THEIR choice, indeed.

Again, my BEST to you and yours, TallPockets.

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 8:09 PM

OTOH, I've done some testing on my own by studying hits on images of mine and of other people, and you do, in fact, get more views with a cropped image than an uncropped one. I often would like to see a less cropped thumbnail when browsing in a hurry, too, but many people gain a lot of personal pleasure from a higher view count, and I wouldn't want to take that away from them just to make my own life a little better. (CaptainJack1 above quote) ....


CJACK: HELLO & THANKS for your comments and insights, also.

Deviant Art and a few other sites I visit, DO show the FULL original thumbnails. Having been there alot, THIS old man finds it a GREAT HELP to those who have 'reasons' that make browsing galleries difficult for THEM that I listed/gave above at the start of this thread.

YES, it appears that the MAIN reason other members 'crop' is to 'tease' to GET MORE VIEWS. I am NOT asking for a MANDATED thumbnail policy. I am LIBERTARIAN and to EACH their own. I am ONLY simply ASKING all FELLOW MEMBERS HERE to CONSIDER how MUCH it would HELP OTHER fellow members here if that WERE done. It is EACH member's decision to make or not make, I AGREE. I hope that clear ups MY "ASKING" and NOT telling if YOU or ANYONE took it as such.

And LORD knows, this old man would NOT even want to take away any PERSONAL PLEASURE from other fellow members for their number of VIEWS to HELP other fellow members. (WINK?)

It seems to ME, CaptainJack, that a "VIEW" here is ONLY RECORDED when it is a FULL view, correct?

So, if YOU saw MY small thumbnail and did NOT OPEN/CLICK ON it, I would NOT see a "VIEW" correct?

So, to further that thought process, IF 200 peeps 'saw' MY full small thumbnail, but ONLY 50 ACTUALLY OPENED/CLICKED ON it, I would only SEE that '50' VIEWS took place on MY upload correct? When, in REALITY, 200 VIEWS took place. Just not FULL views, correct? So, MORE people ARE viewing the upload, it's just NOT being SHOWN/RECORDED as VIEWS, correct?

Again, to SUM up: This DUMB old member is ASKING, NOT demanding in ANY such manner, that FELLOW members CONSIDER using a FULL thumb and put their EGOS aside from VIEW COUNTS for the BENEFIT and HELP of OTHERS.

Call this old man CRAZEEEE for such thoughts, if you will. SMILE.

BLESSINGS to you and yours and ALL whom CONSIDER such. MUCH appreciated.

My BEST to the WONDERFUL and GIFTED artists and peoples at this MOST WONDERFUL site!



TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 8:14 PM

Also, if the image contains nudity at all, the full image cannot be displayed in the thumbnail.

I know we all want to see all of the images, but that's part of what a thumbnail is.  It's a commercial.  An ad.  A teaser.  To get you to open the image to see more. (JenX above quote)

JenX: HELLO & THANKS for your comments. MUCH appreciated.

Yes, it is a 'teaser' indeed. And yes, we ALL want to see ALL of the images in a FASTER amount of time, IF possible.

For, with all the GREAT works and talents here, it's a SHAME isn't it, to NOT be able to see as MANY of such MAGNIFICENT creations as one can, correct?

Which is WHY this DUMB old man is merely REQUESTING/ASKING his FELLOW members to CONSIDER such for the 'reasons' listed above.

SOME will consider, SOME will not. It's a FREE choice, I AGREE. 

I would THINK that any site staff would WANT to find the BEST way to get the MOST viewers to see the MOST uploads to buy the MOST products. Just MY humble, simpleton thoughts.

Blessings to you and yours, KIND SOUL.

My BEST, TallPockets.

TallPockets ( ) posted Wed, 15 July 2009 at 8:15 PM

FINAL NOTE: To the FIRST fellow member who reads this thread and discussions that follow, and WILL CHANGE how you do thumbnails for the HELP of OTHER fellow members, I ASK that you please say such HERE in this thread so THIS old man can PUBLICLY THANK YOU on his and ALL OTHERS!

My BEST, TallPockets.

scanmead ( ) posted Thu, 16 July 2009 at 11:26 AM

Well, a 200x200 image of a room shows nothing. Since I do mostly rooms, I'll continue to pick a nice section and use that as the thumbnail. It's not a tease, or to get more views. I'm just not going to take a render I've spent weeks on and show it in a bad format. Quite frankly, I don't care how many people look at it, I care about a few individuals whose opinions I value. 

