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Photography Animals posted on Jan 30, 2008
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Sorry gang, but I haven't tortured anyone with pictures of our furry children for well over a year.... so here I go! ; D We got Yukon from the Wisconsin Samoyed Rescue. He was a handful when we first got him. His power and youth (We think he was barely 1 year old) were coupled with a Tasmanian Devils craziness! Not a good mix. For fun (Twice) we entered him into weight-pulls. In novice class, the first time out, he won first prize, blue ribbon for pulling over 1,380 lbs!! He didn't even acknowledge that there was weight behind him until he hit the 1,380 mark. The winning dog that day (Pit Bull) pulled over 3,000 lbs! Anyway, we don't make him pull weight like that anymore, I think he prefers pulling a sled! He is beginning to mature into a wonderful dog. Kiska's picture comes tomorrow, which will put her first! Hope everyones "Hump Day" went well! Peace, ; )

To see todays Flashback image,
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thumb_1115767.jpg Yukon Sled's

And more of Yukon's best: Yukon's 1st Weight Pull Yukon Swims! 2 of 3 Yukon a.k.a Snagglepuss (Extreme close-up)

Comments (75)



6:18PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

What a beautiful dog! His eyes are gorgeous, like my sister's cat!



6:21PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

There he is in all that snow and as warm as toast. Gorgeous dog and gorgeous shot-- the depth of field is so perfect, too!



6:21PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

I bet is name are... Magik ;-) BEAUTY



6:27PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Forget sled racing, you could harness him to your car, stick it in neutral and enjoy the gas savings! Just remember to give him plenty of treats afterwards for a job well done.



6:28PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

love his name and his eyes too. cool. guess you watch "dog whissering"lol misspelled. anyway it a super looking dog



6:28PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

What a wonderful dog here. So beautiful. Fantastic shot!



6:31PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

what a cuttie pie!



6:36PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

That's a really great portrait... great expression... and snow too! This picture has everything... including a choice of eye-colour!



6:37PM | Wed, 30 January 2008




6:38PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Woooowwww What a beauty!!!!! He is just a fantastic dog... wow....his eyes!!!



6:41PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Wonderful capture. Love his alertness look and those eyes. Unreal.



6:44PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

superb shot of such a beautiful dog, he's just gorgeous



6:53PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Glad to see he's still doing fine.:)


6:58PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

thats just simply stunning in my book!!!!!



7:05PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Great dog, and those eyes are amazing!!



7:22PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

The Yukon series are great, I really like the "swamp-thing" one, he looks so crazed, like you said, Tassy devil for sure ! This is a fine capture of him, in his element ! ~Cheers~



7:31PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

An amazing animal...people clicking should know these dogs LOVE to work,in this case really gives them a sense of satisfaction,not unlike us humans who put in a good days work....such lovely eyes...surprised at the Pit's first place claim,though!



7:33PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

beautiful creature



7:38PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

the best torture I've had today! ;-)



7:48PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Such a regal and impressive animal--very beautiful--and I've always liked the David Bowie (eyes differnt colors) aspect @!



8:01PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

What a handsome fellow he is, beautiful photo of him. And wonderful you to have rescued a dog. Too many don't have a chance at a good life. : )



8:08PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Love those eyes. I read a little on sled dogs a couple weeks ago. I was surprised how many breeds make great team dogs. There are only a few though that can survive living full time in the cold arctic environment.



8:37PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Oh what a beautiful animal. Looks like he was posing for you.



8:40PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

how can a pit bull survive in such weather.they have such short hair.he is a very regal and beautiful dog.



9:13PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Gorgeous portrait of Yukon. More please this doggie is da bomb!



9:26PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

a handsome beauty!!



9:39PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Awesome, I Yukon a lot. What a amazing pup.



9:51PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Beautiful animal!



9:52PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Great image! He's a beauty. The snow on his nose reminds me of the Great Pyranese we used to have, he Loved snow. Brought back a wonderful memory.



10:18PM | Wed, 30 January 2008

Beautiful animal, and what a set of eyes!

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