Forum Coordinators: RedPhantom
Poser - OFFICIAL F.A.Q (Last Updated: 2025 Feb 06 4:35 pm)
I don't. Not with hard surface modelling, anyhow. Here's how I do it, all without the Setup Room:
Make my model in Wings.
Once the model is completed, assuming it's all in separate pieces, I assemble it in Wings. There's a scale discrepancy which I take care of when importing to Poser.
Export each moving piece as obj, map as necessary.
Import to Poser, all options unchecked. PhilC's obj Import Plus is a great help with this.
Set up the hierarchies. Once that's done, select the main part and scale that to Poser size.
Then hit the "Create New Figure" button, wait for Poser to do its magic. New Poser, then load the newly created figure. Save out again, since Poser doesn't (usually) keep the newly created obj past a full shutdown.
Reload, adjust the joints and bends.
Open Cr2Editor and do any other necessary tweaks.
Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.
I've tried that with another model. While it worked beautifully, I couldn't conform it to the figure I'd created it for and had to settle for parenting it to the figure. Still did what I needed it to do, but in this case, I'd need it to conform, and for that I will need to group it, but group it specific to what I am trying to do vice what Poser will do.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
Ah. Never tried making conforming stuff. Sorry, bud.
Coppula eam se non posit acceptera jocularum.
No worries. I might still try to do it with the hierarchy editor later on. I will have to take the model apart and rename each piece. When I exported it out of Wings the first time around, I combined all the pieces first.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
PhilC posted at 4:25PM Sat, 03 December 2016 - #4291844
Don't underestimate UVMapper, it is what I use to do my grouping.
I know, Phil. But I don't have the pro version. I've only got the classic. It doesn't do the same things.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
tonyvilters posted at 4:25PM Sat, 03 December 2016 - #4291846
Euh, . . . . . waiting for that tutorial, I advice to look at Video 1 and Video 4 !!! The others are not relevant for this purpose.
You will learn what the setup-fitting room does to your obj files.
I subscribed to your channel. I will check those out after Poser gets done with a huge render I am running.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
If you have Poser 10 or higher then you can use the grouping tool. It got a complete revamp in Poser 10. That's what I use for most of my grouping work. For small areas that are hard to see/get to with Poser's crap-tastic cameras (and their inability to focus on a specific area of a non-rigged model), use blender to assign materials, but that's really only necessary if you're doing things like eyes and teeth.
Here is a video I did earlier this year all about the grouping tool.
PhilC posted at 4:48PM Sat, 03 December 2016 - #4291849
I use it to select faces with the marquee tool and assign them to a group. Does the free version have that option?
Oops. My bad. I can select facets and assign them to a group. I don't know about individual faces, however. I clicked and dragged to select a section. I will play with it a bit more and see what it can and can't do.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
AmbientShade posted at 4:51PM Sat, 03 December 2016 - #4291855
If you have Poser 10 or higher then you can use the grouping tool. It got a complete revamp in Poser 10. That's what I use for most of my grouping work. For small areas that are hard to see/get to with Poser's crap-tastic cameras (and their inability to focus on a specific area of a non-rigged model), use blender to assign materials, but that's really only necessary if you're doing things like eyes and teeth.
Here is a video I did earlier this year all about the grouping tool.
Thanks, Shane. I do have Poser 10. I will check out the video. I was avoiding Poser on purpose because I didn't like the grouping tools.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
rokket posted at 7:59PM Sat, 03 December 2016 - #4291857
I was avoiding Poser on purpose because I didn't like the grouping tools.
The process will be virtually the same regardless of which program you use. You still have to select individual faces and assign them to a group. So if you can do it in Poser then it saves time and eliminates risk of import/export errors. The grouping tool also makes it easy to mirror groups from one side to the next and rename them. And if you don't spawn new props then you don't have to worry about the broken groups that Poser will export.
Autogroup editor is an older program but still does a good job. I has a 3d display, can transfer groups from a donor, and then you can tweak them as you want. You can also create your own groups. The interface and mouse are a bit different but easier to get used to.
I use the "loop cut" in wings3d, put the target figure and the cloth, make the cloth transparent material buy with wireframe, and them, cut the mesh as close as you can respect the target mesh.
adh3d posted at 4:05PM Tue, 06 December 2016 - #4291973
I use the "loop cut" in wings3d, put the target figure and the cloth, make the cloth transparent material buy with wireframe, and them, cut the mesh as close as you can respect the target mesh.
Wow, I never even thought of that. Thanks! I'll give that a try if I can't get anything else to work.
I am attempting to rig the left arm, which is the cyborg arm. I want the parts to twist and rotate without affecting the other actors. It's been hard to pull off so far. I can make it a stand alone figure and parent it to Miki, but her real arm is still there, just hidden.
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
So, as you can see from this preview render, right now I rigged it using Miki 4's DEV rig. There is some distortion in the joints that shouldn't be there.
I am not solid as a rigger, and I am not sure how to set limits and create the dials to make it more robotic and less organic, which it is right now...
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.
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I want to try to group something for the first time. I usually just bring the prop into setup and allow Poser to autogroup and then use a donor DEV rig. I decided it was time to learn all of this myself. I will be looking for tutorials, but I would like suggestions on what you use to create groups for rigging.
What I have available to me:
Wings 3D Blender (not really good with it) 3DS Max (I've had it for a month and can use the UVW Unwrap, that's about it) UV Mapper Classic (I know, it's fairly useless)
So, what do you use?
The arm is what I want to rig. It only had 3 fingers and I want it to move in a very specific way. I've already rigged the legs. I think the torso section will also be fairly easy, as will the spinal implants on her back that you can't see...
If I had a nickle for ever time a woman told me to get lost, I could buy Manhattan.