I don't do 'great art'. I can produce a nice render once in a while. 

elzoejam ( ) posted Sat, 18 July 2009 at 2:27 AM

How much time of your life is wasted by skipping over thumbnails you do not like or clicking on a picture that doesn't please you? I only post full thumbnails becuase I am lazy and don't care about view counts, but I crop naked pics cuz I have to. I actually prefer the cropped ones, because a full image is too cluttered of a thumbnail to grab me. So I probably wouldn't even look at my OWN pics if perusing the gallery. But still, skipping over the thumbnails that do nothing for me doesn't really suck my life away or anything.


Jumpstartme2 ( ) posted Mon, 20 July 2009 at 8:07 PM

TP, I have to wonder why you posted this 'poll type' thread after I had already told you why Rendo requires non-full image thumbnails where nudity is present?

As has been stated, images containing nudity are not allowed to be posted as a full image.. However, that being said, images where there is no nudity can be posted as full images.

This would be up to the individual member to decide how they want their thumbnails, as some see the creating of thumbnails as an important artform in and of itself.


Renderosity Community Admin

TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 11 August 2009 at 3:35 PM

DEAR JUMP: HELLO & THANKS for your reply/comments. MUCH appreciated. I did not start a 'poll' type thread in the CC Forum, KIND SOUL .... ~SIGH~ .... How did you arrive at that thought? ....

I was MERELY ''ASKING'' other fellow members to ''CONSIDER'' using FULL sized THUMBS to HELP others here on DIAL UP systems/slow systems, to HELP others here with TIME CONSTRAINTS and to HELP other members here who have HEALTH issues that LIMIT their TIME online ....

I have no idea how you, or anyone, could have mistaken what I said in the CC FORUM, KIND SOUL .... ? ....

My BEST to you and yours and THANKS for YOUR and STAFF consideration on HELPING other FELLOW members .... Even though, it won't be done ....


GOD bless .... TallPockets.

TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 11 August 2009 at 3:40 PM

GENEFLEEMAN: HELLO & THANKS for your comments. MUCH appreciated. I wasn't really speaking of 'advisory' thumbnails .... I was speaking PRIMARILY of NON 'advisory' thumbnails ....

I would like to FINALLY repeat: I was MERELY ASKING other FELLOW members to "CONSIDER" using FULL thumbnails to HELP other fellow members who may have SLOW/DIAL UP service, who have LIMITED TIME constraints and those who may have HEALTH ISSUES that LIMIT time online, etc....

This was NEVER meant to be a DEBATE about THUMBNAILS and WHAT or WHEN or IF or WHAT TYPE ANY fellow member used .... As I stated CLEARLY above, many times, to EACH THEIR own ....

It was merely an "ASK" for "HELP' by those whom MIGHT CONSIDER such HELP to OTHER members here ....

How on EARTH my simple 'asking' such and NOT MANDATING such in my suggestion, could BLOW UP into THIS thread is BEYOND even this DUMB old man's BELIEF .... LOL! ....


GOD bless to ALL who replied to this thread .... GOD bless x TWO to those FELLOW MEMBERS who DO DECIDE to show FULL thumbnails for the ASSISTANCE of OTHER fellow members ....

My BEST to ALL .... PEACE out .... LOL .... TallPockets

TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 11 August 2009 at 3:42 PM

DEAR JUMP: It really bothers this OLD man that you thought this was a POLL of some type I posted? .... I had other friends read my ORIGINAL post and they were ALL CLEAR about it having me ASKING for HELP from other fellow members ....

MY apologies if you or others here who read my ASKING as anything OTHER than such .... I just find that hard to believe .... ~SIGH~ ....

My BEST to you and yours, KIND SOUL ....


TallPockets ( ) posted Tue, 11 August 2009 at 3:45 PM

SCANMEAD: HELLO & THANKS for your comments. MUCH appreciated. By all means, do as YOU wish ....

If you read my original post on this thread, you should see I was merely REQUESTING other fellow members to CONSIDER HELPING other fellow members .... 

I wasn't POLLING the members for their views on thumbnails ....

If I HAD been doing such 'polling', I would have so STATED .....

Again, THANKS for YOUR input .... MUCH appreciated, KIND SOUL .....

My BEST to you and yours,


scanmead ( ) posted Tue, 11 August 2009 at 7:53 PM

TallPocket, sorry, I didn't notice the "don't reply" in your original post. It WAS very pushy of me to express an opinion. Won't happen again. 

Khai-J-Bach ( ) posted Tue, 11 August 2009 at 9:34 PM

takes the Shift and Caps keys away from Tallpockets for crimes against emphasis

please stop doing that. it makes your postings hard to read.....

3-DArena ( ) posted Fri, 14 August 2009 at 2:20 PM

Let's also consider that not all images will size perfectly down to a square, landscapes and portrait sizes do not scale to 200 X 200


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